Just announced on bbc news: Hi folks , it’s just been... - NRAS


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Just announced on bbc news

patsymay13 profile image
158 Replies

Hi folks , it’s just been announced on the bbc news that those who are shielded can after tomorrow go out once a day as long as you don’t go near anyone else , unless you live alone then you can meet up with 1 other person ....xwhoops sorry stayloose just seen your post.

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patsymay13 profile image
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158 Replies
happytulip profile image

2.2 million people in the UK being shielded and after 10 weeks it gets announced on the BBC News at 10 and not on the Daily Briefing?? And at a time when Prof JVT said "it's a very dangerous time,.....don't tear the pants out of it."

Mixed messages and should have come in the daily briefing.

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to happytulip


happytulip profile image
happytulip in reply to Mmrr

I agree! I think they should have announced it properly where questions could be asked. Reflects the opinions of the way the disabled are thought of I think.

I'm happy we can go out but it's been a big deal to shield for us, they could have made a more comprehensive announcement. That was a few minutes on the BBC at 10pm.

Thanks Boris!

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to happytulip

The scientist who I believe says stay safe , its political stupidity.

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to allanah

The scientists are frustrated now as they are recommending what is best for our country and to stop a second wave and the government is not taking enough notice .. seems quite little tbh. x

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to happytulip

Tbh I don’t think the Politicians (or most journalists) have any idea what the conditions needing Shielding mean.

I honestly think they think it only means you have had a transplant or you have cancer!

Mmrr profile image

Only in England.

Scotland will have information soon, not sure what's happening in Wales and NI.

bubblyalex profile image
bubblyalex in reply to Mmrr

All too too confusing. Not sure how this is safe.

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to bubblyalex

Absolutely. I'm in Scotland and just hope the information coming to us is released by Scotgov. We have been told something is coming soon.

193639 profile image
193639 in reply to Mmrr

Hi Mmrr

Scotland’s first Minister stated she will be guided by the Science and as a shielded individual I believe Scotland’s approach is right to be cautious. In my opinion Boris J, has started lifting restrictions too early. Yes he has the economy to manage, however members of the population are still catching the virus and although the death rate is decreasing the virus remains. Time will tell. I will remain shielded until the science says otherwise.

I would hate to see us going back to square one or experience a second wave after everybody’s efforts by adhering to the guidance.

As a Scot I believe Nicola Sturgeon will get it right by working with the experts and listening to the scientific evidence.

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to 193639

Oh absolutely that's what I'm saying, I trust Nicola Sturgeon absolutely and am both shocked and horrified in equal measure as to what has been said in England regarding shielders.

happytulip profile image
happytulip in reply to bubblyalex

Scientists say it's too early. Infection rates are going up (I believe), schools are reopening in England on Monday, track and trace not yet fully up and running, my letter says to Shield until 30th June, yet a BBC journalist says that I can now go out for a walk.

Talk about being torn.

This should have been an official announcement.

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to happytulip

I'm staying in

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to allanah

Me too allanah!

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to happytulip

The infection rate in England is still 8000 a day!

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to happytulip

I agree.I saw it on the teletext before it was announced on the news!

Bionic1 profile image
Bionic1 in reply to bubblyalex

People in Wales can now take exercise & meet another household as long as its outside but don't go in their house or eat their food.....well I was hoping someone cook for me for a change 😊👍

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to Mmrr

Similar thing for Wales. The first minister said the other day that the shielded people of Wales have not been forgotten and there will be a meeting next week to see what more can be done to help us. I think they'll be sending out another letter, but personally I ain't expecting to hear anything that will make a difference to my current lifestyle. The only letter I'm interested in is the one giving me a date to go for the new corona vaccination....

in reply to Mmrr

From NIcola Sturgeon earlier on Twitter: “This does NOT apply in Scotland at this stage. I am acutely aware of how difficult the current restrictions are for those ‘shielding’ but we must find the safest way forward and do so in a considered way - that is why @scotgov has committed to issuing new guidance ASAP.”

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to

A voice of reason.

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to Mmrr

Yep.The key word-'considered'.I feel that yet again it hasnt been thought through by Boris etc -just paying lip service.

allanah profile image

They can bugger off as far as I'm concerned. The r noumber is high, thousands of people still have the illness each day, I'm no sacrificial lamb.

it only takes one person to pass this illness to me then I'm in itu. I'm continuing to shield whether I should or not at 10.30pm on a saturday night . No tracing , no app, no vaccine.... get lost government

bubblyalex profile image
bubblyalex in reply to allanah

Kind of with you here allanah. Can’t see how this is wise or safe to do. Erring on the side of caution seems sensible. Ima staying home :)

happytulip profile image
happytulip in reply to allanah

Couldn't have said it better myself!

I am very shocked at how it has been announced. I now have a real insight into how the disabled or those in ill health are thought of. It's offensive after shielding for so long. We should have been addressed properly.

The bloody footballers have been addressed but not us!!

