Not moved.: Here i am laying here in my recliner and i... - NRAS


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Not moved.

sylvi profile image
13 Replies

Here i am laying here in my recliner and i haven't stepped foot outside at all today. I had a bit of a bad night last night. I got up this morning feling like a wet discloth. I was supposed to go and do the with hubby, i even got ready to go and i just didn't have the energy. Hubby advised me to stay home and rest as it was so wet outside. So rest i have done, i've slept most of the day today. I ache i know that and i'm so tired as well. I feel like i've run a marathon. I am soo exhausted.

I have been here sitting reading all the blogs that you all write and i know some of you are a lot worse off than me and for those of you who are i wish you well. I hope that it is only the weather making me like this, i even have fingerless gloves on my hands to help them as the feel like thick pieces of wood, or as someone who said their fingers feel like sausages. Lets hope that tomorrow is a better day for all of us. xxx

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sylvi profile image
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13 Replies
sciqueen profile image

Hi Sylvi

this week has also been a challenge for me to. It's all due to the weather. I had a flare ending last wk/beginning of this week. Had to go back to work today and it was awful, as I hurt, was slow in movement and really fed up so I was irritable. Got 2 set of yr 7 homework to mark before monday.

This terrrible rainy, windy & cold weather is set to continue next week, so there is not let up. - I sympathesize also.

Keep warm, look after yourself

Sci x

We've had the rubbish weather here too in abundance but I'm looking forward to the weekend when it is meant to improve up here and be sunny and dry - here's hoping! I'm lucky today because flare has receded and I was able to escape into nintendo wii fit world for 30 mins, where the sun always shines and the sea glows azure blue - unlike the grey, cold, windy, rainy world outside my window! Really hope you get some of our weekend forecast down your way too so you can get that brilliant new hair colour out amongst the flowers Sylvi.

Sci it's horrible being slow of movement in that RA way isn't it? No one else understands - even my OH looks at me as if I'm making it up because it's so unlike me to be like this. I went to choir practice last night and everything took a huge effort. In the end the choir mistress told me to sit down and rest and I felt like an old crock but had been in slow-shuffle mode for 2 days and just wanted to get out and sing. As I shuffled back to the car with a much older lady she commented "this weather really isn't helping you much is it dear?" - and I agreed and wished myself away in sunny Nintendo Wii world.

Hope the yr 7 marking doesn't take up too much of your weekend and you feel better soon. TTx

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

TT, it is soo cold here in the midlands and its going to get worse tomorrow with rain all day. I shall housebound i can see. My hubby and daughter have a parade tomorrow and i wanted to go,but it looks like i won't.

Take care. love sylvi.xx

helixhelix profile image

Oh I know what you mean about the slow movement! Went for a walk last weekend with OH, and missed the train back because I just couldn't make myself go any faster than a slow shuffle. I wasn't particularly hurting, just legs were only prepared to operate in slo-mo. Was only yards away, but made no difference! P

Well at least your hair looks lovely xx take care x

Boy can I add to all this! It is Sat. , 9:45 am, son Doug just called and said" I assume you are going to be your usual wise self and stay home this morning?" Didn't know I was going anywhere, but he explained, the varsity girls have an invitational meet for Softball, going on all day today, and generally I would want to go to some of the games, but he assured me, I should want to stay home, as it is bitter cold, threatening more rain, and is windy. More like Football weather!

So, I agreed (since I wan't planning on going out) Told him I would stay in, turn on the oven and bake something for him, and the rest of the family.

Tomorrow is supposed to be only 10 degrees warmer than today, possibility again of a frost or freeze, BUT starting Tues and for the rest of the week, well into the 70's, so you all should be getting some fair weather by next weekend.

Had an interesting phone call yesterday from a new person, interested in the support group, who had just been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, her Dr told her to call me, and in ending the conversation, she said, " I think just staying warm and not getting cold is the best medicine.". Sure helps! So we all go about the house today, all wrapped up in cozy blankets of fleece. Makes it a little difficult to bake goodies :)

Stay warm, friends! Sylvie, that side of your hair is electrically stunning!! Can't wait to see it with the sun shining on it!! :)

sylvi profile image

Loretta, it is sooo cold here today. My eyes don't look good either,just asked my hubby what they look like and he said less said the better. I ache in my hands and my knee,you couldn't believe that a false knee could be so painful.

