Am finding earring backs too fiddly with my arthritic hands. As a result I have lots of pairs of earrings that I cannot wear. Has anyone found a solution to this problem?
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Yes my earrings like that are redundant now. The fine silver or gold hook ones are what I use. Danglers as opposed to studs now. Not sure unless someone else in the house (if there is) can put the backs on earrings for you, or If you know anyone who makes jewellery as a hobby etc and has a few plier, nipper tools etc, who can adapt the earrings. Or maybe a local jeweller who is more likely to give a more personal customer service could do this? I’ve some lovely silver and amber studs I wish I could wear and others too. Sorry my message zapped off unfinished, so I added to it.
Don't think my dogs paws are nimble enough to assist. 😆 It must be a problem for lots of people so you would think that someone would have invented special backs. That is what I am hoping for. Seems a shame not to wear all those earrings.
Someone already has invented a device but it is American and says not for sale anymore! Maybe there are other similar things in the U.K. Must have a look.
What about the clear round plastic backs that are less fiddly, I've bought some of those and as I loose backs I replace them with the plastic ones that are bigger and less fiddly than the little metal ones

Oh, have seen those but did not think that they would be much better but if they are bigger, will give them a go. Thanks for the suggestion. xx
I’m not sure if you’re talking about the metal backs but something like these might be a bit bigger to grip.
I wear sleepers all the time now and don’t change them but I can see if you have lots of lovely earrings you’d want a better solution than mine.
I don't have a solution for your existing earrings I’m afraid but for future info have a look at French clip backs. I have quite a few of this design (popular in Spain where they were purchased) & find them very easy to put on. Butterfly backs are a pain when you have dexterity problems, I empathise.
Haveyouinvestigated the leaflets that come through the door.It’s a long shot,butthere May be a solution.
I don’t wear earrings, but as someone who makes jewellery for a hobby have you considered bending the stem at the end so it hooks over instead of using a clip? Not sure if that would be doable as the stem would need to be long enough I guess. You or someone who could do it would need a good pair of pliers....
I don't know if you can still get these but years ago I bought some clear plastic backs with a wider rim on them. They were much easier to use. Try googling them.
I purchased some circular silver backs approx 1 cm wide from Gemporia several years ago as one of my lobes had stretched and my best earrings needed more support. The back of the backs [if you get my meaning] are butterfly foldbacks but easily gripped because they are secure continuation metal from the fronts.
I only wear sleeper type earrings now as i am afraid of losing the stud ones. I have a pair of sapphire ones that was my mum's and i daren't wear them in case i lost one. xxxx
It is sad, isn't it Sylvi when you can't wear things which have a spiritual significance like something from your mother, dear friend etc. 😔
Another problem we all have. If I can pick the earring up I can usually use the larger plastic backs but some of my beautiful earrings are just to small.Hands so much worse since stopping MTX but stomach effects just too much.
We may have RA but still want to look nice!
Yes exactly. Also, I think for me it is a constant reminder of all the things that I can no longer do because of the disease even though they are really small things sometimes. You seem to have lost so much in small increments over time. Makes me sad.
I agree totally but have to try and think positive as we cannot change it. I am just grateful for our lovely Rheumatologists who try so hard to make life better for us.
After nearly 10 years maybe I am beginning to accept my condition at last.
I hope you find them useful.
I went over to using hook type earrings for a while, but I can't manage those either now.It's a shame - I remember getting my ears pierced after splitting up from my first husband who didn't approve of me wearing earrings (or shorts!). It was a liberating time all those years ago.
Yes I think getting my ears pierced was one of the first things I did to rebel against my mother who said I shouldn't do it. A sign of my misspent youth.