I receive the high rate of the personal independance payment and as i,m 66 in august will then receive the state pension do i have to pay any tax.
p.i.p and state pension: I receive the high rate of the... - NRAS
p.i.p and state pension

PIP does not count as income so does not affect tax. You are liable for the same tax allowance as anyone else. You no longer pay NI.
*PIP mobility cannot be increased from Standard to Enhanced after retirement age.

That,s great thank you.
If you can find a recording of it Martin Lewis was on ITV last night Tues 21 Feb….for 90 minutes explaining a lot of financial details for pensioners re the April increase & the income tax situation.
Hi, I noticed a comment that PIP mobility cannot be increased from standard to enhanced after retirement age. If you applied for PIP before 64 years of age it continues after retirement and if your mobility worsens or your care needs increase you can ask for them to be reviewed. My mobility was increased to enhanced when I was 66.PIP is disregarded for tax purposes and is not a means tested benefit although there are rumours this might change in the future.
Best wishes
Thanks for your useful reply.
pip isnt means tested. You will only pay if your pensions are above your allowance. I would rather be ‘normal’ but as thats never gonna happen, I am grateful for pip
For goodness sake don,t spend it all at once.
I’m sorry but I haven’t read the other posts. On my last pip claim dwp said the next time they’d look at it would be after retirement age. They said I’d then receive it forever! You can’t put in a claim after retirement. And it’s not taxable either.
I,ve had pip for a few years now i just wondered if the combined pip and the state pension which i,ll receive in august would be taxed.