Has anyone tried and hopefully gotten relief from compression gloves? If yes do you think price paid likely to make a difference as there seems to be a wide range of prices out there but the pictures all look the same.
Compression gloves: Has anyone tried and hopefully... - NRAS
Compression gloves

I have found them really helpful, especially to sleep in and prevent me from making my hands into a fist to cope with pain. I had been referred to a hand therapist and was given a pair, made by Isotoner. They were really good and had the seams on the outside so not to hurt the hands. I bought another pair from Amazon with better grip so more suitable to wear when driving. I’m sure they were not expensive.
I’m not needing to wear them at the moment as my R.A. is under quite good control.
Yes I find them great also. I use the same type as lolabridge again given to me by hand therapist.
I bought arthritic compression gloves but found them a nuisance although they helped circulation in sore hands. The Velcro fastening across the wrist caught on the linings of jackets etc.
But gloves that are fingerless (no fingertips) work better; I bought two sets of different brands and the moderate elasticity, like a strong stocking, and lack of seams really helped very painful hands during bad months of uncontrolled disease.
They meant I could turn my hand at the wrist.
But for the worst tendinitis and paratendonitis, my thumb spicas and wrist brace worn at night helped me sleep. Those are given to me by my OT. Their spongy layers comforted and cushioned nicely.
I fine them very handy and comfortable. Like Lolabridge, I have the Totes Isotoner gloves with the seams on the outside given to me by OT. I do find though that if my hands are a little bit swollen, or any fingers, they tend to put pressure on the swelling so I take them off.
i've bought at least 6 different 'cheapies' via internet to replace worn out Isotoners from hospital. All were frankly rubbish and were dumped, but I did manage to find the supplier in Northants so now buy from them tho' they are dearer than many [abt 15.oo a pair, from memory]. No available on scrip from my GP, but your rheumy or OT at the hospital might give you a pair?. I buy them cos I can and Ifind them really helpful : I've cost the NHS a lot over the years so this is one little gesture. xxl
Yes I have got some from.Amaxon, they do help a bit. Its more comfort than anything, obviously severe pain it doesn't make it go away but it does take the edge off and make you feel.more comfortable. I also have the compression socks, they are good too x
A friend bought me a pair from Dr Arthritis. They were fabulous when I needed to use them. Could almost function! Now on biologics and haven’t needed them. I also have an ankle one from same company which I do use occasionally and as good as the gloves.
Don’t wear them permanently as they are not meant for 24 hours a day.
You can get them off amazon too
I was given mine free by occupational therapy at hospital.one pair like thin gloves.I could only wear one as left hurt too much.other pair good were like brace velcro straps across and supported my hands when ironing
I buy fingerless ones from Amazon and wouldn’t be without them - I don’t use them all the time but have been overdoing gardening recently and find that the gloves reduce the swelling and feel comforting
Thanks to all and I will buy the isotoner ones from amazon and see how I get on.
Hi. I have used compression gloves, years ago. They were actually made for me in occupational therapy so can't comment on choice. They were very tight but certainly worked well. Good luck with them. x
I always use them when my fingers are sore and find they really help. I use compression bandages for my elbows and ankles and find that compression really gives me a lot of relief.
I have 2 cheap pairs of gloves and both work well. Why would an expensive pair do anything different?
I’m wearing them at night at the moment as my hands and wrists are swollen. I don’t think I would sleep without them. They do make a difference to pain for me. I have fingerless ones and have bought them from various places before including Amazon and Complete Care shop. Worth a try, I hope you get some relief.
I have tried various cheaper varieties than the isotoner ones that I find really helpful (especially at night). I use the isotoner ones without finger tips originally supplied by the occupational therapist.
None of them were nearly as good and some actually painful because they were too tight.
I found that buying them from a medical supplies firm was cheaper than Amazon because they will allow you to enter that you are exempt from VAT because of Rheumatoid Arthritis.
I benefit from them hugely. I bought mine from Boots, and tried on different sizes before buying, they cost something like £20 odd pounds, they are worth every penny, made by Medical Support Services. Boots will advise you.
Wow I’ve not heard of these! All I’ve been given are the splints, which do bring relief, but I can’t keep them on during the day and they were very hot in summer. Sounds good, but sorry I can’t say I’ve any experience of them (just compression bandaging at the vet’s 😊).
Hello, I got miner from amazon about a week ago, think they were 16.99 neo g brand as recommended on RA facebook page. theyre perfect!