Sad news: Hi there, It's Simon here, son of Sue aka... - NRAS


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Sad news

β€’119 Replies

Hi there,

It's Simon here, son of Sue aka holly-willow.

I wanted to log on and let you know that sadly Sue/mum passed away peacefully in hospital earlier this week. I know members of this group had helped mum in the past with worries and concerns about her various illnesses, and she really appreciated being able to talk to others.

Mum had been rushed into hospital in the early hours of Christmas morning with breathing problems and had remained in hospital ever since. It's been a bit of a rollercoaster ride for myself and dad, as there were several touch and go moments, but everything had been moving in the right direction and just last week there was talk about mum possibly being able to come home. However things took a turn last Friday as mum had developed pneumonia on both lungs and failure of heart and kidneys. On Monday dad and I were told there was no more treatment the doctors could give her and could only keep her comfortable. I'm so glad though that the three of us managed to have some final conversations where we laughed and cried and shared how much we loved each other. Neither of us expected it would be quite so soon though as it happened on Wednesday, the day after mum's birthday. Dad and I were both there at the end, although I'm not too sure if mum knew or not.

As you can imagine it's been heartbreaking for us both to come to terms with, and it still doesn't feel quite real, but dad and I are just trying to keep strong for each other at the moment, as naturally there's a lot of decision making and sorting out to do, but we're just doing small bits at a time.

Simon. 😒

119 Replies
Gnarli profile image

I'm so sorry to hear your awful news. I offer my sincere condolences to you and your dad. She will be terribly missed

Oshgosh profile image

I’m so sorry for your sad loss.

It’s good that you could spend time with her.

Just take your time and do the essentials,the rest can wait.

Dspooky01 profile image

So sorry to hear this Simon, thank you for taking the time to let us all know. Love and hugs to you and your Dad. 😭

springcross profile image

I'm so very sorry to hear this Simon, it really is very sad. I know she had been unwell for some time but really never expected to hear this. Condolences to you, your dad and the family and I hope you find the strength to cope in the days ahead.

medway-lady profile image

I am so sorry to read this and would like to offer my sincere condolences on Sue's passing away. I never met her but did read her posts and I am very glad she liked being a member of the community.

helenlw7 profile image

I’m so sorry to read of your sad news. My mum died in similar circumstances just 12 months ago, and my thoughts are with you both. Stay strong and support each other. Sending gentle hugs.

Bootoo profile image

My condolences to you and your family, my thoughts are with you.

Jackie1947 profile image

Sending condolences to you and your family. Such sad news

sylvi profile image

My condolences to you and your family darling and hugs. xxxx

Moomin8 profile image


KittyJ profile image

I’m so sorry to hear this Simon. Sending my condolences to you and your family. Your mum regularly posted about her health struggles but was always supportive and helpful to others even when she was struggling so much herself. She will be fondly remembered by us allπŸ€—x

helixhelix profile image

So sorry to read-this. Holly-Willow/Sue joined this site a year or two after me, so have β€œknown” her for many years now. Always positive despite health problems, and interested in others. Condolences and my best wishes to her family.

Thank you also for making the effort to post this sad news. We may not have known her in real life, but will still miss her.

Kags1068 profile image

Hi SimonI'm so sorry to hear this sad news and would like to send my sincere condolences to you and your dad.

In the 3 years or so since I joined the group, I've had "chats" with your mum on posts, and she was always very friendly, kind and supportive. I know things weren't easy for her, and she faced a lot of difficulties.

I'm glad that you'd been able to have some heartfelt conversations before she passed, and that you were with her at the end. I hope, in time, that will give you comfort.

Finally, thank you for taking the time, especially in the midst of your grief, to let us all know. As other members have already said, your mum will be very fondly remembered, and sadly missed. πŸ˜₯

Boxerlady profile image

So sorry for your loss and thank you for thinking of us when your heart must be so full.

Fruitandnutcase profile image

Oh Simon I’m so sorry to hear your sad news. Thank you thinking of letting us know. Kindest wishes to you and your dad at this horrible time in your life. xxx

Pippy25 profile image

Thank you for taking the time to let us know Simon.

Sending your dad, yourself and family my heartfelt wishes at this time.

I am glad you were able to spend time together as those moments are so precious.

Take one day at a time, do only what needs to be done and allow yourselves to rest and feel your emotions.

I will light a candle in your mum's memory tonight and for all she brought to this community.

Thank you holly-willow/Sue.

