Latest update : Where to begin. Thank you all so much... - NRAS


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Pamelah5 profile image
33 Replies

Where to begin. Thank you all so much for your kind messages of support, I found Very comforting! To think none of you know me, I am completely over whelmed!! Apologies that I have not got round to replying to you all but thank you.

This morning around 8.20am I received a phone call from the consultants secretary asking me to attend the hospital on Tuesday 6th for 9.30am my heart beating fast I stayed relatively calm ask whether she was able to tell me anything over the phone, unfortunately she was unable to.

She asked whether I needed a letter sent out I didn’t had written it down, but she did sent me a text message to make sure I had got the correct details.

I must admit it was the call I have been waiting for which seemed to of taken ages, when it’s only been 3 days.

I will let you all know Tuesday once home from my hospital appointment.

Love and best wishes to you all xxxxx

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Pamelah5 profile image
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33 Replies
springcross profile image

Thanks for letting us know Pamela. I sincerely wish you all the best for Tuesday and I hope you have someone to come with you. I will certainly be thinking of you so all the best and take care. xx 🙏

Pamelah5 profile image
Pamelah5 in reply to springcross

Thank you Springcross, my best friend Diana will be going with me this time. When received the first results From Colorectal consultant I was on my own I could not take it all in properly xx

springcross profile image
springcross in reply to Pamelah5

I'm so glad about that Pamela. Good luck to you. xx

Boxerlady profile image

Great that you've got a friend going with you and that you haven't got to wait too long although I'm sure that it seems like ages. Try to have as relaxing a weekend as you can and stay away from Dr Google!

Pamelah5 profile image
Pamelah5 in reply to Boxerlady

I haven’t Dr Google at all completely kept away, you tend to find lots of similar symptoms say the same giving wrong information xx

Best wishes.. xx

Pamelah5 profile image
Pamelah5 in reply to

Thank you J1707 xx

Pippy25 profile image

Glad someone is going with you, take care of yourself over the weekend xx

Pamelah5 profile image
Pamelah5 in reply to Pippy25

I will do Pippy25 thank you xx

sylvi profile image

Good luck

Pamelah5 profile image
Pamelah5 in reply to sylvi

Thank you sweetheart xxx

Lolabridge profile image

We will be thinking of you over This weekend and fingers crossed for Tuesday. X

Pamelah5 profile image
Pamelah5 in reply to Lolabridge

Thank you Lolabridge xx

Gnarli profile image

Wishing you all the best for Tuesday. So glad your friend will be with you it must be awful having to do it alone. Pamela's army will be behind you too

Kags1068 profile image

Along with everyone else, I wanted to wish you all the very best for next week's appointment. I think we will all be thinking of you. I'm glad your friend is able to go with you I'm sure that will be very helpful as it is so difficult to take everything in.

Well done for avoiding the temptation of Dr Google. Sometimes it can be as much of a menace as it is a help!😳

Please do let us know how you get on xx

rab1874 profile image

Wishing you all the best on Tuesday Pamela xxx

Blueskysunshine profile image

Good to hear that your friend is going with you. Try to have a relaxing weekend. All the best for Tuesday x

CallMeSunny profile image

Good to hear you have an appointment for Tuesday and you have your best friend to go with many virtual supporters, all wishing you well. Maybe your friend could take a case she needs to jot anything down for you? Try to relax and treat yourself a little this weekend...horrid wet and windy weather, perfect for snuggling under a warm blanket with a good book or box set to watch. Hugs 🤗

Pamelah5 profile image
Pamelah5 in reply to CallMeSunny

Thank you CallMeSunny, I think taking a notebook is a great idea, I’m pleased Diana is going with me, where I can be myself and not having to contain my feelings to be brave. This morning went for flu jab, the pharmacy is a friend of one of my sons, went into the consultation room, he asked how I was, I said I’m fine, just before having the flu jab mentioned they found a tumour, and it’s not knowing what it is, that was it I burst into tears I apologised for getting upset, he said he wanted to give me a hug instead he placed his hand on my shoulder he was wearing a glove. He said anytime I need to chat I could, asked if I wanted a glass of water I just said a tissue please.

Have a few chores from yesterday to finish, after will listen to some music chill rest of day, watch a film later.

I wish you a peaceful weekend xx

CallMeSunny profile image
CallMeSunny in reply to Pamelah5

So poor love having so much stress. It’s unexpected kindnesses like your pharmacist showed you that just release the will have removed a layer of pressure and he obviously totally understood. Sending extra strength. X

Ruth12345 profile image

That's good you have heard back and got an appointment.

Let us know how you get on when you are able to.

So lovely to have good friends.

I send you all the very best of thoughts, fibes, prayers, whichever works for you.

