Help pls. I went to doc last august to check veins and pains in legs. Everything ok but rang some bloods as ive only been twice in 8 years. Came back with high cholesterol, ive lost 50lbs, stopped smoking 9 years ago and very healthy, very strange. Had abnormal ecg, asked about chest pain, no pain in arm, shoulder but right hand side, manual job and didnt think much of it. Dad died 55 heart attack, thought he pulled muscle in shoulder. Found out had 2 narrowed arteries to heart 30% left and 30-50% right. Been on statins since Sept. Since then found antibodies attacking thyroid 349 but told not to worry, then they said I had hypothyroidism and put on levothyroxine. Just before xmas blood pressure went erratic but stabilised and now usually low along with bradycardia. Been on statins for few months and noticed alot aches and pains, thought it was that. Felt like flu eoth no cold. Now its joint pain, all goes back to the shoulder, arm and hands. Hands red and swollen, finger joints hurt, knees, feet hurt. Doc said fibromyalgia as mum had it but i did mention RA as 4 of dads brothers and sister had or got it. I was taking 9 x gabapentin, 4 x tramadol and 4 x naproxen a day and still in pain. Was referred to rheumatologist, 5 month waiting and currently 3 months in. Doc ran some tests and had high esr and said prob RA and emailed rheumy. I started prednisolone last week 6 a day and what a difference, still pain but alot better, he has kept me now on 3 a day, i stopped gabapentin and weaning off tramadol. Doc rang today rheumy dont want to see me as esr not too high, 12 last month, 26 this month. Said come back if has joint pain especially in hands. I lost it with doc, they havent even told rheumy that my hands are painfull, wake with numb and tingling and hurt, hurts to drive, make a cup of tea. I feel like Im banging me head against the wall. All from pain and veins in legs. 😥
Help: Help pls. I went to doc last august to check... - NRAS

That sounds about right for our health service. See another gp and ask for a referral to see rheumy. You have been through a lot this last year and the stress will reflect in your bloods darling. Hugs from
Sounds like a very bumpy ride you’ve had! RA patients need urgent referral. Definitely need patient but assertive conversation/letter for GP and Rheumatology.
Statins are well known for very bad effects. I hope you soon get the medical intervention you do obviously need.
Sorry you feel like that , however, I think that’s how most of us feel, I am struggling with pain in all joints , don’t see rhuemy for another 1yr, started on Sulfasalazine, no different, the only people who know the pain is us . The last few weeks it has made feel weary, good luck .
I would ask for another referral to see a rheumatologist. Be persuasive with your GP.
Be assertive and ask for another referral soon.l know how hard it is with the present system. But just think you are not alone we are all supporting you.Perhaps this will help you to pluck up your courage.
Good luck !