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to happytulip

Indeed , so angry.ive done everything , cutting off from family , not going to Barnard Castle to " protect the nhs , save lives" to get this second hand oh yes go for a wee walk rubbish at 10.30 on a Saturday night . Well NO , WE ARE WORTH MORE THAN THAT .

We are still on the governments own table of level 4 out of 5 for goodness sake. Vulnerable people should be PROTECTED until the threat is over not at 4 out of 5. I'm truly disgusted .

No tracing , no app, no vaccine , but off you go


happytulip profile image
happytulip in reply to allanah

I think you summed it up perfectly. We are worth more than that.

Maybe they want rid of us??

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to allanah

Dominic Cummings gave the red light to many people to go out and not comply with distancing, I feel. Also sure that people would think .. If he does that then I’m going to as well. The PM’s right hand man can’t comply so why should I?!

It is a upsetting frustrating to stay home and I know how it’s been very difficult for you. 😑( I’ve been in since end of Feb as I was shielding anyhow so not to pick up a cold in prep for an op on 10 March as I just got in before the small hospital stopped procedures and ops so it’s been just over three months for me now except a blood test and collecting some meds.) The fact so many people have stayed home who aren’t vulnerable too to stop the spread has been incredible, but there have been too many people not giving a flying you know what about others.

Many people have gone to work to ensure we get our food and essential services which we are so, so thankful for, but it makes me cry to see people going out en masse on beaches to get a tan?? .. or to queue together closely for ice creams whilst there is still such a high number of deaths. Is an ice cream (and one which isn’t probably hygienic anyhow in regular times!) worth it? A huge no. Disgusted here too. Right with you. X

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to happytulip

Tbh it has made it crystal clear what we have been saying for years, that R.A. is a Cinderella Disease,& we all have to look out for ourselves.

happytulip profile image
happytulip in reply to AgedCrone

What's a Cinderella disease AC?

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to happytulip

From the pantomime...the two Ugly Sisters treated their beautiful sister very badly....she was called Cinderella!

happytulip profile image
happytulip in reply to AgedCrone

Ah, I see.

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to AgedCrone

Never more clear.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Mmrr

Suddenly thought....wasn’t poor Cinders a Step Sister?

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to AgedCrone


patsymay13 profile image
patsymay13 in reply to AgedCrone

I think you summed it up nicely there AC x

Stayloose profile image
Stayloose in reply to AgedCrone

It's not just the RAers mucked about either but all in this shielding category.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Stayloose

In fact it looks to me as if the RAers are at the bottom of the list.

This Old Biddy still has no acknowledgement from her GP as to the fact I’m in any category!

Stayloose profile image
Stayloose in reply to AgedCrone


Minette53 profile image
Minette53 in reply to allanah

I totally agree. Givers of advice don't pay the price. On which basis they are advising people to go out or meet with a specific number of people? The number of cases is still high as is the number of deaths with extremely low number of recoveries. No tests, no masks and no going to hospitals So not going out until there is a vaccine

happytulip profile image
happytulip in reply to allanah

It seems that rather alot of people "like" this comment!😂

happytulip profile image

Is this factually correct. I mean seriously??

They spent a week over the DC affair saying how things are misreported in the news and that the public shouldn't believe everything that journalists and the news report.....and then this piece of information is released in this way??

It makes no sense?

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to happytulip

The hypocracy of this government knows no boundaries! I stopped watching their daily briefings because of all the BS they come out with and they have the audacity to tell us that we should not believe what journalists and the news report...the mind boggles! :-O

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to happytulip

There is a history of releasing information to the media rather than through the briefings. Quite absurd.

happytulip profile image
happytulip in reply to Mmrr

But last week I was told that the media don't report things accurately.

What am I supposed to believe?

They can't have it both ways?

I'll have to watch the daily briefing tomorrow, just wish that was where it came from, not the news on a Saturday night.

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to happytulip

It's disgraceful releasing information such as this via the media.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Mmrr

Apparently it was going to be announced by BJ...but one of the famous “leakers” got there first!

I don’t understand ....if “they “ know somebody is going to leak what they are going to do ....why don’t they sack that person, or move them sideways, or give them a really horrible job....instead of being on the back foot all the time saying “Oh yeah....we were going to say that”?

Wouldn’t a bit of good old fashioned common sense sort “them” out?

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to AgedCrone

But if it was leaked by someone that BJ can't do without, then what is the man supposed to do? 😉

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Mmrr

That is the problem isn’t it?

But bottom-line...if you can’t trust someone on your team at that level he/she has to go.....it really is true that nobody is indispensable!

Of course it could be someone “Connected” to the team or one of the disgruntled ex-team who still have access to information?

But unless security is tightened up ....we are going to lurch from disaster to disaster ever more!

There is a lot of “I know what you don’t know “ to gain favour with the media in Politics!

medway-lady profile image
medway-lady in reply to Mmrr

Things can be deliberately leaked like DC's " we can afford to loose a few pensioners" at a COBRA meeting.

