Requested my MTX nordimet pens last week. Just received a phone call asking my dose . The only dose in my records are for tablets. I don’t understand I started injections in September and a biologic in January. I have never had a problem ordering before. Was told there was nothing in my records for nordimet or dosage. Have contacted my nurse who said she will look into it. Have my records not been updated due to covid or is this human error. Either way I’m not happy.
A little bit miffed : Requested my MTX nordimet pens... - NRAS
A little bit miffed
Sounds like human error to me!
I have often found myself telling the GP (who is responsible for the prescribing bit of shared care) what I am on, what dose, etc. as they have not been updated by the hospital who have changed it. My repeat prescription is, even now, incorrect as to dosage and I don't seem to be able to get them interested enough to change it.
How often do you have to order them? You would have thought if you've been on them for nearly a year they would have got the hang of it by now 😉 Maybe a new person or something
I find when things go smoothly I'm quite surprised (don't mean to knock the NHS) the communication between hospital and GP is creaky
I order every 2 months from the prescription nurse it’s the same one every time I know her name 🙄
So this weeks battle is meds and accuracy! I constantly review with GP what I am on and still I get things missed even when face to face or by letter.
🥺🙄more stress !!

And RD likes stress as if we need it. Hope you get it sorted out.
I had a similar problem and it’s very frustrating isn’t it.
My GP records showed I was on Benepali nearly a year after I was taken off it. I had started Truxima nearly a year before that went on my record (at my insistence). I was worried that if I ended up in an ambulance/in hospital, especially when Covid began, that healthcare professionals would not know I had a suppressed immune system.
It makes you wonder whether the GP actually reads the letters sent to her by the consultant or nurse?!
Hope you get sorted soon. How on earth do these things happen...
I would understand if I just started but nearly 12 months on mtx injections 😠🤷♀️can only order from prescription line at the hospital
Was this an electronic repeat prescription or did you phone to request your repeat? I'm guessing the latter but either way it does seem most odd being it's a med you have on repeat that the med itself alongside the dose isn't on your file. Are you able to request a printout of your list of meds?
I have the consultants letter with the confirmation of last telephone consultation 6 weeks ago. You leave a message on the prescription answer phone.. hospital number DoB and address and telephone number. Nurse rang back today to ask me my dose and she didn’t even have down as on injections only tablets which changed in September last year.have been ordering every 2 months since. I got a complement slip after last phone call with this nurse asking me to double the dose. Not spoken to about it . I put in a complaint about it. Looks like she didn’t put it in my records.
I would be miffed and shocked! Especially after all this time. ☹️. I really do hope they get back to you quickly and get it sorted. x
I’m sick of complaining. It’s not something I like to do but it seems to be becoming a habit lately 🙄

You have had very good reasons to complain. Honestly this should not be happening. Call/email to your fab rheumy nurse needed I think. x
👍 all set for the morning x

👍🏻 sounds like a plan! x
Doesn’t the dose appear on the pens you are using now?
Yes I know the dose nurse issuing the prescription has no record of it

But if the dose you take is written on what you are using now....why don’t you just tell whoever is asking, get your pens, then sort the paperwork?
I know it might be irritating but if it gets you your meds....?
Unfortunately right now nothing is perfect.....& probably won’t be for a we are are all having to dig deep.
She has refused to issue the prescription until she has confirmation of the dosage.. this is the same nurse who notified me to double my dose by a compliment slip in the post
Have you tried speaking to the Rheumatologist’s Secretary.....she should have a copy of his patient notes for the date you were changed to injections.
I’ve contact the head nurse she is dealing with it hopefully will get back to me today. Unfortunately the main staff were all redeployed and the dosage changes were done by replacement doctors . I usually see a senior nurse but she too was redeployed and replaced with a less qualified nurse who I feel couldn’t cope or is lazy
So sorry for all of you having problems.
I get my mtx injections delivered every twelve weeks. Always get a phone call about three weeks in advance to arrange delivery. From then on its text sent as a reminder (am/pm) and then further texts eventually giving me the time when the driver is due to arrive. If I need any cotton wool, plasters, antiseptic wipes or a sharp spin in addition to the meds, they are added & always arrive. I’m now in my fourth year so thanks Health Care at Home for the great service.
As for changes to my prescription I again haven’t had a problem. A quick call to my rhumy nurse asking should I lower or raise the dosage. She then discusses my request with the consultant at their weekly team meeting and once agreed on the course of action, prescription changed, Health Care at Home advised of changes and next delivery sent has so far been spot on. I don’t go through my GP at all
Not sure if geographic areas make a difference,
but I moved to Devon twelve years ago and have never looked back.
Please don’t all move down as the locals will kill me
A BIG THANK YOU NHS and my Rhumy team at the Royal North Devon Hospital.
That’s how I get my Biologic works brilliantly . The problem with mtx only started when most of the senior team was redeployed . The one in charge has made a mess. I was diagnosed 4 years ago never had a prescription problem before. My designated nurse is back and she is brilliant and is sorting out the mess

Glad to hear that things are getting sorted.