I've just rang the Rheumy nurse to chase up my 'urgent' steroid injection because it's usually them that do it She said that my consultant had asked the Hospital Day Unit to send me an appointment for it. Has anyone ever known this before? I'm very confused.
Day unit for steroid injection?: I've just rang the... - NRAS
Day unit for steroid injection?

Yes I had this a few weeks ago. Went to the day unit for some blood tests for biologics and also went one day for a steroid jag in the bum.
Yes not unusual
That’s the procedure/way I’ve always had my steroid injections done in my joints by being sent an apppointment to attend the day centre injections clinic. An on duty nurse can do a general one in the upper buttock whilst you are in the rheumy clinic, except if a kind senior registrar has taken it on themselves occasionally to give my knee joint a steroid shot in clinic. Usually it’s a special clinic for the joint injections as you have described. Hope you get an appointment soon. My rheumy nurses are not qualified to do the joint injections. It’s always been consultants/registrars and one time we had a senior physio. She did the least painful ones ever.
Ah I see. She's not said I'm having joint ones I think it's just a bum one. Mind you I've always had them on the spur of the moment when I've had a f2f with the Rheumatologist and she's asked a nurse to give it to me. So perhaps as it was a phone consultation yesterday that's why the day clinic. Thank you. X
Yes I've had that happen. This time round rheumatology just sent a message to my GP to do it.
my rheumatologist still does them during my normal clinic session. Hopefully you won’t wait too long.
My GP does mine xx