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to medway-lady

There is no doubt in my mind the information was deliberately given out at 10 pm on a Saturday evening to avoid immediate questions on the matter.

cass24 profile image
cass24 in reply to Mmrr

I must admit, I also wondered if they announced it when they did to avoid any questions, although presumably they'll still have to face that this afternoon anyway... at least unless they "forget" to mention it again ;-)

happytulip profile image
happytulip in reply to AgedCrone

I got this from another site so it may be wrong, but it was allegedly posted on Twitter last night by the minister who is leading the briefing today.

Also an eagle eyed member has spotted that on the BBC website the headline now reads "some shielded." The word "some" was not there before....

Update: I've checked it out and Robert Jenrick the Communities Minister, the one who drove mike's to his parents, did announce it on Twitter last night.

He is currently getting a massive backlash from many shielder and many in the medical field who seem to consider that it is appalling that

A) it was announced late at night

B) not announced by anyone with medical qualifications.

There are some other political views but I will leave that to others to investigate.

But that's how it got out. At 10pm. On a Saturday. By a journalist. Marvellous.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to happytulip

Actually it was the media who really took up the story of DC...not the Gov.

If you watched the Daily Bulletins ....every single journalist asked the same questions in a different order....just to stir up a big fuss.

In NO WAY am I defending DC’s actions, but if the press had thought about the effect blowing up this story would have, on the people of this country rather than their Headlines , maybe the people who are now endangering us & everybody else would not be spilling out in parks & on beaches....& possibly making a very bad situation ten times worse?

We need a solution not slanging matches....or we will still be in this horrible position in June 2021.....& that is surely to be avoided?

happytulip profile image
happytulip in reply to AgedCrone

I see your point and would have to agree..I said at the time it was like a rock being dropped in a pond, many, many ripples.

helixhelix profile image
helixhelix in reply to AgedCrone

Except if DC had behaved like Cather Calderwood or Neil Ferguson and accepted that he had done something stupid and resigned straight away it would have reinforced the message that rules are there for a reason. And the story would have gone away in no time at all.

The media may not have behaved well, but they didn’t create this out of thin air - DC behaved like an arrogant person who rules don’t apply to.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to helixhelix

But they were elected .....DC isn’t.... ...& tbh what good would sacking him have done.....the harm was done by the media circus,,,,as no doubt parks & beaches will show today.

Maybe he will now think up a solution to all the chaos that he caused?

But what really needs to happen is a united front between S,E& W otherwise the petty jockeying for position will ensure we get nowhere fast!

helixhelix profile image
helixhelix in reply to AgedCrone

Catherine Calderwood and Neil Ferguson weren’t elected, they were just appointed officials?

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to happytulip

Walls have ears & the walls t No 10 can talk!

allanah profile image

Well it was on the news bbc , sky itv ..

happytulip profile image
happytulip in reply to allanah


AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to allanah

You or I could go on any News Chanel & say what we like & as long as it isn’t libellous & is prefaced by “Allegedly” their legal dept will OK it.

The fact that it is not true will later be admitted....but they will have had their “moment”.

Sadly press & TV coverage is not 100% honest these days.

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to AgedCrone

I agree it isn't but neither is government.

cass24 profile image

Well... I just happened to hear about this mentioned briefly on the late news (what I can I say, I couldn't sleep ;-) ) and came here immediately to see if it was true.

Like others, I'm amazed this wasn't announced in the daily briefing and seems a total disregard for those of us who have been shielding so long already.

It also strikes me as a little odd that the advice many of us have received has mentioned shielding until *at least* 30th June, so to suddenly bring that forward with so little fanfare or explanation is confusing at best and quite frankly would make me wonder if it was a hoax if it wasn't clearly on the national news.

At the very least, they could have used that lovely(?) texting system they seem to have set up for some of us... or maybe that will come tomorrow?

happytulip profile image
happytulip in reply to cass24

I wondered if it was a hoax.

I'm annoyed at how it has been announced. I know I should be happy. It's a mixture of all sorts of thoughts but it shows disregard for what many have been through.

I feel that I'm being a misery guts for my attitude, I should be happy, but there are so many mixed messages.

Grassroots football has had more coverage than the shielded.

cass24 profile image
cass24 in reply to happytulip

I know exactly what you mean.

It's quite a momentous announcement for so many of us and to have it so casually mentioned, at a time when many wouldn't even get to hear it is bordering on callous disregard.

Even if it's only a decision that's literally just been taken since the briefing took place (seems unlikely but I guess possible), you'd think they'd wait and announce it properly at the briefing on Sunday.

Hopefully there will at least be some further explanation tomorrow... or I can well imagine there will be many people who will miss the (good?) news entirely.

happytulip profile image
happytulip in reply to cass24

I'm convinced they are trying to bump us all off. Then they won't have to pay our PIP. I've become that cynical.

