Has anyone had any recent success in retiring from teaching/headship due to RA. I have applied in conjunction with my school HR and with supporting reports from Occ Health, consultant and GP and was wondering if anyone on here has been successful in receiving Tier 1 or 2?
Ill health retirement from Teachers Pension Scheme - NRAS
Ill health retirement from Teachers Pension Scheme

I got tier 2 but that was 12 years ago. I was 36 at the time and because of my age I wanted tier 2 so that I could take another job if I wanted. As it is I’m fortunate enough to that we can afford to live on my husband’s salary so I’ve decided to do voluntary work which is far more flexible.
yes I got it quickly and easily in 2018 aged 59. Very efficient process. It was enhanced to as if I were 66. Not sure what the tiers are. Would getting PIP were as easy. I think RA might be on their automatic list but of course did send evidence in. I’m not allowed to undertake any paid work.
That would be tier 1. I got tier 2 (which is what I wanted as I was only 36) which means I can do other paid work but not teaching. It meant I got less pension but it allows me to do other work if I want. I wanted to keep my options open.
Hi, I was a teaching assistant for 15 years and I’ve recently had to give up work. I was medically retired and got tier one and it was quite easy. I sent off all the information I had, my school sent in all of my sick record and special measures that had been put in place and that there was nothing else that they could do to help me stay in employment. I also had to speak to a private GP who was lovely and amazed that I had actually managed to keep doing my job as long as I had after that it was just a matter of waiting. I was given a lump sum and full pension. It was the best decision I made.
Thank you I am crossing my fingers - metaphorically as actually doing that hurts 😂
Morning. Different pension provider, but my medical retirement was very straight forward. If HR brought in a professional Oc Health Dr then it should be very straight forward. They also inform HMRC.
I requested a copy of my Report (HR to Pensions) so I have it for my records.
Far more complex was a ‘preserved’ pension from an old employer. That took forever to sort out and I had to jump through all kinds of hoops.
Sorting it all out will be a great relief, though it took a year or two for my brain to realise that I am ‘retired’.. I still forget 😂…

Thank you, I haven' heard anything yet and I am trying not to ring and chase. I will be very relieved once I have the decision - it is the not knowing that I am struggling with and we know that stress is not good for RA 😬
you could ring for an update….