Has anyone had tooth implants with RA ?
Tooth implants: Has anyone had tooth implants with RA ? - NRAS
Tooth implants

Yep. Me. A load of them between October and March this year.
Best thing I ever did as my confidence came back in bucket loads. I had a great dentist.
I take mtx and biologics. He stocked the right antibiotics in advance should I need them too. I didn’t.
Thank you, I’m looking at top and bottom. I’m on a biologic only and doing really well with RA I also use cannabis oil which helps me heaps no pain and I sleep really well..
Mine are top and bottom too. I'd suggest speaking to a couple of dentists. Mine is a professor and expert with implants. He also understood RA and how mtx particularly can change bone structure which is why we did mine over such a long period as he took several xrays along the way. It's not cheap though!
I’m in Australia and I’ve been going to the same dentist for forty years. He has referred me to a specialist who he feels is my best bet. I was diagnosed with RA 2 1/2 years ago and have been on biologics for almost 2 years and I was lucky the first one worked a treat. I hope I am a good candidate for implants (fingers crossed) but I’m still a little scared too.
Hello do you have his/her name? As my dentist won’t let me ? Please tell me I will go anywhere to get it done!
Sure! He’s a very very nice man. I’m incredibly anxious about the dentist. Actually, I was. Not now. I was sedated twice and had six appointments. Was due another in June, but hey, Covid happened haha. I’m not going to lie when I say he’s not cheap. My longest appointment was 90 minutes I think. Felt like 5 as I was sedated. No pain, absolutely nothing. And walked out with a friend who took me home and after an hour left me and I had a nap. Still no pain, no infections. Nothing. This is a link to his info...
My RA started a few months after a bad fall which damaged my front teeth. Whether the fall was the trigger or just coincidental, who knows ? I struggled to keep the teeth, undergoing much dental work over a long period of time.
I was advised against tooth implants, due to the invasive nature of the treatment and had the teeth removed instead.
A very nasty fall that must have been. It is a tough process for implants I believe ... expensive too? I could do with some 🙄
I was walking along the pavement one minute, then down on my face the next. 8 broken teeth, cut up mouth and a sore rib, no other injuries. I was an extremely fit 57 year old, long distance walker and hill climber, swimmer and nordic walker. I underwent a lot of invasive dental work and had 3 courses of antibiotics in a short space of time. A few months later, the fatigue set in and the rest is history as they say.
Gosh I’m sorry to hear that .. that’s so hard and and unjust, given how fit you were. (I was a 20-25 miler in the fells, hard hill walking in Yorkshire! .. every Sunday before RA) but also the amount of dental work I’ve had to have since taking oral steroids for a year in 2015/16 is more than I would have expected. I need a large bridge top side- back over four teeth .. two are filled and can’t take any more he said and the two outer ones need to support the inner and will be crowned. I have been unable to do so due to an op in March and then ... current climate! When I next go I want to discuss of implants are possible for me in time to come. My dentist is very senior and extremely reputable, working with the professors at Leeds so I’m sure he will know what to do. If he didn’t he’d send me to them. I hope your RA is under control and you are steady at the moment. x
Maybe should have said I was referred to Edinburgh dental hospital for an opinion regarding implants, they said implants do carry a risk for people with RA, add that to the issues with my fall and it probably wasn't the best option.
I have two implants. Had a week of antibiotics first then weekly checks for a month all good. Still don’t look like a film star though maybe new body required too .........
What a bunch of crocks we are! At least on this site you hear from people with similar issues which makes you laugh! I also have a bad knee. Sounds like we could be a tribute Fred and Ginger act 😎
No problem having implants personally, but it has to be accepted that, on immune suppressants, you may be at higher risk of infection. But given that dentists are usually better at infection control than most places, it's a low risk and mainly from your own mouth bacteria.