I'm going to have to phone my elderly parents first thing in the morning before they see the paper. They will be off for a walk without thinking it through.😬

cass24 profile image
cass24 in reply to happytulip

From what I can make out, it's literally only been decided within the last few hours so may perhaps have missed the Sunday papers but even if so, may well be mentioned on the morning news... best make that call and hope you catch them x

happytulip profile image
happytulip in reply to cass24

Nope, it's all over the papers.

cass24 profile image
cass24 in reply to happytulip

Ah sorry.. I stand corrected.

In that case, definitely best make that call...

Biofreak profile image
Biofreak in reply to happytulip

I've said that myself happytulip. If all us shielders popped our cllogs the gov could save all that PIP money that they work so hard not to pay and use it to cover some furlough costs. So sick of all this. There are still hundreds dying every day and more getting infected every day especially here in the north west, apparently. I ain't goin nowhere man ! 😵

Bailybiscuit profile image
Bailybiscuit in reply to happytulip

I really think they want to get rid of us. Less PIP and pensions. They have many less pensions to pay out with all the care home people too

cass24 profile image
cass24 in reply to cass24

PS. Just found this... bbc.co.uk/news/health-52862440 ... which does at least say that they'll announce details at tomorrow's briefing ;-)

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to cass24

Thanks for this .

sunnyweek profile image
sunnyweek in reply to cass24

I only heard about it by reading on here. I watch the updates (not the questions part any more) so I hope the change for people who have been shielding has its proper moment at tonight's briefing, we need to be acknowledged, the very least we deserve after 11 weeks shielding alone.

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to happytulip

Happy if it was safe, happy if the scientists could say we are 1 out of 5 now, not 4 out of 5 DANGER level, and walk away from people as much as possible ...mmm, impossible ...

But 10.30pm on a saturday night when even the schools are scared to open monday, we have no evidence what will happen to children and teachers but let the 1.5 MILLION immuno suppressed, cancer, ms,lupus, cystic fibrosis , neurological, kidney, transplant sufferers to mention a few ..........have a walk !!! Seriously .......

Surely we need a vaccine or drugs . Seriously , it's about time the charities and scientists stand up, and say, enough is enough on our behalf .

happytulip profile image
happytulip in reply to allanah

I think it's 2.2 million.

happytulip profile image
happytulip in reply to allanah

A cohort of 50 charities wrote an open letter to the government yesterday about shielding and guidelines. Maybe this is their response.

Stayloose profile image
Stayloose in reply to happytulip

That's my guess.

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to happytulip

Well thought through then ? 😉

cass24 profile image
cass24 in reply to allanah

I understand what you are saying but no one is forcing anyone to go out, and personally I had already come to the conclusion (for myself) that I probably would need to decide to take at least some risk at some stage, as I simply couldn't imagine continuing to isolate alone if/until a vaccine turns up without some serious impact on my mental health.

That said... obviously that's a very personal decision which each individual needs to make for themselves and it's not one I would personally take one way or another based solely on what the government says... and quite frankly agree with you that right now may very well be too soon/risky for many of us.

happytulip profile image
happytulip in reply to cass24

I agree with you. It's how and when the news was delivered that has rattled me.

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to happytulip

And a bit too soon too, the daily infection rate is still high.

Circledancer profile image
Circledancer in reply to cass24

I agree Cass24. I think it's up to the individual to decide on their risk and set that against their mental health etc. I am not shielding as only on MTX , under 70 and no other underlying conditions but my young brother ( heart failure/asthma / diabetes) is shielding and he'll be glad to be able to go for a wee walk with me.

He has stuck to the rules ridgedely but says he's more likely to die from heart attack or stroke than anything else and is getting very down at being in the house all the time.

Also I think it depends where you live, how likely you are to even meet other people and also how diligent you are with hygiene etc.

Life always has risks in many ways for all sorts of reasons and it's up to the individual (and their family maybe) to assess that risk based on their own situation.

The press tend to twist and report everything with their own bias which mostly leads to confusion and anger anyway!!!

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Circledancer

I'm in north east high risk, asthma, high bp , recovery from diabetes type 2 , RA, heart condition ..... so yep at level 4 with thousands of new cases each day, which we now will increase in the next two weeks as people will forget distancing and think things are normal, I'm staying in and will decide at end of june. I will defo keep getting deliveries too.

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to cass24

They are just classing everyone the same in the group , so say asthma atient or double lung transplant patient......., which person is more at risk of dying in itu alone with covid 19. Or have we forgotten all THAT reality already ,ok in the words of the 1970 s unions , everybody out !

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to allanah

A growing number of scientists are standing up and saying lockdown in England is being released too early and too fast, and none too soon if you ask me, some of which sit in the government SAGE meetings, who must feel very strongly about it to go against government political decisions....not an easy thing to do in their position.

happytulip profile image
happytulip in reply to wishbone

Yup, but first and foremost they are Doctors. "First do no harm."

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to happytulip

Just thought , maybe they now know the vaccine isnt coming ..... so theres nothing they can do ....that's my happy conspiracy theory!

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to wishbone

And now the gvt are defending tbeir decision.........

