I have developed inflammatory lower back pain + neuropathy in my right leg over the past 6 months and have had RA for approximately 15 years. Am on Nordimet and hydroxychlorequine. My physio recommended amiltriptyline to help with pain. Worked for neuropathy but nothing seems to help with my back. Has anyone else been diagnosed with the lower back pain? Have contacted the rheum department for help but have had no response from them. 😒
Abwn Inflammatory lower back pain: I have developed... - NRAS
Abwn Inflammatory lower back pain

did the physio not give you any other help ie exercises to do? Is it the discs or OA rather than RA? I have intermittent pain in my leg from when I had a slipped disc. I have exercises I do which do help my back too. It depends on the cause of your pain what can be done to help.
I developed neuropathy initially and physio gave me stretching exercises but with the back pain recommended walking. Am on amiltriptyline for neuropathy but isn't doing anything for back pain. Physio recommended informing rheum dept!!!
Could be spondyloarthritis on top of your RA. Although the nerve pain in the l g suggests it’s more likely a slipped disc. Meds to deal with AS are generally the same as RA, with them using NSAIDs or biologics, and MTX for peripheral symptoms. Gentle stretches should help. It could also be osteoarthritis with an osteophyte or narrowing of the spinal causing symptoms
Have they scanned your back? I have a degenerative lower spine with nerve damage at L4/L5 on the S1 nerve.what your describing is similar.Push your Gp for a MRI.Rheumatologist might not want to know as its osteo related
Unfortunately amitriptyline isn't doing anything. Worked for neuropathy.
You could try some very gentle stretching excercises like lying on back knees to chest, feet flat on floor knees bent; swinging hips L to R; pelvic tilts, that sort of thing. Gently and only if not in too much pain.
In my experience keeping mobile, however tiny the movement, is essential. I seize up completely otherwise and go into spasm.
Of course your pain might be different but I find this has really helped me over the years.
Here we have the peculiar situation where the GP cannot refer for MRI scan of the back but the physio can!
When I saw the (very helpful) physio with back pain and nerve root pain she arranged an MRI which showed spinal stenosis and disc impingement at several levels.
The physio was very impressed with the exercises from the Royal Osteopororis Society and corrected a few of the movements I was practising, but otherwise they have helped quite a bit. I split them so that I do them in three lots during the day, together with one of three yoga practices designed for me by the yoga teacher who specialises in disabilities, but every day, walk with a walker as much as I can and keep gardening...unfortunately my skin (with the vasculitis) has stopped me going swimming or to aquafit anymore.
I take codeine and paracetamol but hate all the things like amitriptyline which make me feel out of control of my mental functioning. As long as I stick to regular low dose I can cope with distraction and activities - I know why the pain is there so it's not worrying.
I have RA and lower back pain. My rheumatologist tells me that RA does not affect the lower back. I do have a bulging disc so have to assume that is causing my problems.