Hi All
I went to a cancellation appt yesterday as part of my finale and second assessment. Providing the blood screen comes back negative, I shall be starting cimzia in a month, as paper work is now being processed & sent of to them that have the power!
I was of sick the friday before half term due to a flare. Hostpital wanted me to come up for a depo injection, but as I was quite poorly and could not walk for 2 days and had no one available to take me to the hostpital and I did not want to miss work, I refused to go.
At the hosptial yesterday, the nurse said I was still quite swollen with warm joints. She asked if I was still experienceing pain and I said yes. She insisted I had a depo injection (120mg of steroid) to tide me over until I started the cimzia as my next appt is not for at least 2 months (in August). I conceeded as I had already endured blood test and the drawing of 5 vials of blood for the anti tnf screening, earlier that morning. I was told to rest and stay at home for at least 48 hrs, but I wasn't to go back to work yesterday after the appt.
I had notified work last friday that I was offered a cancellation appt for the final assessment as it was half term hols. My head of dept, said that was fine, as it was sports day on Monday, so no formal lessons were being taught. The steroid injection although it has reduced the swelling some what, is still taking affect and I found it hard to get ready this morning, so I phoned in sick. Now the welfare officer says I need a sick cert from the first friday I was off (1/6/2012). I have parents evening this thursday and it looks like I will not be able to attend that, as she will not let me back into the building without a sick note. I cannot get to the docs until next tuesday as there is no appt available, meaning I will probably have to miss the parents evening, another black mark against me. I felt the flare coming on whilst at work on the tuesday before the half term break and "she" the welfare officer, would not let me go home as they were really short staffed, so I had to stay.
It seems to me, that I am doomed no matter what I do. Its because of the time I have had off. I get no support from them, and they are forever putting obstacles in my path, rather than helping me to find solutions!
They want to tag the whole half term hols on to my sickness record. Now I am under stress, which does not help my ra.
There I was feeling really brave for under going the depo injection - my first time! Is there no let up from this RA fight? sometimes it feels like it.
Ok, guys thanks for listening. Continue the RA fight & hopefully this weather is not causing too much havoc with your ra.
Cheers Jx