Hi all sorry I've not posted since my initial treatment 2 weeks ago.... I've been enjoying the positive effects of cimzia. I feel a lot better. Best I've felt in years, and I had a call today saying my ESR is 38 (was 99) is so releaved x
Anti tnf update: Hi all sorry I've not posted since my... - NRAS
Anti tnf update
Hi, just been told got RA score 83.Is this what u mean.Does ur score go down?
Hi. I'm not sure what measures ur clinician uses, mine use a DAS score mine was 8.7, and erythrocytes sedimentation rate ESR which is an inflammation indicator for my scores that aim of the treatment was to reduce the inflammation markers, so it seems the treatment so far is a success.
I dont really understand all this technical talk.You all seem to know what ur talkin about,think I'd better wait till Wed 19th then I can tell u what they say (but thanks) x
It's hard to understand the jargon I am a nurse yet it's taken a while and the close support of consultant and specialist nurse to help me understand it all. This form has been absolutely amazing. Good luck for the 19 and please tell me your progress x

not even sure how to use this site yet (hope I can find you again)better get some sleep now xx
Your giving me so much hope for when i start mine on the 25th. I am so glad it is starting to work for you.love sylvia.xxx
That id good news x
Good morning Yay, I'm always SO happy to read an anti-tnf success story
I'm the same, my life's changed 100% for the better since I am on Simponi, hardly notice RA anymore
Have a brilliant day and long may you continue to feel better on Cimzia!!!
Love, Christine xxxxxxxxxxx
Great to hear your success Rarah, I like Sylvi am waiting to commence Cimzia. Lets hope we we both get the same success as you.
Morning, I couldn't sleep much last night as I was worrying because....I start Cimzia Today nurse coming at 10.30 ,but you have given me some hope and put me at ease,I know we all react different to medicine I'm scared of all the side effects drugs can give you , but I guess thinking about it we wouldn't take anything in that case.
Thank you for your blog I'm more at ease I let you know how it goes ,wish me luck.plus I see my consultant today first time since being diagnose yr and half ago , so if I do have a reaction he will see it first hand lol.
Thank you again
Angie xxxx
It's brilliant to hear some positive comments. Enjoy your life again.