Hi all , I’m in between Tocilizumab to start working and having steroid tablets Prednisolone. I have already had a 21day reducing course of tablets and Tues just gone was my last tablet. Come today I’m in so much pain so I wanted to know how long can you keep taking steroids until the Tocilizumab start to kick in.
Steroids : Hi all , I’m in between Tocilizumab to start... - NRAS

Try not to rely on them. Short term they are ok, but long term they can damage the bone density, xxx
In the short term there are few reasons not to use steroids to cover the period before another treatment starts working. You might even consider using a low dose for a longer time if the period before effectiveness is going to be three months for example. Consult your medical team for advice.
Please ring your helpline for advice. As you were only given a 3 week course it would seem your team expected you to have some relief from the tocilizumab on finishing the course. As that isn't the case they need to be made aware.
It's not ideal to remain on prednisolone any longer than necessary at any dose but short courses are obviously better than long term.
Thank you will speak to my nurse. Much appreciated !
I'm just about to inject my fifth Tcz this morning and am on 8mg Prednisolone, which is scheduled to reduce by 1mg a month (I started on 10mg, then 9mg). The aim is to see how I tolerate a low dose of Prednisolone and maybe even be off it completely, and the Tcz, at the end of a year. It sounds as though you have reduced quite suddenly. All the best.
Tocilizumab should start to work within 3 to six months if it will works at all.
Why your dr only gave you a 3 week course is odd!
Pain is NO joke and you should not have to suffer!
Call them immediately!
I had finished the course of steroids long before I had my first dose the Toc because everything took so long, so I was put back on a low dose for another couple of months (the low dose did nothing for me, but maybe it would work for you). Best of luck!