I just posted this on A F site.
seen in Pain clinic yesterday . I was advised to get and use a Tens machine to ease widespread joint pain , But, I have also had mitral valve repair and am in persistent A F. Advice would be good . L
I just posted this on A F site.
seen in Pain clinic yesterday . I was advised to get and use a Tens machine to ease widespread joint pain , But, I have also had mitral valve repair and am in persistent A F. Advice would be good . L
Do you believe the AF was caused by mitral valve repair?
At what age did you have the repair? My daughter is fifty and dealing with mitral valve prolapse.
Hi VerWat,
You must not think that way!!
Mitral valve repair in Papworth in 2000, saved my life!!!! I was 50 , lived with my 12 year old daughter, no one else. It was hard but, we got through it. The operation was an eye opener to both of us but, it certainly did not cause my AF. I take 5 pills a day and that is no problem !!!
All the best to your daughter( and to you)
AF happened 10 years later when I had a vile flu bug , the gp then ignored me and AF was the result. Nothing I can do about it , I get on sith what I want to do and try to avoid alarmist posts. L