A side effect im getting from my benepali injections is a severe sore throat. Keeps me awake at night too. Does anyone else have this? What if any remedy have you found please. I'm so tired. On the good side the injections I've been taking since February have made so much improvement. My garden is looking wonderful now that my joints are so much better.
Benepali : A side effect im getting from my benepali... - NRAS

Have you spoken to your doctors if you’ve had a sore throat for 6 months? What did they say?
Lovely garden and I like Benepali too, but it’s never given me a sore throat. You’ve not got an infection have you? I don’t know of any thing to help. Sorry x
Get that checked…..it could well be some sort of gastric problem.
a sore throat is a constant symptom of my rheumatoid condition, salt water gargle three times a day really does help in my case, worth a try as I totally understand how horrible it is
I had a viral sore throat for about 3 weeks. Then disappeared. At the moment I'm off Benipali as an experiment because for a time now I've had painful stomach cramps. 3 weeks into it with no stomach pain. Downside my joints are painful.
Sorry Benepali doesn't work for you. I have had antibiotics for a chest infection which helped the throat for a while but it came back afterwards. Hope they find something that will help you.
I was on Benipali for 15 months it put me into remission the only thing was i got sepsis all of a sudden very ill in hospital immediately came out of remission please see your doctor about sore throat and get blood test all the best.
I was transferred from Etanercept/Enbrel to Benepali for a short period of time due to a further diagnosis of AS, as well as having sJIA, but had the same side effects as you are experiencing. I tolerated it for a few months but my rheumatologist transferred me back to etanercept after it persisted. Maybe discuss with your rheumatologist to see if you can try an alternative biologic. It is always a dilemma, what to do as swapping biologics to see what works can be painful and time-consuming, but see what they say.
Maybe you could look at complementary meds to ease your throat, but I know that is reactive and not dealing with the cause of the problem.
I love your garden! I love gardening but do get frustrated sometimes because I'm unable to do some of the heavier jobs. My trowel has been known to be thrown across the garden on occasion! (Although not very far, given I can't throw it long distances)! 😆
Hope you find a solution. Happy gardening! xx
Thankyou so much for your message. I have managed to do so much more in the garden since the success of being on Benepali. All my joints are so much better. Makes me very reluctant to change to another biologic which may also have side effects for me. I am continuing with the salt gargles during the day as someone on here suggested and does ease the throat a little. I will mention the problem on my next rheumy visit. Thanks again fellow gardener for your kind message.
I get that totally and I would feel the same, especiallywoth your improvements. It won't harm to mention it to your rheumatologist though. Hopefully you can find a solution to the sore throat. I use doterra therapeutic grade essential oils and use them for infections, maybe you could try something along those lines. On Guard is a blend i use often for preventing infections.
I hope you get it sorted so you can enjoy gardening without the lack of sleep and sore throat.
Take care 🌻🌼🍁 xx