I’m waiting for my urgent referral & diagnosis. RF positive so likely. Started with hand & feet pain, now noticing ankle swelling, right one v painful. Anyone else had this? Feeling quite unwell, is this normal? Neck & shoulders sore. This is scary. Starting to find it hard working even though it’s from home at the moment. I f I took time off now i don’t know when it may end ...
Awaiting urgent referral, now also swollen ankle - NRAS
Awaiting urgent referral, now also swollen ankle

Hi sorry your suffering.
Although it’s not been confirmed you have RA and I can’t say you have it. The things you are describing are typical of a flare. Flu like symptoms often accompany swollen hot stiff sore joints along side fatigue. Your disease is Untreated so is very active although you can get a flare even when on treatment. Speak to your Gp they maybe able to give something to tied you over this won’t treat any disease but may lessen the symptoms.
Epsom salt baths hot/cold packs on your joints . No stress ( that’s a good one🙄🙄) easier said than done and lots of rest.
This forum is great for advice or just to off load.
Hi Loleina5,
I am not yet diagnosed with RA but it is suspected. I work full time and love my job but had to be off sick with pain and fatigue. I contacted my GP and talked the situation through. It resulted in her giving me a three months flexible sick note. This means that I can legally work full time when able to but can take time off when I need to. This should cover me until I know what's wrong with me.
In terms of being scary I totally empathise. I often feel it especially when I can't use my hands because they are stiff and really sore. I live alone so the every task like dressing and cooking become a real challenge (I am 46).
When my fear turn to panic I talk to someone. If I know it is more emotional then I call the RA helpline, they are great. If I fear more for my health I call my GP (I am lucky because there is always an appointment on the same day) but if they weren't I guess I would call 111.
I don't talk to family and friends because they are too emotionally involved and this means I am less likely to listen to them (ironically).
I hope this helps, hang in there Loleina5
Hi Loleina5
Sorry to hear you are suffering. It seems you have been referred urgently which is great; I hope you get seen very soon.
The Rheumatology specialist will diagnose and prescribe appropriately. Meantime, perhaps you might speak to your GP about worsening symptoms? He/she could give you painkillers eg Tramadol, or corticosteroid, to tide you over.
The recommendation for uncontrolled symptoms from any Rhematoid Disease is to rest. This will help prevent quick worsening of symptoms, and should also help prevent damage to joints worst affected.
Wishing you a speedy appointment etc. Take care of yourself meantime. 🙂
Just after posting, I see your name change! Welcome, Sunnyseas!
Thanks Charisma for your message. I’ve been prescribed naproxen & some codeine if I need it. Should probably rest more than I have been. Take care, ss
It all totally sucks doesn't it, I think I am at the beginning of my RA journey too and awaiting blood tests, I have to keep on at my GP (I was given that advice here to keep keeping on !).
Are you on any inflammatory drugs? Maybe get back in touch with your GP if you are in pain ?
Take care x
Hi - blood test results should be within a few days. I’ve been taking slow release nurofen. Called Dr yesterday & now have naproxen. Keeping on is unhelpful advice, you need to rest when you can. Definitely time for a bit of tlc until you know more, take it easy x
Hi, take photos of the swelling to show the rheumy at your appointment, it may have gone by the time you go! 🙄
My arthritis likes to wander around, so it sounds familiar to me. I generally get problems in my feet, but my right ankle has gone nuts recently too. We're swollen right ankle buddies. It is really scary having a flare-up, especially your first one. I spent months worried that I'd never be able to walk again. You will improve though!