I’ve been reading the posts about medication for osteoporosis but nobody has mentioned Denosumab. I have been having injections of this drug at 6 monthly intervals for 3 years - my final injection (the 6th) in the present course will be in March.
During this time I’v been getting considerable back pain - I’m only truly comfortable lying flat. I was persuaded to finish the course, have a Dexa scan and then future treatment, or not, will be considered.
Previously I had been taking Alendronic Acid for many years but was finally taken off it after my GP had notification from NICE that it should be stopped after 5 years! More recently I had several fractures of vertebrae which prompted the present treatment.
I lot of the experience has been trial and error, it seems to me. But I shall be interested to find out how my bone density is in the Spring when I finish the present course. Added to all this is long-term rheumatoid disease - diagnosed in 1967.
I would be interested in other comments on Denosumab.