wondering if anyone experienced my problem. I have had RA for 42 years and have had ever kind of medication including steroids for 40 years of that time. In recent years I am finding that I am overheating especially on exertion. I’ve had no change of drugs and am on prednisone Methortrexate and chloroquine. My feet are always cold but my body is often sweating. It’s almost that my thermostat has broken! Welcome any advice.
controlling temperature : wondering if anyone... - NRAS
controlling temperature

I sweat from the shoulders upwards all the time and it is a side effect of my ra/fibro and the drugs i am taking. xxxx
Prednisolone can cause the symptoms you describe, both if you’re on too high a dose, or on too low a dose.
I suffer with adrenal insufficiency, caused by steroid use. I had polymyalgia and GCA and steroids are the only treatment. So I rely on steroids to provide me cortisol as my adrenal glands have atrophied, without them I would die. However one of my low symptoms, which warns me I need to updose is suddenly feeling extremely hot, and getting severe head sweats. My endocrinologist advised initially to check my blood sugar, and if it was low, assume it’s the cortisol and take extra. I usually get other low symptoms do it’s easy to detect. I also sometimes get it, when my dose is higher, which happens when I havd infections. Taking a stroll, wandering round the supermarket, light housework would all trigger it. So I now take a small 5mg dose of hydrocortisone a quick acting steroid, prior to undertaking these tasks, which has helped enormously. If you’ve used steroids for long periods, it’s worth checking your cortisol levels. This can be done by your surgery between 8-9 am, withholding your steroid till you’ve had the blood test
I also overheat regularly housework, walking and shopping in town make me sweat.. Have mentioned this at every RA appointment infact had an appointment yesterday at the hospital and brought this up again. No answer was given so I’m none the wiser. I’m on mtx but not steroids. I’m convinced it’s my immune system not working properly and will just have to cope with it 🙄
I am the same, very sweaty and uncomfortable but my feet are always cold.