hello! I'm having real trouble with my hands these days. the aspirin isn't doing what it used to, and my other pain relief isn't keeping a lid on it. does anyone else get this odd look? it hurts. tender to touch, to move. I don't know if I need to tell someone. it happens on my pinkies and one or two other fingers, too. one half of the swollen knuckle is firm. x
thumbelina isn't dancing. : hello! I'm having real... - NRAS
thumbelina isn't dancing.
Take it to your GP as could be osteoarthritis, hebderens node, ganglia or all sorts..
That sounds nasty. In your place I'd be be wanting to see a doctor pdq. Wishing you better
You need to find out what it is hazmatrec so go see your GP - take photos (or get someone else to) - in case you can only get a telephone appointment as the GP may ask you to send photos in. Good luck. x
I would let a doc see that before the cold weather sets in and brings its own delights. Good luck.
thanks folks. so much fun doubting my own judgement when something is wrong , bleah. kinda worrying to me too that the thumb itself is swollen, not just the knuckle. I'll give the gp a ring. I've already had two days where I've worn gloves outside. cold season starts early for me. x