Well after all the trails of getting Humira I was taken off it due to horrid side effects and put back on Enbrel but twice weekly now and I simply just can not 'get my head round' which days to inject.I asked the nuse who help me with first injection and her reply was oh yes there is only 7 days in a week isn't there. Had my first one today (Thursday) so was thinking maybe Sunday or Monday for the next one. Any advice please.
Twice weekly Enbrel injections, just can't get my hea... - NRAS
Twice weekly Enbrel injections, just can't get my head round what days to inject

Years ago I started on Enbrel twice weekly then tried once weekly when that was introduced but had to go back to twice weekly. I used to do Monday and Thursday. Farm
I was on Enbrel for 10 years and did my injections on Thursday and Sunday if that's any help. suited me has I worked part time Monday to Wednesday. I had a good run on Enbrel with no side effects So wish you all the best on it Gillian
Luckily mine comes in the 50mg pen so only have to do it once. Hope it works for you this time around.

Pity mine is twice a week now but consultant hopes it will work better this way
I'm only doing one a week. If I had to do two I would do Weds and Sunday only because Thurs, Fri and Sat I am out a lot and not at home.
I used to take it on a Friday and Tuesday, with the option of taking it a day earlier or later if I was doing some special.
Hope it works as well for you as it did for me.