Take care

Deeb1764 profile image

Sending hugs for the family and thank you for letting us all know x

patsymay13 profile image

such sad news , condolences to you all , thankyou for letting us all know x

J1707- profile image

I’m so sorry to hear about your mum Simon. It’s very good of you to let us know. She will be missed . God bless your mum and you and your family x

Summerrain14 profile image

Thinking of you and your precious family at this incredibly sad news about your mum. Your mum and I exchanged a few messages over time and she will be sadly missed by us all. Thank you so much for taking the time to let us know. Much love to you all. x

So sorry Simon, such sad news.

It's unbelievably hard isn't it, wishing you and your dad all the strength to help you through this difficult time. So glad your mum found comfort in this forum, she will be missed x

Neonkittie17 profile image

So sorry for the loss of your dear Mum and for your Dad’s loss too. HW was a lovely lady and will be missed very much. She was always very kind, helpful and supportive. πŸ’—

nomoreheels profile image

I’m so sorry to hear your sad news. Sue was a well loved member & really will be missed. As much as she found help & support here she also returned it often in a kind, thoughtful way. It will be a comfort in the coming weeks that you were with her & able to make memories right to the end, the three of you. Hold your Dad close, take things a day at a time & take comfort that your Mum is now at peace.

Thank you for taking the time for letting us know at the most awful of times, it was so thoughtful of you. My sincere condolences to you both.

Madmusiclover profile image

Simon (and dad), much love to you both. I am so sorry to hear of your sad news.

hopegalore20 profile image

So sorry to hear of the loss of Sue/Mum. Our hearts go out to all The Family. Stay strong x

MrsD7 profile image

So sorry to hear this sad news. My prayers to you and your family πŸ™πŸΏ

Sheila_G profile image

Dear Simon I am so sorry to hear of your mother's passing. Thank you for letting us know. I will remember her in my prayers and at Mass this morning. Sending love and condolences to you and your dad and the rest of your family. God bless.xx

Mymymy profile image

Simon, I am saddened to hear about your mother's passing. Your mother was a brave warrior. Her sharings on this forum have helped others to know that we are not alone. Will keep you and your dad in my prayers.

Downtime profile image

I am so sorry to hear this. Big hugs for you and your dad .

Wannabeabago profile image

I’m so sorry for your loss. Take care of yourself during this time.

smilelines profile image

Bless her heart. I am so sorry you have lost your Mom.

Onedaymore1 profile image

Such sad news πŸ₯² Stay strong & positive & remember to good times with your Mum xx

Seatgeorge profile image

I'm so very sorry to hear of your loss, my sincere condolences.

ryn17 profile image

So sorry, hugs to you and your dad she raised a fine son thanks for letting us know, stay strong and take things one day at a time, we will miss your mum.

Soundofmusic52 profile image

so sad to hear this your mum will be at rest now in paradise god bless lots of love

Lighthousekeeper profile image

Sorry to hear this sad news. My condolences to you and your family, my thoughts are with you.

TheBoys profile image

Simon -sincerest condolences for you and your Dad. Take care.

MaryTH profile image

πŸ’™ xx

CagneysMum profile image

Sorry to hear such sad news, my sincerest condolences to you and your dad on losing your mum/wife.

Biofreak profile image

So sorry for your loss. It's hard to come to terms with the loss of a loved one. Look after yourselves. You are doing the best you can by supporting each other and it's one step at a time.

Monkeysmum profile image

So sad to read your post this morning Simon, we will miss Holly-willow and her valuable contributions to our community. Very grateful to you for taking the time to let us know about her passing at what is a very difficult time for you all. Sending a big hug to you all. πŸ€—

Jsartbtb profile image

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

MadamePetitPois profile image

Sincerest condolences to you and your family. Take care and thank you for taking the time to let the group know x

janmary profile image

Sending you and your Dad thoughts and prayers at this saddest of times.

Happygranny1958 profile image

So sorry to hear this, thank you for letting us know. Thinking of you and your family, remember the good times.

AKA13 profile image

So sorry to hear this sad news. Thank you for the update.

Flinda profile image

So sad news. Stay close to your dad. Such a lovely letter to us - thank you. x

Moog73 profile image

πŸ’” R.I.P Holly-willow

Haz58 profile image

Sincere condolences on you and your dad's loss. Treasure the good times. πŸ’œπŸ’œ

Lyndylou34 profile image

Such sad news Simon 😒It must have been really hard writing to let us know, your mum would have been so proud of you ❀️

StormySeas profile image

Dear Simon

Thanks for letting us know the very sad news. Best wishes to you all X

sending you strength to endure. I lost my step Dad and my Dad on 29th December and my ex husband on 17th February. You’re not alone and your memories of Mum will be your comfort.

