Told to isolate for ten days, sore throat, 72 years old ,triple jabbed, scared witless.
Tested positive today: Told to isolate for ten days... - NRAS
Tested positive today

Why were you told to isolate? Have you been in contact with somebody who tested positive?I’m older than you & my rheumy just told me to be careful where I go.
Check why you have been told to isolate!
Because she tested positive perhaps?!
Woops..,just seen the whole post…. my email …well what I receive is divided into three columns ….so missed the heading.I’ll shut up now untilit’s sorted!
I have Covid as a result of a walk in test centre
Sorry Cazdud…as I replied to HH. My iPad screen is playing up…but if there was any need to worry I’m sure your doctor would be in touch..but if you are well enough to stay home things probably aren’t too serious.Try to keep well hydrated & if you get any other symptoms do call your doctor for advice…but if you have trouble with your breathing….don’t hesitate- call an ambulance.
Wish you well very soon.
That's such rotten luck, Caz. The one place designed to help you where you should feel safe and free from harm. You don't deserve that having been so careful. Hope you will have mild symptoms, being fully vaccinated...and that you will make a very quick recovery. Take care, God Bless, xx
Don’t be scared witless, but keep warm and fed. Drink water to keep hydrated and if you feel breathless and can’t catch your breath at all phone 111 or 999 if really bad. I’m presuming you are double or triple vaccinated? So the chances of getting a serious problem are REALLY small.
(I don’t suppose you have a pulseoximeter at home do you? As that’s the best reassurance knowing your blood oxygen levels are ok.)
taking vitamin D is one of the best defences against getting very ill from covid along with many other of the worst things about getting covid is dealing with the fear surrounding it.
Tourk, That is so true the fear surrounding it. I work in a university and I am so paranoid about catching it. Staff are all working from home but I can't as I am a receptionist so I have to deal face to face with students and members of the public and the staff that come in. I have never suffered from Anxiety but boy oh boy I know that feeling now.
I'm so sorry to hear its been so stressful for you, to say it is evil the way covid has been used against us is an understatement. Thankfully some of the facts are slowly coming out, (I know we don't fit into this group) but did you know ( relative term ) only just over 6,000 deid from covid who had only covid as course of death. That is mostly made up of people over 75. Though i do think being over 75 is health condition.
The facts don't support the fear they forced on us, Thankfully the numbers killed by this man-made virus have been greatly exaggerated.
This has been reflected in countries like the UK where they have been forced to remove restrictions including the ineffectual face masks.
All this for what is basically an average flu that is easily treated with vitamin D.
Great advice from hh.... just look after yourself, andkeep warm . There's a lot of evidence that shows that vaccinated people only get it mildly. Fingers crossed it's like that for you. Do take care best wishes x
All fingers and toes crossed for you. xxx
I had it last October, pre vaccine, get plenty of rest, drink loads of water and, if you want to, take a vitamin C supplement along with extra VitD if you feel it would help.
All the best
Great advice from everyone fingers crossed you will be fine keep us posted xx
I don't know if this reassures you or not, but my Mum is 85, various health issues, only double jabbed and had Covid two weeks ago (she's in a care home). She had no real symptoms and is now over it and fine.
I would make sure your doctor is aware that you are immunosuppressed and maybe discuss with them possible use of available medication that can be helpful early on for immunosuppressed. That way you've got belt and braces, the vaccines and early meds if necessary. I'd be a bit scared too but I don't think you really need to be.
I hope you soon recover.
Sending you all best wishes for only a mild dose and a speedy recovery!
Thanks very much, just worried about being on 3mg of Pred.
Make sure your doctor is aware that you've tested positive and on pred. They can then give you any of the medicines which are now available to help if you need that extra help. Good luck! I know I'd be scared too - it's only natural - but if your doctor is aware then there are things they can give you now.
Oh no. I have always thought test centres would be the most likely place to get it if you don't go in supermarkets, theatres etc. That is such hard luck. I understand you being scared but I have known older, people than you with other co-morbidities, get it and it has been like having the flu for a week or so. They are fine now. Think positive, take care of yourself, plenty of rest, liquids and keeping away from anyone else. I hope you recover quickly.
Thanks Sheila, feeling o.k. just the fact that I am on 3mg of Pred.
Hi, I'm 72.on 6 mg of prednisone as well as weekly enbrel injections. I've been jabbed but caught Covid a few weeks ago.Apart from the first 3 days when I had a really bad headache I didn't really feel too ill. 2 weeks on the only minor problem is I'm still a bit tired.
The biggest down side for me personally was my new granddaughter was born just before I caught it and so I couldn't see her..
Keep warm and hydrated a nd hopefully you'll pick up soon.
One plus I took from it was it all helps to build up antibodies against any further infection.
Hi,thanks for that, how many jabs have you had?
I had my third jab 10 days before the confirmed test.
I also did the antibodies test after the infection and it came back saying I'd built up antibodies prior to getting the infection. Apparently the actual infection takes 28 days to show up in this test so the assumption was the vaccines had given me protection as they provided the antibodies. I don't think I'd had Covid before as I certainly didn't have any symptoms.
If you have a pcr test prove positive you may be offered the option of the antibodies test depending where you live. I live in Wales and its standard procedure here, especially if you were on the shielding list. My husband had Covid but choose not to have the antibody test.
I may be offered a further one in 4 weeks but I'm not sure if that will still apply as I've already got antibodies.
It's a learning curve for everyone.
