In desperation this morning I decided to head to the beach, quite unheard of for a Dublin person to go to beach in summer haha! Seriously we all go to beaches around Dublin in winter, the traffic, kids, n tourists would seriously put you off in summer, along with the overly political correctness of no dogs between 10am & 7pm, not to mention the weather.
Anyway, off I set with my two pooches, to a place called Skerries North County Dublin & proceeded to paddle for an hour, this has been suggested to me by my football mad boss as a great method used by footballers for injuries, well you probably all have heard of sea water being theraputic, but I can tell you it was fantastic, cold but not icy, gentle waves, lapping in, beautiful views. We Dubliners take the coast for granted, we are surrounded by beaches since small kids, and yet where do we go? yes abroad for holidays.
'The foot' feels amazing (but sandy). Although, on the downside, I was a bit scared when I saw the jelly fish, having been reared on the coast I know is a sign of warm seas, not scared for myself but for Milly my pug, & Lucy my Shih TZu, having said that they were much more interested in the sea weed, which I was tempted to take some of home, (is'nt that supposed to have health benefits too)? I did'nt as the smell in the car would have been odious, along with the scent of wet dog!
If you live near the sea, I would highly recommend this, it is a dull cloudy day here, warm, but occasional rain, it was still fabulous, infact I might do it again tomorrow.
Ps. Sorry if you are miles from the coast.
xxx Gina.