Has anybody noticed Charlie posting here recently? I can't remember his full username but he usually starts replies saying “with the proviso I’m not medically qualified”, or similar. If that isn’t familiar he has a daughter who is disabled usually referred to as the child. I may be being concerned over nothing as I’ve not been around as regularly as usual myself but thought I'd ask anyway.
Off topic - Missing?: Has anybody noticed Charlie... - NRAS
Off topic - Missing?

you’re right…he’a not be around I think. But if his daughter is sick he does have to spend massive amounts of time lookimg after her.
I too have noticed Charlie’s absence over recent months. His posts were always so knowledgeable and supportive and I certainly miss them.
Sorry. I haven't seen him and he's much missed. I do hope they're OK.
Yes, you're right - hope that he (and his daughter) is ok and that he'll be back soon.
I think it was Charlie-G but it seems he’s not here anymore when I searched for him.
Thanks for checking Kitty. I thought it was a single letter but couldn’t bring it to mind. Now I’m wondering why he's deleted his account. I do hope there has been nothing amiss & that they are both ok.
Can you or anyone remember the illness his daughter had….was it MS? Maybe he has moved over to another site concentrate on her?
was it cystic fibrosis? I seem to remember it was lung related but not certain.
But he’d probably choose another name wouldn’t he? I maybe imagining it, but I seem to remember him saying his daughter was having more problems than usual…but I can’t find that post.People’s posts do remain if they leave don’t they?
It was cystic fibrosis Kitty, but I don't think it was her only condition. I found one of his replies on the BHF forum (he has a heart condition) & he mentions his 9 year old has it on a post from 5 years ago.
Charlie always gave informative replies, much missed. He had a lot to deal with. I do hope he and his daughter are well.
Charlie has been missing a while. I hope all is well for him and his family. If you read this Charlie just let us know that you are ok, if you want to of course.
Good spot NMH. Looks like Charlie’s account is closed as he now appears as ‘hidden’ in an old post of mine that he replied to. A real shame as he was always so helpful and knowledgeable. Sending positive thoughts to him and his daughter, hopefully all is ok and he is just very busy.
Hi. No I haven’t seen him posting recently. But then again is he having technical problems? I writing this because I’m having problems, I used to get a daily update of peoples posts on healthunlocked but 4 days ago it just stopped?
I’ve messaged the people at healthunlocked and got a reply, but I’m still not getting daily post! Any body else with the same problem?😺😺
Hi Chris for a few weeks I got the daily posts but couldn’t open any of them then suddenly it all returned to normal.Another tech mystery.Hope normal service returns for you soon.
Like others, I had noticed his absence too. I hope he amd his daughter are ok. I'm not sure if he belonged to any other groups too. If his account is closed, does that mean he has left all of them? Very kind of you to ask after him. Hope you are ok.
I don't think if you close one account it closes all if you're a member on multiple forums Kags. He may still be active elsewhere, but not sure which ones I'd check, unless you have some idea?
I’m at risk of being thought of as a stalker, but you piqued a thought.. I googled Healthunlocked Charlie-G & found some of his replies, confirmed by his caveat of not being medically qualified so there's no doubt. Scratch what I said about deleting multiple forums, the few I checked are all deleted, ‘Hidden’ username. I do hope nothing sinister has happened.
I hope nothing sinister has happened either. I wouldn't have known which other forums he belonged to, I just thought I remembered him referencing one in a reply once. (Funny what sticks in your mind). Unfortunately, from your searches, it certainly seems all are closed. At least by changing your post from community only, should he venture on to HU then he may get to see that people were thinking of him.
it’s a Healthunlocked account so if you delete it then you go from all the groups you’ve joined. if you just leave a group then I assume all your posts go too, that’s what happens on other social media.
UPDATE - it appears Charlie has deleted other HU accounts too. Thank you for everyone's concern. I have changed my post from Community only just in case so if he by chance pops by he'd see we are concerned.
Some people from the old lung foundation site started up a new group on facebook when this one changed to being Asthma as well as lung foundation group. One can only hope that Charlie as joined our past freinds in that group, and it is not due to health or serious family issues. It is quite sometime since I last saw a reply from him on here, but I don't come on every day now either, so you can soon miss the news. Hope some one comes back to us on this as to how he is.
I’m not a full time regular on here. But i do post. Maybe Charlie just doesn’t feel the need to come on here anymore. You might never know. Frustrating.
I don’t like saying it. But maybe a family member deleted them. I got attached to a lovely forum member Lady Pepys. I had just lost my lovely mum to the evil ‘c’ word. I was devastated. Lady P was the first person to answer my post. She was lovely. Really helped me. She had the c word too. She was a strong woman like my mother. Then she just disappeared. I hate to say it. Maybe something has happened. I know how upsetting it can be. It’s funny how we can bond with people we’ve never even met!
It’s another possibility. My Mum used to say you don’t know what goes on behind a front door once it is shut to the world. Such a pity you've lost a confidante, it leaves your mind conjuring up all sorts.
I know. I miss my mum all the time. I was 21 when i developed arthritis & serious eye problems. I’m 51 now. I lost my dad when i was 17. He had a massive heart attack. (He was 52). My mum was a nurse. She was 52 when she lost him. My brother was 24 at Uni when it happened. I was at college. I became quite clingy towards my mum, losing my lovely dad at such a young age. Then at 21 i became ill. Could hardly walk. I was like an old woman. Was on steroids, sulphasalazine, indocid. Loads of strong painkillers. For the past 20 yrs i’ve been having an Infliximab infusion to help my joints & eyes. I’ve had an awful flare up of Iritis. Really bad vision in my left eye since 4th Feb. Bad headaches too. I’ve been going to Moorfields eye hospital for 25 yrs. had to go their a&e twice jn a week because of pain & bad vision. Still on steroid eye drops now. I really have had awful problems with my eyes over the yrs. I’ve had to have loads of steroid injections in my eyes. Steroid implants injected into both of them, because my vision was so bad. Loads of other procedures. My mother was always there for me. So was Lady P. Very supportive. Very upsetting when something happens.
it’s awful when folk on forums disappear isn’t it & your lefty wondering why 🤔
he is still gone and it has been eight months.😔