Uglow profile image

condolences ❀️

Gymcactus profile image

So sorry. 🌹

Evie3 profile image

Sincere condolences to you and your Dad. RIP holly-willow πŸ™

Plumcrumble profile image

I'm so very sorry, sending condolences to you and your dad πŸ™

Sebastian247 profile image

I'm so sorry to hear such very sad news Simon. Thinking of you and your family. Seb.

ageddancer profile image

So very sorry to hear your sad news and I too offer my condolences to you and your Dad. Be kind and gentle to yourselves and try to be content that at least you had time with her and were able to share memories laugh together......that is very special. Hugs to you both

LinaM profile image

such sad new to hear you’ve lost your lovely mum . She will be missed by us all . Thank you so much for thinking of us and taking the time to let us know of her passing. Sending my love and prayers for all your family and I too will light a candle in her honour today . Xx

Garnacha profile image

I'm very sorry to hear your sad news, sending you, your dad & the family sincere condolences x

So sorry to hear of your loss Simon, and dad.Happy to hear that mum found good virtual friendship on here which is a place we can all turn to to talk and ask questions about our various conditions and support each other through the more difficult times, that I am sure others will agree is not restricted to just the person who signed up.

Families are very much part of us in most cases and we're lucky to have them supporting us 24/7 .

Hope you find comfort in knowing that people care very much for each other on here, and my thoughts today are with your dad and you as you cope with this time. Rest in peace Sue your struggles have passed. 🌹

Mmrr profile image

Sad news indeed that your mum has passed, thankyou for taking the time to let us know πŸ’

Pulfs profile image

condolences to you and your dad at this sad time. Nice to know she had the support of this group over the years . Gentle hugs πŸ’œ

madme1 profile image

So sorry to hear this Simon, hope you and your dad find Comfort and strength with each other and like you say take it one day at a time. I seem to remember your mum replying to me a few times helping alleviate worries and concerns that I had. Your mum will be greatly missed. Sending gentle hugs to you both, and condolences to the family.

pattyc66 profile image

Condolences to you and your family xx

Otto11 profile image

So sorry to read your sad news. Sending love & condolences to you all. X

❀️ Sending love Simon to you and your Dad. Day at a time xx

Mumcon profile image

So sorry for your loss Condolences to you and your family

wilbertjellyfish profile image


Bhasvic64 profile image

So sorry to hear your sad news,condolences to you and your dad.

Typsey profile image

I’m so very sad for your loss. My condolences to you and your family. πŸ™

Green230461 profile image

Please accept my deepest sympathy on your sad news. We try to stay strong together here. Please know that even though we do not meet we are very close. Take care of yourselves now and remember all the happier times together your mum was always kind and generous with her ideas a lovely soul. 🌻

CLoVee profile image

I’m so sorry for your loss. My prayers go out to you and your family at this time

BonnieG123 profile image

I am so sorry for your loss. I’m glad you had time to share conversations and express your heart-felt love for each other. Bless you. Stay strong.

Bessieboo1 profile image

so incredibly sorry to read the news about your Mum. Thinking of you all at this difficult time πŸ’”xx

WomanOfFaith profile image

my deepest condolences to you and your Dad, I know you are passing through a very difficult time, but I’m sure your mom it’s in a beautiful place now πŸ™πŸ»

Blodynhaul profile image

Simon, terribly sorry to hear about your mum. She was one brave lady & from what I read from her on this forum she suffered plenty & was very stoic. She must have been so comforted having you with her & all the laughs & tears in her last days and at the end. She would have known you were there.

Very sad indeed. Thinking of you and wishing you the strength to deal with it all. She will be missed on this forum, but thank you for letting everyone know. Take care X

Honeybee61 profile image

I'm so sorry to hear this very sad news. Condolences to you and your Dad. πŸ€—

Mozart150 profile image

I’m so sorry to hear this sad news Simon. Thinking of you and your dad at this sad time and sending condolences. May your lovely mum Rest in Peace 😒 x x

MerielPB profile image

I am very sorry for your loss. I'm sure she knew you were both there.

StormySeas_2_0 profile image

Very sad news. I’m so sorry for this loss. May she Rest In Peace and your memories of her bring you comfort in the days and years to follow. She will be missed. 😒

Lolabridge profile image

Such sad news. Sending my sincere condolences to you and your dad and praying for you all.

