Not sure if I am becoming a little paranoid. Has anyone else had a persistently low body temperature but otherwise feel ok.
Oral thermometer keeps reading 35.4. I had an ear one before and it kept saying low so I thought it was broken and bought a new one.
Was diagnosed with RA a couple of years now on 20mgs mtx injections and hydroxy and folic acid. Mainly stable with Mini but manageable flares.
I had pneumonia with sepsis back in October. I had had a temperature over 38 for several weeks but felt ok so I assumed either the thermometer was broken or my regular body temp was higher than most people’s (I have a high metabolism and Low blood pressure - so thought having a different body temp baseline wasn’t seemed reasonable) and ignored the thermometer.
Last year from
July to October I was having Mini flares.niggles that were lasting a little longer and needing to take naproxen for a few days every couple of weeks so nothing exceptional and I never developed a cold or cough. My temp went over 40 then I felt really ill for a few days and after rigors went to gp and was sent to hospital and was admitted.
For the last month/6 weeks I have been recording a low body temp. I feel ok, I have sore hips, shoulders but not enough that I need to take pain killers. Don’t want to make the same mistake as last time and ignore the thermometer. And my Apple Watch which also has my temp quite abit lower than my baseline temp.
is this a thing? Either caused by the meds or is it “an unusual immune response” and I could be fighting an infection without knowing like I was last year? Or is a lower body temp common when people have the immune system suppressed?
Not asking for medical advice just wondering if anyone else has experienced something similar.
Thank you for reading.