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to MadBunny

As always!.....

Eiram50 profile image

I’m sorry but I simply don’t understand it. It’s the most high risk time and the U.K. government seem determined to open up things super quickly, and subsequently expose as many people as possible. SAGE scientists have spoken out against this, schools are uneasy.... is it just me that feels this way??

happytulip profile image
happytulip in reply to Eiram50

Nope. I just don't get it. Feel like I'm missing something.

And how can they say all shielded people? They can't seriously all put us in one catagory. 2.2million people will all have different levels of risk.

Maybe some can go out but people with neutropenia or leukopenia for example might be at higher risk than those with moderate asthma. I don't know, but I don't think 2.2 million people all fit into the same box?

bubblyalex profile image
bubblyalex in reply to happytulip

A friend told me the news... I could not believe it... I still don’t. We aren’t guinea pigs. Don’t use us to test the waters and see how we get on... really don’t use anyone?! How on earth can you safely step out and with others behaving so badly. On Thursday last week I was in my garden... a delivery driver arrived and made a bee line straight for me... I had to shout at him to stop him from getting near (let alone more than 2ft away from me) I had already politely asked him to leave what he had for me there saying I was shielding. He looked at me as if I was nuts and carried on moving towards me. I had to explain what shielding was. He still looked at me as if I was nuts. He thought he’d be able to hand me what he had 😔

It looks like only we can keep ourselves safe. We can’t trust anyone else 😔

Stayloose profile image
Stayloose in reply to happytulip

I thought advice was to be more nauanced.🤔

bubblyalex profile image
bubblyalex in reply to Stayloose

bbc.co.uk/news/uk-52840763 Particularly scary is where one lady caught it by sitting where they had sat several hours earlier.

Stayloose profile image
Stayloose in reply to bubblyalex

I think walking will involve no touching!

bubblyalex profile image
bubblyalex in reply to Stayloose

People touch things all the time without realising... a garden gate for example that hundreds of people have touched. The front door that someone has knocked on or touched the handle to see if it’s open or to open it.

in reply to Eiram50

NIcola Sturgeon followed this announcement with a tweet saying “This does NOT apply in Scotland at this stage. I am acutely aware of how difficult the current restrictions are for those ‘shielding’ but we must find the safest way forward and do so in a considered way - that is why @scotgov has committed to issuing new guidance ASAP.”

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to

Yeah, I saw this. Good. In my view, it’s needed at this point - and i say this not having been out of the house since 28 February.

in reply to Eiram50

I go out with my husband and dogs once a day now because I’ve weighed up the risks, spoken about this with my rheumy. We decided a while ago that for us personally, losing weight and getting fresh air and exercise are all priorities that will help me shield better and improve my chances Of surviving Covid19 if and when a second spike occurs - by which time (for personal reasons) we will be unable to stay shielded anymore.

My rheumatologist said advice to all is that shielding isn’t a legally binding thing and we must use our common sense to weigh up risks to our mental and physical health. It’s meant to protect us by helping us get furlough or being enabled to work from home and get priority shopping. It isn’t meant to imprison us and allow us to become forgotten by the rest of the world.

We have been driving up the road to a community golf course which hasn’t been busy at all - usually empty as far as the eye can see. Now golfers are back it’s become harder - but there are quiet country lanes up behind us and this keeps me sane. Although I wouldn’t walk on pavements in my home town - I’m lucky to have this daily escape now after 2 months of shielding 100%.

I feel worried for others who haven’t got this option though and I can only think that easing of lockdown is going to mean we in shielding group are more at risk as others, like my neighbours, start hosting family parties and trying to return to their normal. X

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to

I agree, it’s a personal and individual risk assessment and people, will know their needs better than others.

I also agree, we have more to balance than some - lack of exercise brings particular problems in terms of RA, for example.

However, for those that, as you say, may not have quieter places to walk, I think it is worrying, if what we are seeing is a very high foot fall and some not being mindful of social distancing etc.

It’s only my view, but I think boris has ease up too much and too quickly and not really thought through, the consequences of this.

I just don’t see how, within this, we won’t see a huge spike in the next 2-3 weeks and my fear is that restrictions are reapplied - what would have been the point in that? More needless deaths and people no further forward- never mind the irreparable damage to the economy if a second wave.

I find it all a bit rushed and, as I have throughout, not well enough thought through by the government.

in reply to Eiram50

I agree with all you say. X

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Eiram50

I agree

Brushwork profile image

The Gov are desperately trying to get the economy going again. It would appear that they don't much care about the cost.

Their initial message 'Stay Home, Save the NHS, Save Lives' said it all really. The last concern was for the lives of the vulnerable population. The main concern was to prevent the NHS becoming overwhelmed. The country, the NHS is now in a position where it can cope with a resurgence of the virus - so let it be.... This is just my interpretation of course. But I rather fear, that the idea of establishing 'herd immunity' didn't go away, it was hidden beneath a false show of care for the population.