Hi Cazdud, I can certainly hear how frightened you must be feeling. This is understandable as there has been so much negative press over the last two years and we have spent so much time wondering how this illness will impact us with our RD. You are triple jabbed, hopefully this will keep your symptoms mild and you can face Christmas knowing you have had it and come out the other side. Look after yourself and let us know how you are doing x
My 85 year old Dad caught Covid while recovering from pneumonia and sepsis during treatment for blood cancer, he was double jabbed at the time so mildly ill and now fully recovered from covid. Hope his story is reassuring.
Take things easy, you've had your vaccines you are in a much better position than a year or so ago, hope its mild x
Sorry to hear you tested positive and hope you don’t get it too badly . If it’s any comfort, my 93 year old Mum has just had it. She is double jabbed and although she felt weak for a week or so, she said it was like a “bad cold”. Mind you, she does come from that “…‘tis but a scratch…generation!…”
Sorry to hear about your test result Cazdud. I have RA and was double jabbed when I had COVID earlier in the year. It was like having a nasty cold. Lemsip hot lemon drinks really helped and ibuprofen when the headache kicked in.
Have you spoken with your RA team? They’re likely to stop any immunosuppressant drugs you’re taking.
As so many of our friends have said in their replies - our vaccines are really great at preventing serious disease.
Really hope you’re feeling a bit less frightened now, sending a big virtual hug!
So sorry to hear this Cazdud! I go with all the advice others have given. See if someone can get you an oxymeter to measure your oxygen levels throughout the day. Or you can get one off Amazon. If you have any worries whatsoever call 111 or 999. They would rather come and check you over and all be well than not. Take care.P.s. if you can’t get an oxymeter let me know by private message with your address and I’ll order one for you. X
I had covid as a clinically vunerable person. It wasn't too bad, very tiring so take it easy and give yourself time but now that I have had it I'm not as worried about it.... rightly or wrongly. Hope your ok too.
I’d be worried too. Lots of warm drinks. Lots of vitamins. Lots of central heating. My friend had Covid recently. Said it was truly horrible but ‘just’ lasted 5 days. No taste still though. Focus on trying to relax and getting better x
My 96 year old mother in law tested positive earlier in the year after 2 jabs. Was listless, tired, snuffles, back ache, upset tummy. Hopefully after 3 jabs u will not suffer too much either. At least u will have more antibodies afterwards. Take care
Very sorry to hear that Cazdud, do hope the vaccines will protect you.
Hiya Cazdud . Well this is why you had your jabs so you should not end up with severe covid , so be reassured.
Also give your GP a ring. There are antivirals tablets you can get , I believe GP s can prescribe them now for you at home . Give them a ring and ask.
Xx drink plenty , tuck up cozy , watch your favourite movie and join in my post to name my knee!
Feel better soon xx hugs
Take care ,drink lovely warm drinks and keep warm. Let us know when you are better. Just think - you will have a worry free Christmas 🎄
That’s tough sorry to hear this. I had Covid in August after going out to meet friends for the first time since lockdown. I had been double jabbed at that point. I then gave it to my hubby. I fully expected that if I caught it I would be hospitalised as also have 2 lung conditions but managed to stay home. All you can do is keep well hydrated & warm. I do hope you have someone who can bring food to you if you can’t manage. Fingers crossed after 3 vaccines it wild be fairly mild. Sending 🤗 x
Tested positive for covid, feel o.k. but on 3mg of pred so a bit worrying.
Please try not to worry. 3mg of pred is a negligible amount. I had it last Christmas and I’m still here, despite having just come off pred - sometimes 100mg per day. Just save all your energy to fight the bugger! You’ll be alright, RA makes tough old birds of us all. xx
As Wobyone said, 3mg of pred is a small dose.You've got loads of good top tips. I would be getting in touch with my GP or rheumy team to talk about your pred worries, and any other worries you have. And alerting your surgery 'in case' is a good strategy too.
Hope it comes to not much...3 jabs certainly will help.
Sending virtual hugs xx
Thanks very much
have you any symptoms? Ihope you are soon feeling better if you do. Take Care😀
Awww rest , drink, lots of water, etc, don't heistate to call for help, if/when needed. Hugs
hi, Cazdud not surprised you are scared, there has been so much media hype about covid people are in a state even if they don't have covid.I didn't bother with the jabs I'm stuck in bed most of the time and as the vaccine makes no difference to being spread I decided to keep taking vitamin D 93% effective. as it is my stepdaughter brought it home the second week back at school. so I doubled my dose.
I felt very tired for a week, then in the second week, the cough kicked in and a feeling of shortness of breath. that's normal for me so i gargled instead of coughing after two days of that the extra vitamin D kicked in and i was feeling better than i have done for years. and still do.
so what I'm saying, is to look after yourself and try not to worry, you have had all the jabs and hopefully tacking vitamin D, if not why not?
use it as a chance to catch up on some sleep and pamper yourself. if you find the cough gets to much remember the bowl of saltwater with a towel over your head, it still works today. or gargle it worked for
it should be gone in no time and you'll be looking back wondering what all the fuss was about.
most people who have had it say the swine flu was worse.
I really hope this helps to take some worry from you. you might not even get any systems at all, lots of people don't. though that doesn't sell newspapers so it's not mentioned.
look after yourself.
How are you feeling today Cazdud? Hope you symptoms are still light and that you will soon be well on the way to a full recovery. God Bless, x
How are you feeling?
Hi CazdudHow are you doing? I hope you are ok. X
Aww sorry to hear this x I know it’s scary and so would be terrified but try not to panic x any problems or you are still worrying maybe contact your rheumy who can advise you xx hopefully it will be mild xxx hope you feel better soon x
How are you doing??
Hi just wondering how you ate getting on.