Morning all,i am down here early not because of the knee that is well on the road to being mended,stil a way to go but news positive on that score.
The reason i'm up so early is that the good old RA didn't want to enjoy my good news for too long and it wanted to get into mischief to spoil what has been good news day.
I have not had a good night with the dreaded old RA. It was sore last night,but nothing like it has been during the night. The only thing i can think is causing it apart from being in a flare is the sudden change in the tempreture. It was very warm yesterday afternoon and i sat out in the front garden and really enjoyed the weather, while topping up the tan. It has gone from being warm to hot quite suddenly. My fingers have been so sore again. My throat has been rough again and if i didn't know any better i would have said i had a strep throat. my breathing has been funnyas well. I can't describe what is happening on that score. My knees are sore as well. I will not let it my RA get me down today after my good news yesterday. I mustn't let get complacent about my knee though and do something stupid to it. Though the news has been good, i still have to remember that it is a 12mth healing period.
Good morning to one and all.........
Ps,thought i would put a photo of some nice weather...