The Gov main areas of success is the protection of the economy. It has failed in PPE, in efficient and effective testing and the Track and Trace is a joke.

All, just my humble opinion.

I was horrified to read about the easing of the shielding, the scientists obviously don't agree.

Be careful out there.

Minette53 profile image
Minette53 in reply to Brushwork

I agree with all what you say. Keep safe everyone. X

Otto11 profile image
Otto11 in reply to Brushwork

Can only agree x

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to Brushwork

You pretty much summed up my feelings there. I'm not one for conspiracy theories, but when you think about it, although government ministers are perhaps not best suited to their given jobs, it is difficult to understand how they can be so inept unless intentional. Who knows it could be part of the master plan thought up by Cummings and his goons. :-O

I don't think it's entirely true that the NHS was not overwhelmed. True they managed to cope with the numbers of corvid patients but at the expense of people missing out on operations and other procedures, testing, monitoring, cancer outpatients having to make do with alternate less effective treatment etc, but I doubt the government were too concerned about that.

Jan31 profile image

That’s really interesting. I was asleep when that announcement was made! Like so many others I’ve always taken the Government edicts as advisory, not mandatory. They’re saying we can go out, not that we have to. I agree with so many replies here. Some things are just too risky!

Stay safe everyone.

AgedCrone profile image

Dunno....I didn’t post that!

Ms-D profile image

Im taking biologics and recently started. My consultant told me to stay put and not listen as they dont know how dangerous it is for people who have just started treatment but for those who have been on treatment for a year or more should be okay as long as being safe. Its a shame as easing too soon is a recipe for disaster. Im glad my school are not opening till more evidence its safe. Please keep safe everyone x

Rashford20 profile image

To play devils advocate, is there really an issue? You’re not being forced outside they’re just saying the chances of catching the virus on a walk would be extremely slim at present, especially as people should still be social distancing. If you live in a busy area you could go out first thing in the morning or later at night. I’ve walked the dog everyday since this started and received a shielding letter. The trade off between catching the virus and mental/physical well being is a no brainier in my opinion, especially considering I never walked near anyone. There is risk involved with everything, based on the number of new cases versus population your probably as likely to crash your car driving to work as you are to catch covid 19 on a walk.

If you’re too scared to go out it’s not the time for you but I personally wouldn’t be able to cope with being locked up for 12 weeks without going for a walk.

cass24 profile image
cass24 in reply to Rashford20

Although I'm disappointed with the way the news has been leaked (or at least that's the way it feels), as I've said above, I actually feel much the same as you.

I guess I'm lucky that I personally consider it's borderline whether I really need to be shielding or not, and especially living alone, I have been going ahead and taking the occasional walk anyway (obviously only when/where it's not too busy).

A change in government advice isn't going to force me to change how I choose to behave either way, and in some ways, it feels like this should be good news if they genuinely feel it's safe to do so... I guess I'm just not entirely convinced that's the case when the R number is still perilously close to 1 (and indeed, creeping up in some areas, like mine, which are only now being exposed more as people are allowed to travel further afield)...

happytulip profile image
happytulip in reply to Rashford20

I get what you are saying, it's the way the announcement has been made is what annoys me.

Shouldn't have been on the BBC late at night or in the press. It should have been at the daily briefing.

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to Rashford20

Any reasonable government would release information such as this late on a Saturday evening.

It is disgraceful.

Dobcross1 profile image
Dobcross1 in reply to Rashford20

My thoughts exactly. Couldn't have put it better! We can only take responsibility for our own health and actions. What anyone else says or does is irrelevant.

Moonart profile image

It’s the first I’ve heard though I don’t watch much news anymore and I’ve tired of the daily briefings now especially as it’s more about spin and less about saving lives now. I actually didn’t receive a shielding letter at the start but chose to stay in because I’ve had such severe chest infections and my asthma has been bad in the past when I’ve had viruses. My husband did our food shopping and wfh so all was ok. Then I received a shielding letter 2 weeks ago! No idea why but I’m assuming my GP decided it might be a good idea. Anyway, that letter definitely says until 30th June. And having seen the pictures of the packed beaches in the South West where I live I think I’ll give going out a miss. I’m not convinced that those who are not shielding and don’t have family who are, really understand that covid has not disappeared. My son has to go back to work on the 16th, his boss isn’t adhering to the guidelines, and his colleagues think it’s all over! I really do despair and so worried we’re on our way to a 2nd spike.

cass24 profile image

Can you explain what you mean ie. what has dropped exactly? Or maybe I should wait for the briefing ;-)

Tisboo profile image

I thought it said vulnerable people who are shielding and took that to mean the over 70s

They should differentiate between vulnerable and extremely clinical vulnerable :(

bubblyalex profile image
bubblyalex in reply to Tisboo

Yes please. It is confusing.

happytulip profile image
happytulip in reply to Tisboo

The news last night said extremely clinically vulnerable, I think

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to happytulip

Well that's my " group" and I agree this group should continue till more advice us sought and the infection.number is low or gone lol

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to allanah

I'm in Scotland anyway, but would appreciate a little more advice and guidance before making such a big decision.

