Been a mad 3 days with my hubby and I feel sort of shellshocked but also I have the nagging doubts that I also need to get my head round.
Sunday he was working and when he came home said he had smacked the top of his head badly and had a headache, he was convinced bleeding but checked and all Ok.
He went to work Monday and got home about 10 but I was already asleep. He took 2 sleeping pills as he normally does on his first night off and will normally crash for 10ths. He did not make it upstairs and slept in bed downstairs.
When I came down the next morning he was out for the count but about 8am got up and joined me outside and we had a brief chat said head sore but I could tell he was still woozy. Told him go up to bed and I will see you in 4hrs.
He did not get up till 5pm but was still all over the place. I managed to get him to eat and drink some water.
He passed out on the sofa again I went to bed and when I came down on Wednesday he was still out of it. When he came too about 8am he tried to get up and I could see he was almost grey and so unsteady and slurry. I asked him did you take more meds and he said no just paracetamol and I left it at that . He went upstairs to sleep again and I started to worry and checked on him every 30mins. At 5pm he got up Wednesday still and he was all over the place. Shaking slurry and a man that could roll his own in a blink of the eye started what became a 5hr exercise in trying to roll
I then heard a massive crash and found him at the bottom of the stairs and had to try and get him up..
Then we went into crazy mode he put on a jacket and by the time I went out he was in the shed trying to get shears and axe out. I took these away and he then grabbed his long swinging hammer set off across the garden and started to smash apart some old wood chairs and build a fire in the pit. Now I wanted them
Broken down but………..
He swung hammer fell over and again with me pleading to stop.
I went indoors as I was at wits end looked thro lounge window and to my horror he had the fuel can for the lawnmower and pouring what was left over wood. I ran out and got to him as fire went up and pulled him away just in time.
I then found him after I had left him in chair outside then in the car and then another fall and got him inside. At this point I managed to get him to go up and sleep.
11pm I went to bed knowing I would call GP in morning as he would help
And I was convinced Shawn had accidentally taken two lots of sleeping pills.
Shawn was asleep so I lay down in relief but 30mins he woke up saying the cats were running all over him. They weren’t. He then peed himself to side of bed and knocked another pint of water over this was about 6th of day
He went down and I could hear him searching for pills. I told him don’t you dare as I made my was down with him saying not had any I need to sleep. I got there too late another sleep pill went down.
At this point I called 111 who put me thro to a clinical advisor and said we need to send an ambulance. When they arrived at 1am they discussed the bump and queried concussion with sleep pills or had he simply taken too many and of course was it suicide potentially going on. Suicide I said was not on the table he would tell you if he could this is not him.
They took him and eventually 1pm the doctor called to say CT clean but he was out of it. We went thro many options but I had to wait.
He called me at 2 to say I am outside so I called the hospital so said yes been discharged which I was amazed as the 3 texts he had sent me were illegible.
When I finally found him he was walking like a drunk man in the grounds of the hospital unaware of where he was co fused on why he was there and where was I.
24hrs later he has no recollection Of the 3 days but swears blind he only EVER take two sleepy pills once a week and only one tramadol in the morning. He can now talk and is horrified by what he did and what I went thro.
However I suppose I am worried as it was so not him and is there a connection of hitting his head and what then happened.
I feel worried he is still wobbly has a massive headache but won’t take any meds as scared.
Sorry if this does not make sense but I feel the need to vent this as I can’t tell him I am worried but he has agreed we speak to our GP Monday when returns from his holiday.