I’m due to inject Tocilizumab tomorrow but started Antibiotics today. What do other people do? I emailed my Consultants nurse to ask but didn’t get a reply.
Tocilizumab and Antibiotics.: I’m due to inject... - NRAS
Tocilizumab and Antibiotics.

I’m on Bari. Advice I was given is to stop them when in antibiotics until I feel well. Does the patient leaflet advise?
I inject mtx and amgevita and was advised to stop both my injections till 3 days after my course of antibiotics was finished.
Normally u have to stop bio during antibiotic, but i dont remember how much time u have to wait. Pretty sure u cant do inejction during antibiotics.
I always stop my tocilizumab when I’m on antibiotics. This is what my rheumy nurse advises.
Stop it until you’ve finished the antibiotics. Was told that when I was on it (and every other biologic or JAK). I’ve always re-started the drug as soon as I’ve finished the course of antib’s with no problems. You won’t suffer from having a break from Toc as it stays in your system, unlike Baricitinib or Filgotinib both of which are tablets and have very short half lives. Hope you’re recovered soon.
I’ve always been told not to have my Biologics when on antibiotics. Wait until the infection has cleared.
I'm not allowed tcz until antibiotics finished and infection cleared for 2 weeks
Thank you. I was wondering about that as I will finish my Antibiotics next Monday and due to inject next Tuesday. I got a reply from my Rheumy nurse this morning which just said wait till I’ve finished my Antibiotics.
Good news . Ours are a bit stricter then x as amnesiac says it stays in your system a little while so you have some leahway x also if you get repeated chest or sinus infections it could be the tcz and they will review it.
ps get well soon x
I am on tocilizumab, and get prescribed antibiotics. For me there has been no contraindications, and no side effects of the antibiotics with the biologic. Best to speak with your rheumatologist about it if concerned.
Hi always been told to stop Tocilizumab while taking antibiotics and to restart about a week after finishing course