Had my first AstraZeneca, in February second one due, felt fine for 2 weeks then flare up, since then fatigue has been really bad, like walking through treacle some days, also some palpitations and feeling really down, flare up is now starting to settle down, I’m on 10mgs MTX,which I stopped before vaccination, has anyone stayed on MTX and been okay Any advice would l would be grateful. Thanks Kate
Not sure what to do : Had my first AstraZeneca, in... - NRAS
Not sure what to do

I have stayed on my Methotrexate. I have had the 2 Astra Zenica injections. I have never been told by anyone to stop my Methotrexate.
I never stopped any of medication including mtx . Did have side effects of vaccine but no flares .
Hi Kate. I’m not on MTX but had a flare after my first AZ which subsided after a couple of weeks just like you. I had no flare after my second AZ so hope it will be the same for you.
I know from seeing reports on here that some on MTX have paused before vaccination whereas others have not. I suggest you follow whatever the advice was that your Rheumy gave you.
I missed one dose of Methotrexate (25mg) before each of the two (Phizer) jabs and had very few side effects either time.Maybe the timing of your flare is coincidental?
Mine was Moderna. I did not skip Mtx for 1st dose, mainly because I got last min appt, so did not have a chance to prepare. I did not have any side effects from 1st doe so I continued with normal Mtx schedule. For 2nd dose I did skip me Mtx before the shot & just getting over side effects from vaccine, which was mild fever, body ache & fatigue. I took it 4 days back, so far not feeling any adverse effects from skipping mtx. If I start feeling joint pain creeping up, I will take my next Mtx dose on schedule. Did not experience any flares after 1st one and hopefully won't after 2nd one. Hope this helps. take care.
Yes I flared two weeks after my first vaccine too but I was told to stop methotrexate for two weeks. So I'm really not sure if it was the vaccine or the pause in my meds which caused it.
Hi Kate, I didn't stop my MTX for either jab. I felt very poorly after first AZ flu like symptoms but 2nd jab was fine😊
I had planned to stop methotrexate for a couple of weeks when I had my first Covid jab but within twenty four hours of the jab I started a flare. I have today had my second jab and my hands are swelling so I shall just continue the methotrexate as usual. There does not seem to be any definitive recommendation as to what to do.
I didn’t stop any of my meds including mtx. I do find I start to flare if I miss mtx for two weeks so maybe it was that which has started a flare for you and not the vaccine?
I didn't stop any of my meds before my vaccinations (AZ). I'm not on methotrexate, but I'm on Leflunomide plus Baricitinib. I had very little reaction after first jab in Jan, but I had a huge flare 24 hours after second on March 23rd. It has improved a bit, but I'm still in a lot of pain, and I've got raised inflammatory markers. I had a f2f rheumy appointment yesterday and he said he's seen lots of people who've flared after their jab. I've been asked to take 30mg prednisolone tapering to zero over the next 6 weeks to deal with the flare, followed by an ultrasound and more blood tests to see how I'm going. Even though this has happened, I don't regret having the vaccination for a minute. I still feel unbelievably grateful!
So whether you do or don't stop your MTX and end up having a flare, know you can always ask for help...
I stopped my 12.5 mg of methotrexate for 2 weeks after each of my vaccines. I had a few mild side effects from the AstraZeneca vaccine but no noticeable extra stiffness or flaring.
Hi there. Kate. I had a bad flare with first jab AZ and was going to ignore the second call. But then I thought of the alternative and had second jab no issues at all thank goodness so don’t worry 😉
Hi Kate ,like you waiting for my next jab. On 20 mg MRS and flared up really bad and the fatigue was really bad,would get up feeling like I had it a brick wall still bad....let's hope the second jab isn't so bad.
Just been explaining about your post to my husband, made me laugh and said maybe we could get an go-ahead and be swimming in Golden Syrup instead of treacle!!!!!! What a twit..sorry wit..X
Hate these productive texts things should read hit a brick wall and in the second reply please read up grade for go-ahead..😇