Sheila_G profile image

You are in my prayers Pamela. I hope you have a good consultation and get the news you are hoping for. Whatever happens, we are here for you if you need to talk

Pamelah5 profile image
Pamelah5 in reply to Sheila_G

Thank you for your prayers Sheila_G. This weekend has dragged, Tuesday can’t come soon enough. I read up on foods I should be eating for this type of tumour to see whether I could had prevented a tumour I eat well also quite disciplined having a digestive problem, seems the food I eat is fine, however I’m quite partial to few chocolate buttons. Trying to stay focus and positive.


Biofreak profile image

Wishing you all the best for Tuesday. Glad your friend will be there for you. It's times like this when we need our friends the most. Xx

Pamelah5 profile image
Pamelah5 in reply to Biofreak

Hi Biofreak, thank you for your wishes. You mentioned friends, since telling one of my friends she’s kept her distance, not wanting to talk, when you think we would chat for a while, but the few other friends I have told have been understanding xx

Biofreak profile image
Biofreak in reply to Pamelah5

Oh dear. I'm afraid some people find it difficult to talk about illness, usually because they don't know what to say and so avoid talking instead. It's sad because just listening is usually all we need and want from our friends. A kind word and a bit of understanding goes a long way.

Monkeysmum profile image

Thanks for the update Pamela, I’ll be keeping everything crossed this weekend. Try to spoil yourself a little to get through it - if ever there was a situation which called for chocolate it’s this one. Xx

Summerrain14 profile image

Thinking of you, especially on Tuesday and sending love and best wishes to you x

Durrell profile image

Oh Pamela that’s great news & a huge relief for you now you know they are on your case, you always wonder if you’ve dropped off the radar, although a few days away you can feel assured you have your appointment. Ensure you write all your questions down, as we go with all good intentions & some how forget to ask?. Take care of yourself, your in my thoughts, all my fingers & toes are still crossed for you, big hugs xx

Pamelah5 profile image
Pamelah5 in reply to Durrell

Thank you Durrell, I must admit they have acted promptly with the tests it’s just the results. Weekend has dragged trying to keep busy there’s only so much you can do. Tried watching a film couldn’t concentrate to understand. I have jotted few questions over last couple of days, I need to be thorough, my friend will take her notebook. Thank you again xx

Durrell profile image

Just a little thing I’d like to share, I’ve come to enjoy as like many I’m in a mega flare!. I go to YouTube and listen to the adult meditation/bedtime stories, I like the log cabin but find the Healing ones helpful too! I pop my iPad on my bedside table listen & relax & turn just off before I’m dropping off to sleep. It’s a nice bit of company & the breathing/relaxing is comforting, maybe helpful at the mo if you haven’t already tried it!, Again all the best for Tuesday, I’m so glad you have your lovely friend to go with you xx

Pamelah5 profile image
Pamelah5 in reply to Durrell

Hi Durrell, I am saddened to hear your suffering at the his time in having a mega flare how awful. I know is easy to say please listen to your body and rest, don’t try to push yourself to carry out the last chore. Do you have anyone who can help you if you need anything doing or shopping to get. I will keep you in my prayers. I will try the adult meditation/bedtime stories I have not tried any from YouTube. I downloaded a app called “Relax and sleep” it’s a little library with a selection of different categories such as “Relax and sleep” with (sleep ending) “relax and sleep with (awake ending). Solfeggio relax and sleep. Mindfulness for releasing anxiety. Meditation 4 Inner Wisdom. All which I have selected are “free” quite often I have not reached the end before drifting off. There are couple of others with a wakening ending which I have not tried. There are some which you need to purchase, the app is worth trying. My friend Diana wouldn’t have it any other way, I have known Diana for 22 years, I help Diana much as I can when she’s poorly with Fibromyalgia. Thank you for sharing the YouTube meditation with me Durrell xx

Durrell profile image
Durrell in reply to Pamelah5

Morning Pamela Thank you for your kind words, yes I do have my husband who is obviously very supportive though gets exasperated with it all, which I can totally understand. I was on cimzia injections for several years & you would not of known I had RA, but after 5 years, stopping & starting with infections it became less effective, which is apparently the norm. Since then, now nearing 4 years I have tried several drugs but either side affects or It just hasn’t worked for me. Throughout covid I’ve been plagued with a reoccurring ear infection, so I can’t start a new drug!! I’ve decided to go & see a functional therapist to get my immune system stronger, it’s costly but I’m so fed up with going round in circles achieving nothing. Daily life is so painful as I’m sure you know but like so many we muddle through.. I will certainly look at the app as I do find it a very useful tool, thank you again. Well I’ll trundle off to work, try & keep busy today, I know it’s hard as there’s only so much you can do & this weather doesn’t help but Tuesday is just around the corner xx 🤞

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