It isn't easy.... hard to explain pain....: I suppose... - NRAS


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It isn't easy.... hard to explain pain....

Marthapickle profile image
5 Replies

I suppose I am so much luckier than so many... but I live each day with pain. Got my new knees, but now my shoulders and arms are effected with "Fibrom.......". Got stuck in the bath, and my husband has tampered with the shower, so it has temporarily died. So I am now sitting on a plank of wood, with a huge plastic jug, a new purchased bright blue back scrubber, bubbles and shampoo sloshing water about like a child in a paddling pool. I try to remember to take all my pain killers, I have my hotty bottle, my granny like electric shawl and wire myself up... electric blanket.... I have been pricked from head to toe by my acupuncturist, who has now given up on me. I have had craneology which had no effect except gave me pins and needles in my fingers..... I sip the most disgusting brew of Chinese medicine, because I was informed I have thick blood, but the Doctor says my blood is fine.... The physiotherapist has told me not to lift anything heavier than a cup of tea.... and yes it is raining again....

I have found that music breaks through the pain barrier, that laughter of the most stupidest of things takes your mind away from your own being, talking to someone who is suffering much more than yourself makes you realise that maybe I am more fortunate than most....I guess this all comes with old age. I am now 74...

Love to chat....


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Marthapickle profile image
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5 Replies
oldtimer profile image

I just love the picture of you sitting on a plank sloshing about with bubbles and a back scrubber! For me, it's almost 40 years since this all started... no I don't think it will end except with the end there is for all of us, so we have to make the best of what we have. And humour is a great way to deal with it!

Marthapickle profile image
Marthapickle in reply to oldtimer

Thank you "oldertimer" for replying....

You have summed it up perfectly....Well good start for the day, Just managed to knock the Muesli down off the shelf so time to drag poor old "Henry about", at least he has a smile on his face..... My "Craneology" man told me to swing a plastic milk carton from the shoulders 15 times each side a few times during the day, plus holding up the doorway with my arms. These exercises actually are I think going to be quite effective. I went to visit him yesterday, unfortunately the street clock which unbeknown to me was running 10 minutes late. So my 30 minutes session was reduced to 20 minutes, The laying of the hands at the back of my neck summed up to 5 minutes, after taking "notes" cost £35.00..... well I suppose the only way at looking at that is that I contributed towards the "Business Rates"...

I do hope the sun comes out and you have a good day.

Best wishes Marthapickle

Superfloozie profile image

Oh marthapickle you made me giggle😀 I have a vision of you in that bath, probably pretty accurate as I've been there myself! You're so right about laughter, sometimes the pure ridiculousness of a situation makes me laugh out loud. Yesterday was a bad day, I had to go see the consultant and I'm never good in the afternoon, on my way at one point I looked at the step up from road to pavement and laughed as I wasn't sure how I could do it. Some days I would cry but yesterday the joy of laughter kept me going, I'm 50 and have had this for 16 years now, I'm very thankful I can still laugh at myself😀

Marthapickle profile image
Marthapickle in reply to Superfloozie

Hi Superfloozie,

Well done, it isn't easy passing through pain barriers. The moans and yelps that come popping out without the asking for is unbelievable...The screwed up face and the eyeballs that revolve round in ever decreasing circles are involuntary actions. My husband is a super guy but he hasn't got a clue what it is to hurt so much, but should he be poorly don't we know...out comes the blood pressure unit...

I am 74, I am so much more fortunate than so many other people and this I have to keep telling myself when I am in one of my self-pity moods. So I am popping my daily dose of pain killers which help, in between trying to remember the physio exercises of crawling up the wall with my fingers. Reminds me of song I used to sing to my daughter when she was a baby. Itsy Witsy spider. Throwing my bra to the wind today, put on some wild socks. That procedure is a sight for sore eyes... Put on my lipstick, throw a bright scarf around my neck and off for lunch with my dear friend Jane.... We are going to the garden centre, spring is here or just around the corner and I am going to buy Polyanthus I just love their colour, bring brightness into our lives. Jane is lovely, she sorts me out....

Keep your chin up there... who knows there maybe some miracle pill we can pop soon, wouldn't that be great... A day with no hurts.

Love the chat....


Superfloozie profile image

oh marthapickle, go, throw caution to the wind - buy whole trays of Polyanthus and enjoy lunchie! a day with no hurts is just around the corner and that day will be fabulous for all. In the meantime pop the pills and say dang it all to the warm place :-)

enjoy your day!

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