So there I was on my day off... having to pop into town to the shop to get some milk. Right, I get my thinking cap on, because I am having fairly rare lucid day.
You see I have a brand new Co-operative Membership card - ahem - I know I am showing off, and our town centre has a small but well stocked Co-op..
As a thank you for signing up a member I was given two (not one but two) £5 vouchers. All I had to do was spend £30. No probs.
So off I go, clutching my new card, vouchers and a little list (includingthemilk)..
Get there, and I see they have baskets on wheels - probably everyone else in the country has seen these, but they are new to me. So I think that's handy, I can stick my things in the basket and pull it along, like a little old lady (apologies to all little old ladies, but you know what I mean). I trundle round ticking things off my list, and mentally adding up what I had (I told you I was lucid didn't I?). Two six-pinter semi skimmed milk, chicken for daughter's sarnies, big block of cheese for number one son's sarnies, half a tree of bananas (because we all eat them every day and get through them like they are going out of fashion!). Big jar of decaff coffee, big bottle of crisp n dry, and so on until I had mentally got to about £30 odd quid and exhausted my list. Simples!!!
Get to checkout. Not your usual supermarket checkouts these, they are just tills with little shelves by the side for you to put your basket on. Had a bit of a wait, but then it was my turn. Trundle up to till..... oooer. can't lift basket onto shelf. Look at cashier bewildered, she looks at me, bewildered. I say oh bugger it I can't lift me basket. She looks at me, sideways, frontways and beyond and says ... Ok dear hold on, and comes round the side of her till and lifts the basket for me.... there you go, no probs. For some reason, I felt like a right twit... there I was, no walking stick, crutch, wheelchair, plaster cast, nothing to suggest there was anything wrong and I felt just awful.
There's more... she then proceeds to talk to me as if I only have half a brain, asks me if I need any bags - well doh I do have some shopping, I think, gaining some self esteem. Yes please my dear I say. Items bleeped, and packed, I stick my cards in the machine, and she says hold on a bit.... shouts into shop PA sytem. "John till 3 please lady needs assistance." Well I wanted the ground to swallow me up... John is there in 3 seconds flat... queue is looking at me as if to say "What the bloody hell is wrong with her then stuck up old boot" (I know I know it's all in my head!) John very kindly sorts out my bags gives me what he thinks is the lightest and says right then come on love. I take him to my car, literally 3 feet from the door. After fumbling at the bottom of my bag for me keys he very kindly packs away my shopping. I thank him profusely, he says that's fine, even though he has knocked off work, he is pleased to help.
I am the first one to say, never mind what people think, and don't worry I know I needed help - it doesn't matter what other folk think, and that nice cashier and John knew I needed help but it still sticks in your claw don't it!
Now my dilemma and big question is - should I have given him a tip?
'Til next time folks ....
Be careful out there .. Love Julie xx