Hup and down round and round.
Don't mind telling you I have had the worst two pooey days that I have had since the last one! You just don't know what's going to hit you next or when.
I must admit I had a bit of a grumpy one on me Thursday with Mr Shepherd. It was uncalled for (most of the time he causes it! - not really). Well anyway, my tongue was sharper than a ghurkas whatsit. I thought, oh that's not right. I had Friday off and really felt as though I needed it. Taking the good advice you lovely people have given, I spent the day doing not very much and when I did do something I took my time, you know the sort of thing.
Well then I thought I would be set up for Saturday. Oh how wrong could I be. I got up ok. Got to the chicks, miserable and a bit sharp tongued again. Dragged myself through the morning, well actually, didn't. I got so sad and lonely I went to help Mr Shepherd pick his eggies up. By about 12 we had had enough and we went shopping, quite a leisurely affair, although it was busy, we ate in the cafe at Sainsburys I had a lovely warm lentil and feta cheese salad, which was gorgeous. Joints felt achy and head hurt, funny old sort of headache that the painkillers weren't touching by the time I got home, did a couple of hours in chickie house and went home to bed.
Sunday, much the same but worserer. Such a lovely day here but felt awful, cried a bit, declined the offer to go to the pictures in the afternoon - too tired, too achy and head hurt. Had lovely pressies from my beautiful daughter but went to bed at 7.
This morning.... feeling so much better. Now whats all that about?