Started my new injections meds today 🤞crossed they work
Adalimumab: Started my new injections meds today... - NRAS

Hi I started two weeks ago and I have already noticed some difference after nothing else working for me -hope you do too.
Good luck
Humira works for me. I was on Enbrel for years, also a Anti TNF - had to try other drugs, which didn't work as well, so I pushed for Humira and very thankfully got it.
I haven't looked back since.
Whiching you all the very best. I hope it works for you. If not, don't loose heart, try and try again and something will click.
Good Luck x
Oh good luck hope it works and quickly for you 😃. Keep us posted how you are doing because I’m sure they’ll be lots of others on the forum that will either be starting it or wanting to consider it if their current meds aren’t working. Best wishes.
Thank you everyone I will let you all know how I’m doing 👍
All the best rooting for you - with great faith it shall work 😌Hessie
I started Adalimumab 2 weeks ago Iv been feeling sick and sweating and no appetite at all and pains in my stomach has anyone else experienced this thx
Iv only had one injection last month of Adalimumab because it played about with my diabetes again so the nurse stopped it and Iv been on steroids for 2 months to bring the inflammation down thank god they have worked so waiting now for the nurse to phone to see what route to take now I’m slowly giving up on hope 😒