Thank you to all of you who replied to my previous post regarding whether I should be in Group 4 or 6 whilst on MXT and Abatacept (a biologic) for my RA.
I was down as Group 6 with the GP which I questioned as I felt I should be group 4 (as I've had all the Government CEV letters and have therefore been shielding). I was told to contact my hospital consultant. Someone from the hospital rang me back and said those drugs, according to their flow chart, classed me as clinically vulnerable but not CEV and therefore they wouldn't recommend Group 4.
In the meantime I had copied all my Government shielding letters telling me I'm CEV, NHS list stating MXT plus a biologic warranted shielding (and therefore surely CEV) and my abatacept medicine leaflet showing it increases the risk of infections and handed them over to the GP admin team to give them evidence that I should be in Group 4.
Today I got a phone call from the GPs saying that she and the clinical lead had looked over my case and agree that I should be in Group 4 and I'd be called up when they got their last batch of vaccines in (this week's had all been allocated). She said that the CEV list all went on what code you were and because they prescribe my MXT but I get my biologic direct from the hospital that they cannot take that into account and make the code tally to CEV (!!). Also, they could see on the codings that Chapel Allerton Hospital had downgraded by code to 'Moderate' as opposed to CEV on November 6th (the same date I received my Govt letter stating I was CEV!).
It seems it is very subjective which combination of immunosuppressants warrant a CEV coding and also how you are prescribed - it's therefore a bit of a lottery.
However, the lady at GPs phoned me back just over an hour later and said one of today's allocated vaccines couldn't be used on one of the patients and did I want it - so I've had it this afternoon.
I would therefore advise those thinking they are CEV and assuming they are going to get a call for a vaccine imminently to double check with your GP and plead your case if need be.