Seasons greetings to you all! This time of year can be both a joy and/or a burden for everyone and for those of us living with RA we often don’t know whether we will be well enough to host or enjoy the festivities. Well this year I am very much counting my blessings and am letting my lovely family take care of Christmas and me. I only have a very small family but I am nontheless grateful for it, as I am acutely aware that some have none or their family live overseas. So hubby and I are taking my mum over to our daughter and her partner on Christmas Day to spend it with them and our gorgeous grandson. Then on Boxing Day my dear mother is putting on her M&S buffet - she has it all in the freezer ready to pop in the oven and serve. It has felt a little strange not dashing about shopping, organising and preparing food but once I’d decided to let go, I have found myself breathing a sigh of relief and really looking forward to being spoilt. My message to those who are hosting…take it easy, take your time and let those around you lend a hand. To those lucky enough to be invited elsewhere…enjoy it and appreciate the lovely food prepared for you. And to those who are alone this Christmas…do something special for yourself and give yourself a little extra self care.
Whatever you do this Christmas, I wish you all good health and hope that you find peace and joy.