Back again or not back again.: Managed to put my back... - NRAS


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Back again or not back again.

LavendarLady profile image
10 Replies

Managed to put my back out yesterday so have been in agony - every time I move, it is so painful I let out a screech. Yesterday there was a big wedding in our neighbouring village with many members of the Royal Anglians present (our local regiment) all in full dress uniform with swords and spurs. Did look so smart. If I had been 30 years younger, could have given the bride and the other women a run for their money! Was sitting on a stool when I tried to move to makeway for the swords and spurs trying to get to the bar for a pre wedding drink. Screech of agony from me - very solicitous comments from the soldiers who were very concerned that something they had done had hurt me and was there anything they could do. (Ah me, I might be getting on a bit but I can still pull!) Not so, I moved too quickly. My brother was Royal Greenjackets and he always looked so good in dress uniform. Very smart.

HImself was very good - he hoovered upstairs for me and did the bit of ironing. I had hoovered downstairs on Friday, washed the floors in the kitchen, hall and conservatory and overdid it. Also attempted to move Berry's bag of food which was quite heavy on Saturday morning - think it was that that triggered off the back. Spent the evening in my recliner but every time I tried to put my feet up, it was too painful so sat as upright as possible and had a hot bottle on my back which did help.

This morning, back is not as painful provided I don't do any sudden moves to the left!.

Himself has been doing the new posts for the garden gate and son is coming up Wednesday for a meal and to help his dad put it together. Daughter in law is away from Tuesday with the children for a few days in Lincolnshire and is going with her mum and dad. So son on his own apart from the two cats. Berry came trotting in with a big piece of wood cut off the end of the post which has kept him quiet for a bit.

Tilly very sympathetic and leaning against my legs. Berry kept trying to jump up onto my lap (all 26 kilos of him - I blame my friend's husband who keeps encouraging him) but couldn't cope with that.

Hope weather improves in the next few days particularly tomorrow as we are going to a concert (Music on a Summer Afternoon). Looking forward to that but will need to take my stick and a cushion just in case - there are chairs but you never know how comfortable they are going to be. There is a big marquee so if it rains, we will be under cover. Have made a traybake to take as we are all doing cakes for the tea.

Tremendous cloudburst yesterday afternoon with hail stones as big as golf balls - garden looked as if it had been snowing - and torrential rain on Friday - we ended up with a swimming pool in the back garden which eventually drained away. Keep checking the grape vine to make sure the grapes are not beeing damaged.

Shoulder bad today as well so just had a Nurofen. Friend been round for a coffee and a natter and Himself has gone off to the pub. Hope the back improves in the next few days as it is a busy week ahead. LavendarLady x

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10 Replies

Hello Lavender Lady,

I had a good laugh at your ability to pull :)

We have storms and heavy rain also, nice when your all cosy with nowhere to go.

Hope you don't mind me asking a question, this has been my 5 week of enbrel and now have my first maybe chest infection, I saw the doctor on friday who listened and said it was clear but now I'm coughing up (sorry) white stuff, no temperature though, will I just ignore it?

I feel quite good considering but I wonder if thats the Enbrel masking symptoms? I am meant to take the MXT today but will give it a miss I think.....

so, anyway, wish I some pulling power, we have a certain Mr Pitt staying locally, maybe it was meant to be heavy rain and storms and a chest infection to stop me stalking...... my poor husband keeps sighing at the thought of Angelina sleeping not so far from him, infact he went out to buy me some lockets an hour ago.........

Hope your back gets better soon :) xx

cathie profile image

Wiliby, I just looked you up, as you must be near me, but your location map seems to be in central America. ah well, some computer thingy happening.

Good luck to you lavender, hope your rugs are waterproof underneath, here the ground is really boggy. So that if it rains we get flood warnings - there were flash floods in Musselburgh yesterday apparently.

I'll be interested to know the answer to Wiliby's question, I still get my anti-TNF by an infusion, so get tests before they will give it to me, but I have wondered what happens when you administer the anti-tnf yourself. I tend to always take the mxt regardless of colds etc. Once I got into a confusion about the dosage and reduced it and the pains came back with a vengeance.

Hope you all keep dry and pain free


in reply to cathie

Hi Cathie, I live in Nairn (near Inverness Brad was up visiting Tilda Swinton who had a house nearby :) )

I see your South of Edinburgh, nice down there, are you close to Berwick? love to visit there...

Today I feel the same not worse nor better but (sorry) the yucky stuff had turned to green but no temperature so still in limbo deciding what to do.

Hope you feeling better today LavenderLady, crossing my fingers for your concert and weather :) thanks for your advice, I bother you as I know your on the same meds, thank you :) x

LavendarLady profile image
LavendarLady in reply to

Hi Wiliby. It's no bother at all. Ask any time if you need any help. You are obviously up in Scotland - I do love that country - so wild and beautiful. Spent a lovely holiday in Edinburgh 2 years ago. Himself got kitted out in my family tartan - I am a Cameron through my grandmother - and looks really good on Burns Night etc.

