I have been taking tocilizumab for nearly 4 weeks and am starting to feel a difference in pain! The consultant said if it starts working he wants me to drop down on my steroids but he didn’t advise how quickly I am able to. Any advice given would be great, thank you.
biologic working - how quick can I come down on my st... - NRAS
biologic working - how quick can I come down on my steroids?

Tbh i'd ring your chemist before they shut xxx
I have found that my hands are the last to benefit from the biologic I am on (not yours). So in your position I would contact your consultant or specialist nurse for advice. You are probably Aware that it has to be done slowly (a taper programme) to allow your body to readjust.
It depends how long you have been on and what dose. If only a short time you can usually come down quite quickly, but if it's a high dose even that will take a while.
Ask the medical team for advice.
Hiya Connie. Unfortunately it's one for your team or GP to answer. When you first introduced yourself you did say though you were taking 10mg, I guess for around 4 months now? Well, it will need to be a slow taper as you need to give your adrenal glands time to resume back to their normal function but they'll give you a personalised plan I'm sure.
Sorry it's not a clear guesstimate but it's a great big positive that your Rheumy is hopeful enough to say you can start tapering your prednisolone. 😊
Hi ..l have been on Tocilzumab for 4wks now..l feel 50% better which is great ..my consultant give me a program he put me on 30m steroids then 20m now on 10m my next drop is 7.5 which not looking forward to as this is the level l start dipping ..l am in this level till l see the consultant next ..so push for a program good luck xx
You should be given a programme on how to reduce. I was told the rate to cut down at before starting when I was given a three month course of steroids before I started hydroxychloroquine and I cut down weekly as soon as I started on them so if you’ve been taking them for a while don’t just stop. Either ask your rheumy or the pharmacist for advice.
In the past I had steroids from the doctor - she thought I might have had something that I didn’t have and gave me steroids until she called a few days later to say I could stop because the blood test results showed I was ok. I queried stopping and she said I hadn’t been taking them long enough to need to reduce before stopping.
It depends on how long you've been taking it, so you must talk to a doctor. Don't just stop if you've been taking for a while as it will be tapered off and so you might need more prescribed to reduce down.. Stopping suddenly can be horrid and cause problems.
Advice I was given for tapering steroids was dead slow and stop.rhuemo told me to drop by 1 mg monthly.as others have said check with your rhuemo team.glad to hear your feeling a difference with your new meds.
I dropped my prednisone quickly and the side effects were horrible. I do not recommend dropping quickly.
As for the tocilizumab, I have not been on over 3 years, and feel pretty good.
Please follow the advice of your rheumy, pharmacist, and gp. This will make the transition off steroids the best it can be.