Girtonian profile image

So sorry to hear this sad news Simon. Thank you for taking the time to let us know. Your mum was so lucky to have her loving family around her at the end.

Cannes4me profile image

I am so sorry for your loss, what a brave person you are, I am sure your mum would be and feel very proud of you both. My heart goes out to you both ❀

JFlay profile image

😒 how sad, sending condolences.

craigsif profile image

Truly sorry for your lose

JOLLYDOLLY profile image

Dear Simon, I am sending my deepest condolences to you and your dad. So very sorry to hear about your mum. I fully empathise, as I have been in a similar position with my own health. Thank you for taking the time and letting us know. As already said, your mum will be terribly missed. May she rest in peace. Take care and best wishes.

priss58 profile image

So sorry for your sad news x

sun_flower profile image

So sorry 😞 xx

robsim profile image

So sorry to hear of Your mom's passing. May God strengthen and keep your family through these difficult times. May her beautiful memories comfort your hearts.

Nessa28 profile image

my sincere condolences to you both . I’m so sorry to read your post . Xx

nanapat61 profile image

So sorry to hear this, Simon, but thanks for taking the time to let us know. Sending condolences to you, your dad and the rest of your family. πŸ™

NanaFifi profile image

So sorry for your sad loss 😒

Lorrayne profile image

So very sorry for your loss, my thoughts are with you and your dad

KathleenMary profile image

So sorry to hear about your mom.My thoughts are with you and your dad

Happy5 profile image

Sorry to read your sad news about your mum. Very glad you & your dad were able to share precious times with her.

Be kind to yourselves everyone grieves individually and in in their own time.

Pigsearwawa profile image

I am so sorry for your loss, how lucky you were to have such a brave and kind mum and partner.

Gillyflower70 profile image

My heartfelt sympathy to you. It was brave of you to post. Sure she would be proud of you.

Bella59 profile image

So sorry to hear your sad news.Condolences to you Simon,your dad and family.

Manclady61 profile image

Hi Simon

I am so very sorry to hear your sad news, my thoughts are with you and your Dad, I also lost a parent recently so can sympathise, take good care of each other


Bizzie profile image

So sorry to hear your news Simon. My condolences to you and your dad. x

hatshepsut profile image

I am truly sorry to hear this, thank-you so much for letting us know. My best wishes to you and your father. She will be missed.

Rafandready70 profile image

I’m so sorry for your loss. Sending love to you and your family.

Ruth12345 profile image

I'm sorry to read of your loss. Thankyou for letting us all know. HW will be missed here but thought of fondly. Take special care of your self.


Hamie profile image

So sorry for your loss my condolences.

Beadie profile image

So sorry to hear this, love and thoughts to you both.xx

Evaflo10s profile image

So sorry for your loss πŸ’

Ritaritis profile image

My thoughts are with you at this difficult time.

Blackwitch profile image

Such sad news. Thank you for taking the time to let us all know, Simon. holly-willow will be greatly missed on here. 😒 β€οΈπŸ’ xx

allanah profile image

I'm so sorry Simon. Your mum was always a great support to me and always tried to be positive here to help others. I bet you are very proud of her. I'm really sorry for your loss x A xx

Roxy_68 profile image

I'm so sorry for your loss.

Pinkypie2018 profile image

Very sorry for your loss, our thoughts are with your family through this difficult time.

Chrissycl profile image

So sorry for your loss. My deepest sympathies to You ,Your Dad. And all family

Thanks so much for all the lovely comments, it's quite overwhelming to see so many and the impact mum had. It really is appreciated. It's been a hard few days for me and dad, but all the love and support online and offline has really helped! :)

Mollie22 profile image

So sorry for your loss. Our thoughts are with you and your dad and all your family. Will be lighting a candle and Sue will be in my prays. Thankyou for letting us know xx

SarahW-NRAS profile image

So very sorry to read your sad news. Such a loss for you. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family at this difficult time.

crinkle profile image

So sorry to hear this sad news, Simon. I’d like to send you my sincere condolences to you and your dad at this difficult time.

Smittybear7 profile image

You're in my thoughts and prayers!

Paisley58 profile image

I am so very sorry. Please accept my deepest sympathy. Thank you so very much for sharing what must be such a painful and difficult time. Your mother⭐ will be missed. I hope grace grant you comfort and peace. Be gentle with yourself, sending you lots of love and light.πŸ™

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