Back is slowly improving thank goodness. Love LL. xx

LavendarLady profile image

Hi Wiliby and Cathie. Wiliby if your doctor has checked your chest and there is no infection - don't worry about it. If what you are coughing up turns green, then go back to the doctor immediately as it is a sign of infection.

I was told by my GP and it is in the leaflets they send as well, that you should avoid MTX if you have a cold or cough (but obviously get it checked out as you are a priority for anti biotics if there is anything there). I was also told not to take the anti tnf either. Imust admit I have done but had a really rotten cold earlier this year with an awful cough so did stop it for a week. Did take pain killers and anti inflammatories instead.

I've also had trouble with the location map - it seems to think I am in the middle of London instead of miles away on the North West Norfolk coast. We get flood warnings here but our main problem is tidal surge down the North Sea - recall 1953 and 1978? In 1978 the sea came over in our nearest town of King's Lynn and flooded the church to a depth of 6 feet as well as the town centre. We now have flood barriers and gates along the river but water will get in anywwhere. Where we are is on higher ground and any tidal surge would have to be 100 feet high to reach us. The marshes absorb a lot. A lot of damage was done along the north and east coasts as a result. But we are pretty resilient here.

Back has been getting steadily better all day but still have aches and pains.

Forecast for Monday is good so keeping fingers crossed for the concert.

LavendarLady xx

Oh dear LL, you are in the wars:-(

It's frustratingly easy to 'just shift' a bag of dog food and end up paying for it - I bet the dogs are disconcerted by your yips of pain! I'm glad that your back has ended the day better than it started it:-}

Take good care of yourself,

Cece x

sylvi profile image

Hi lavenderlady, my luv bless you. Its so easy to overdo it. I know what you mean about men in uniform, because i married one. My hubby was in the Anglians, but he went on to the royal fusiliers. The men in the army are a different breed, so gallant. they would carry you to the hospital if they thought that they caused your back problem. I bet they offered you something medicinal from the bar though. Your blog made me smile this morning, hope your feeling brighter today.

Take care, luv Sylvvia. xx

LavendarLady profile image

Thank you Cece and Sylvi for your comments. Back is better today - still have aches down my legs so obviously pulled some muscle somewhere and it has triggered off sciatica in my right leg but even that is improving.

Sylvi, I agree about the men in uniform. My late father was RAF and would do anything for anyone, my brother in the Royal Greenjackets (the old Bucks, Berks & Oxon Light Infantry which was our local regiment in Bucks), was the same. Various Uncles over the years in various regiments including the paras. I suppose we are probably more an army family than an airforce one as dad was the only one in the RAF.

They did offer me a Brandy (!) but with the drugs I am on which are a no no for alcohol had to decline (Boo Hoo). Very pleasant and polite young men - a credit to their regiment. I just love a man in uniform.

Coo-er Wiliby you have Angelina and Brad staying near. I would be out there with my autograph book! The nearest we have locally to a celebrity (apart from me!) is Stephen Fry and he spends so much time in USA, we hardly see him - he lives about 6 miles from me but we are all so blase about him, he is never bothered. The other VIP is of course, HM the Queen as Sandringham is just down the road.

Hope everyone is feeling much better and have enjoyed the Bank Holiday. Forecast for today not too good and it is cold and windy. Autumn definitely on its way! Love LavendarLady xx

You are hopefully feeling a little better xx

LavendarLady profile image

Hi Summer and everyone. yes thank you. Back has improved no end, no doubt due to resting as much as possible. Still got some aches in my right leg but managed to have a short walk yesterday morning.

concert yesterday afternoon was lovely and the weather stayed fair. Jazz Quartet all young fellows from Leeds Uni studying music, and a classical quartet whose lead violinist kept playing duff notes (an assault on the ears!) but then found out after she is deaf in both ears so that is obviously the problem. Tea and cakes in the interval and I won a limited edition print of Dartmouth Inner Harbour by one of our local artists in the raffle. Himself won a bracelet which he gave to me. It doesn't go with his colour scheme. Lol.

Can't believe how much mess 2 labs make what with hair all over the place and Berry busy shredding everything in sight and leaving the debris everywhere so have just hoovered and swept up - not good for the back!

Going over to a friend at 11.30 for coffee and then lunch and a trip out to Burnham Market this afternoon (otherwise known as Chelsea on Sea for all the pristine 4 x 4s which have never seen mud, dogs, straw, horse tack, dirty boots etc.) the first house in the country which cost over 1 million was at Burnham Market (not counting mansions etc).

Hope everyone ok and free of the screws for the time being. Love LavendarLady x

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