I will not be sitting at home for weeks or months, waiting in a vaccine, but I do need information before I make my choice.

A decisions such as this needs to involve me making decisions, as I do with all aspects of my care.

Lotus17racer profile image

Hi. I think we have to be careful in all of this. This shielding is advisory/guidance and not law. I think it is, or until recently was, appropriate guidance for most. I’ve received two letters from the NHS: from my consultant that I’m not extremely vulnerable and from my GP that I am! What do I make of that? I think that I am quite vulnerable but not as much as some. So I have been self isolating but I do go out to the garden and for walks but I am careful social distancing-wise. It’s clear that the worst is over (and hopefully won’t recur due to idiots who seem that they have no responsibility to themselves or others) and that the virus level is slowly decreasing. It may be level 4 formally but it’s likely to be nearer to 3 than it was a month or two ago. So called experts all run their computer models and come up with different projections. I’d ignore the detail (it’s bound to be wrong) but take notice of the trends.

I agree with the footballers comment! There is a lot of us and they should treat us with more respect. But that’s politicians for you: when have they ever done that? We and our close family and friends will look after ourselves with respect.

I my view, there is now only an extremely small chance of getting the virus in most parts of the country if we properly adhere to social distancing outdoors. Yes, the consequences of us getting it are likely to be severe but the chances of us getting it is remote if we are rigorous social distancers. Probably smaller that being run over by a car when we go out for a walk. Social distancing is, I am sure, important. (Though even that is shrouded in confusion: should it be 2 metres, 1.5 metres like most of Europe and Australia, or 1 metre? For me, be safer and 2 metres!)

A rant, I’m sorry. But for me, shielding is for our guidance only and I’m now happy to go for a walk in this beautiful weather so long as I properly socially distance.

Keep safe everyone.

happytulip profile image
happytulip in reply to Lotus17racer

It's how the news was delivered that has annoyed me.

Lots have people have struggled to shield.

The attitude to the elderly, unwell and disabled has been appalling.

As I said, the footballers have had more coverage.

And this is happening at a time when the govt are saying one thing and the scientists are speaking out and saying something else

We all have to assess our own risks but a bit of respect wouldn't have gone amiss.

Lotus17racer profile image
Lotus17racer in reply to happytulip

I agree!

happytulip profile image

That is what was reported on the news last night on the BBC

AgedCrone profile image

It was happytulip who posted about 2.2 million....I haven’t seen that report anywhere yet,

cass24 profile image

Ah OK... so they think they've worked out that the chances of catching the virus outdoors are much less than originally assumed? That certainly would make some sense... although obviously will wait to see if they expand on that more in the briefing.

HappykindaGal profile image

I can’t be the only one that’s happy about this. I can see my bestie at last and cannot wait 🥳🥳🥳

No one is making anyone go out. It’s up to you if you feel it’s ok or not. It is saying to stay away from shops and work places still.

After 12 weeks alone and not seeing a soul, I’m out like a shot 🚀☀️

Knitmare profile image

2.2 million eh? Well they didn't count me as I had a phone call with my rheumatology nurse who told me I'm not in the high risk group as I haven't had a letter telling me so. She confirmed my medications which includes methotrexate then read out a copy of the letter they sent out to patients which states those who take methotrexate are in the high risk group. There was a pause, followed by, and I quote, "Oh! Yes you are in the high risk group, so you must stay in until 30th June. " I'm booked for a telephone consultation with my consultant on 10th June so will ask him as I feel he is the expert rather than the government whose advice so far has been as clear as mud.

Sheenadon594 profile image
Sheenadon594 in reply to Knitmare

I spoke to my consultant last weekend about some concerns I had and he has agreed for me to have a steroid injection this week. He said I was medium risk. ( over 70 & on Methotrexate ) Sending me to a clinic, not in the hospital, where it will be less busy.

Pippy25 profile image

Just a thought and something to bear in mind if you do feel stepping out after shielding all these weeks, may be alone or with a partner and haven't had any contact with anyone else or been out other than your garden. That you may be susceptible or prone to picking up other bugs, after 10 plus weeks of living in your own 'bubble' (environment)....so do take care if you choose to go out. Slowly slowly, little steps but only if you feel able to. Take care x

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to Pippy25

Absolutely Pippy, after 12 weeks of duo-isolation with my wife, which she is handling better than me by the way, we decided to go out for a short walk last week but took great care to give people a wide berth and not to touch or come into contact with anything. We were fully armed with our alcohol hand sanitising sprays too. I live in a village so it's not difficult to avoid people. That said, if any potential infectoids approached anywhere near my danger zone they would get a stern verbal warning, and they can say or think what they want.

No plans on going out again as I ended up with painful feet and not feeling too good. Can't say a 20 minute hobble around the block did much to lift my spirits anyway.

happytulip profile image

So Raab has just confirmed that we aren't at stage 3 of the lockdown yet. We are still only transitioning between 4-3, but we aren't at 3 yet. So what makes it safe to go out?

