I’m on Benapali for 6 months and my RA is under control. However I have developed some mild fungal infections; Ringworm on Face, fungal infection on toenails, and start of athletes foot. Has anyone had more than 1 of these infections simultaneously and if so how were they treated ? Currently I’m treating them all separately as per GPs advice. He doesn’t think I’m a candidate for antifungal oral medication. I’d appreciate your input please 😊
On Benapali. Fungal infection treatment advice needed. - NRAS
On Benapali. Fungal infection treatment advice needed.

I’m sorry…. you will have to stick with your GPs advice….none of us have the qualifications to advise on any treatment.We could tell you what we have used…but as you are under the care of your doctor I do advise you not to add anything without his agreement.
Fungal infections can get out of control….so do be very careful.
Yes I understand to go with GP advice. Thanks for that. Curious as to whether others have used oral antifungal meds whist on Benapali?
I had oral thrush and virginal thrush I was given oral antifungal straight away.
I've got a fungal toe nail its not too bad but going for laser treatment privately as its not available on the NHS.
Lamisil ointment worked for my toenails
I had to come off Benapali and Adilumabub , now my yoe nails are very odd and I am losing hair. My GP is only telephone appointment and has always said he will not discuss anything to do with Biologic medication . There is no face to face with rheumatology department either. Despair.
I successfully treated an unpleasant fungal infection on big toe with pure Tea Tree oil in a bottle with a pipette dropper. I drenched the nail bed with a drop every morning. It takes a long time to grow out - I’d say about a year for the nail to renew, but it worked fine.
If you try it make sure you buy pure Tea Tree as a lot of brands mix it with carrier oils and it’s possible the fungicidal qualities might not be as good…
So I am on many meds including benepali. In 2016 I developed a lot of mouth symptoms including a white lesion on my tongue. I was referred to a professor in oral medicine. Who was convinced it was cancer and took a biopsy. It came back with a fungal infection called chronic hyperplastic candidia, and I was given 3 weeks of oral anti fungals. This was just before starting benepali. I had it recur twice and had the same treatment again, when I stopped benepali. I recently got severe oral thrush after 2 weeks of antibiotics, and it affected my throat and tongue badly. I already use nystatin 1 week in every 4 as a preventative, because the hyperplastic one can turn cancerous. As I’d already had my week of nystatin my gp prescribed a 2 week course of anti fungals, which helped. Rheumatologist was happy this time to continue my benepali. It’s the same with cold sores I’m automatically prescribed antivirals, as once I get one, they quickly multiply to like 20 sores, and gp says they can cause encephalitis in immunosuppressed. Hopefully this answers your question, although not the same fungal infections
I used tea tree oil for my toenails. Flooded onto nail bed every day. Took about 3 months but nails are now normal.
Thanks so much everyone. It’s very helpful to hear peoples experiences.
I had a number of mild viral and fungal infections whilst on Baricitinib and was eventually changed to Toficinitib. Like you I did have to treat all the infections separately. A bit of a nuisance.
It's not on the NHS but laser treatment is available for toe nail fungus. I don't know about the other things. I went to Benenden Hospital if you've one near you so not the usual podiatrist.