My daughter and hubby have a parade on cannock chase tomorrow for the suez conflict and i went last year,But the weather is going to b""""y awful again tomorrow and it looks likely that i will be housebound as it will be too rough for me to go. I was looking forward to going as well. When we was at the last parade we made friends with a couple from that area and i was looking to meet up with them.

My fibro is playing up as well. I wish there was something in my area like a support group. Having said that we have the best support group in the world with this site don't we.

We are expecting to get a months rain in the next couple of days and they say we have a water shortage and a hosepipe ban.

I wish i was close enough for some of your home cooking,i can smell it over here.

I went to bedworth this morning as there was something on in the market, it all about crafts and things like that. I brought a victoria sponge for hubby. I saw a woman who lives in our village and she was doing the cake stall. She asked about the village farmers market as she wants to put some cakes for it. I pointed her in the right direction. I like to support the local farmers and people who make an effort to create things that are a bit different. After i left the market i went into stor 21 and spent £33 on tops for me.

The weather outside is colder than in the middle of winter here. Is your arm recovering well and have you got more use in it now?

My love to you Loretta. Sylvi.xx

Sylvi, ther seems to be a bit of a theme going on here; headache, extreme tiredness, slow mo bodies etc. My eyes are very puffy and my vision is still a bit blurred.

I'm having a duvet afternoon as the dull grey, rain soaked, blustery outside doesn't look inviting. I love your pink hair! Mine is dyed a kind of plum colour although my roots are showing through. I was supposed to of had mine redone this week but as I was ill it got cancelled. I will have to try and rebook for next week.

I've got the heating back on and have put my IPOD on with classical music as my males are watching football and my twins are watching their stuff.

While the weather is this bad, just stay indoors and rest a while. Then when the sun comes back (hopefully not too long please!) then we can all start to benefit from it.

Much love



sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

Angie,My eyes are really puffy as well and sore,i look so tired today. I'm begining to think the trouble with our eyes is due to ra, as when i'm not in so much pain my eyes are not as bad. Do you find that as well.

I have had the heating on today, my son has the football on watching the scores and hubby is now watching it with him. I'm going to miss having him home as he goes back on board his ship next thursday and i won't see him for 6/7 months.

I won't be going to the parade tomorrow as it is going to rain, so i will be having another day indoors.

Take care angie and get that hair coloured next week and post it on here.

love sylvi.xx

in reply to sylvi


I don't usually have any problem with my eyes, but they aren't right at the moment. I'm adding it to the list the next time I see my consultant in June. My youngest son is 18 and is a chef. He has considered working on a ship but as he is doing another year at college and doing the Olympic catering he has put the idea on the back burner (pun intended)! My eldest son moved to Australia in October last year and I am missing him now. I wish I could have one of his gentle giant hugs - he is 6ft 2in. He is happy and content there and may be coming home for 2 weeks at christmas this year. We skype or facebook a lot so it does help with the contact.

I will get some new photos done when I am feeling better with my new colours done.



sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

Angie,george loves it and when your son has done all his training and olmpics he wants to and have a try. George has a 6mth contract at a time and he comes home for 6 weeks at a time. They were very pleased with him on his first cruise, so they gave him another contract.

love sylvi.xx

allanah profile image

Sylvie, you are such a colorful character its a shame the inside isn't feeling the same today. Rest and keep warm Axx

sylvi profile image

Allannah,the insides feel rubbish this morning. Its nearly 6.00am and i'm downstairs already. I'm glad i'm not going out today,i pity my hubby and daughter who have a parade this morning. I don't know if it will be cancelled or not,i don't think it will, but its going to be pretty rough up on cannock chase this morning.

My fingers are rough this morning, someone has called them sausages and i have to agree with that statement. Thats exactly how my fingers feel. They are very swollen and i ache as well.

I like your sentiment about my insides, that sounds about right.

I hope you have a better day than i'm destined to have.

Love sylvi.xx

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