No scientific/clinical answers as of yet.

patsymay13 profile image

Well I saw a couple weeks ago that they are testing different meds out on NHS staff and they need the virus to stay here long enough to be able to get the results so read into it what you want they have there own agenda , me personally will carry on as I have been keeping away from people but still able to go for walks and we go for a drive into middle of nowhere and have a picnic just to stay sane x

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to patsymay13

That's what I would do if I could drive.

happytulip profile image

I agree, which is why it is irresponsible to splash it across the news papers until we have the facts . I had to phone my parents very early as they were going to head out of the door as soon as they read the paper. They thought it was the green light to go out.

I had to tell them to wait until the briefing.

cass24 profile image
cass24 in reply to happytulip

Glad you caught them... although if I'm not mistaken, it's not "officially" until tomorrow anyway...

Not that that seems to be making much difference to all the little groups I've seen heading down to the beach this weekend. And to be honest, I think it's pretty stupid of the gov to announce such a lifting just before a sunny weekend and expect that people won't pre-empt it ;-)

-Terry profile image
-Terry in reply to happytulip

Never beleive what you read in any newspaper.

Pasjc profile image

OMG this is a lottery win I'm soooo chuffed. Now where to go. What to wear. Oh dear I look like worzel gummage.

WELL I reckon I'll run through the grass naked if my joints will let me CHEERS

happytulip profile image
happytulip in reply to Pasjc

Ha ha ha ha!!!

KittyJ profile image
KittyJ in reply to Pasjc

See you later Pasjc enjoy your run 🤣

kalel profile image

Hey if anyone is interested and if you, check out what

Professor Devi Sridhar has had to say on Sophy Ridge Sky News interviews. Really interesting and it is a shame that the government are not listening to those who are explaining why it is to early to open the country up again, tell people to stop shielding etc. Stay safe guys!

happytulip profile image

So we're to stay at home, but go out, but stay at home.

Sound familiar (ish)?

kalel profile image
kalel in reply to happytulip

Lol I wasn't told to self isolate and I am currently with my parents, so we have decided to all stay at home but we have plenty of a space and a big garden but for me, I have seen the way other countries have handled this pandemic and how they are no longer getting any Covid cases but these countries have been very strict with sanitising things, taking strict quarantine measures, those who are sick know they must stay at home or they will probably get arrested etc. I know some people have thought these measures are a bit OTT but there is a reason why these countries have flattened the curve quickly. Personally I just don't think the uk is at a stage where they are flattening the curve enough and taking the strict measures that I personally think they should of done. I know some people will disagree with me but I can imagine there are many people struggling with staying at home but I guess everyone is struggling for different reasons, my main erk is that I don't understand what this government is playing at. Whole thing is a reckless train wreck but we should all do what is right for us and our loved one and lets hope that by the end of the year the situation we are in would of dramatically improved. :))

happytulip profile image

Whatever you do, don't tear the pants out of it!

helixhelix profile image

If none of them had broken the rules that wouldn’t have happened to them.

I agree the media go over the top, and that should be reined in. But people in public office are in their contracts expected to stick to a higher standard of behaviour. They must not bring their organisations into disrepute. This is clear, and they know it so I have no sympathy whatsoever.

fizbom profile image

I've had a new text saying June 30th as classed as extremely vulnerable do wont be going anywhere xxx as a lot of you have said better to be safe than sorry x keep safe

happytulip profile image
happytulip in reply to fizbom

May I ask, when did you get the text?

Pasjc profile image

I'm sure by tomorrow it will have changed I wait with bated breath

kalel profile image
kalel in reply to Pasjc

lol I hope so but with the schools starting to go back tomorrow and now with the protests going on. I am sure we are now heading for a second wave. Whilst I understanding that we all need to fight for our rights in this world etc, my fear is people have forgotten that Covid is real and can affect anyone. Look after yourself.

MandiS profile image

I started shielding on 5th March I went out on Thursday 1st time (11 weeks) I wore mask and gloves but many people just walking round not social distancing and I got some weird looks for wearing mask and gloves . I feel better that I went out but my advise would be to stay away from small shops where social distancing is not working, our local Tesco was packed no one had masks all passing each other in the aisles I walked in and walked back out again. Lots of people don’t seem to care at all.

Take care it’s nice to get back out

Matt06 profile image

Not in Scotland we are still stay at home.

fizbom profile image

On the 14th May from Gov.uk then several others followed about not sharing beds,bathrooms and asking people to get shopping etc

xstitcher profile image

I think the scientists think it's too soon so I think we should still be very cautious! Take care everyone.

happytulip profile image

My shielding letter is 30th June but my mum's letter says a date in mid July.

happytulip profile image

No, I wouldn't either.

I'm going to stay put for now. See what the R and numbers are like at the end of June.

Carolf profile image

This ONLY applies in ENGLAND

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