3 months ago whent to the swimming pool cos i always had a bit of a clunk from under my knee caps.
since then my knees swelled up like bursitus then they have a tendancy to be wet then dry
and my left knee is the worst mri shows nothing
next thing i know me back starts to feel funny like water in me disc joints in me back
then neck starts cracking and arms feel like water in me joints
then within 3 days little sore spots on the nuckles of me hands when i press them
im iether wet or dry joints and was doing a lot of sweating at night which has subsided a bit now but i cant walk verry far for the knees either wet or dry with the other problems also
it feels like all me joints have been invaded withing 3 months.
keep going to the swimming pool to get some exersise but i cant do it on land.
can this disease come on this fast.
ive not got ms cos i whent and saw a nurologist to check that out.
but an mri that shows ok exept for slight lowering of medial joint cartlidge on left leg
i sould also point out that me ankle is giving me jip by feeling like its going to snap cos its bending in a bit.