Hi, I have just collected my prescription and been given Nordimet instead of my usual Metoject. The actual device is different from the Metoject which I had to go to the hospital for training to use. Has this happened to anyone else and should I use it without being shown how?
Nordimet instead of Metoject: Hi, I have just... - NRAS
Nordimet instead of Metoject

Read the instructions in the packet and have a look on YouTube. They are all pretty similar, so you should be fine. But if you don’t feel confident does your GP have a practice nurse? Or ask the chemist?
Failing all that some hospitals still have injection clinic for people who can’t do it themselves.
I think the normal advice is not to use if you're not trained. I'd first speak to the chemist then the GP.
Is it like that in the UK? Here my rheumy just tells me to look it up and expects me to take responsibility if I can, and tell her if I can’t. But then France is far less of a nanny state than the UK.
(edit - just remembered when I changed from Enbrel to Roactemra last year and the issue of it being a totally different injectable hardly got mentioned. Rheumy just said it’s a pen so you’ll have no difficulty and that was it)
I use nordimet it’s easier than metoject in my opinion. It’s still methotrexate just the delivery is different.
Hold the pen in your fist half way up. Pull the top off squeeze your muscle where you’re injecting ( thigh or stomach) press the pen against your injection site it will automatically push into skin hold for 10 seconds after click and that’s it
I haven’t ever had training face to face and now on 3rd type of injection. As they were all pens of different types it was assumed I’d be ok reading the instructions.
I was given them once, if your gp does not state can give you any. Rang hospital they told me to contact my gp get it stated I use only metro pin only and reorder. Hospital said we are not trained to use them nor are they. Good luck.
Interesting to hear that people get their metoject from a chemist. Mine is delivered by a company called Sciensus. My gp only prescribes the folic acid, which is on a repeat prescription but the rheumatology dpt set the dose.
It’s very easy once set up. The Rheumy team sort it all out at first, then there’s an app to reorder and they change the sharps bin too. Not used the system for very long but seems efficient so far.