Hi all, well am tapering off the steroids and was doing quite good until a few weeks ago, am now down to 2mg and in another week will go down to 1mg, but my main concern is the headaches, as have had them for the past 2 weeks, they feel like migraines and have taken my migraine tablets to no avail. I am on codeine for the pain of 15mgs per tablet, but am finding am in a lot of pain so having to take more tablets, but if I take a few more than 2 per day I will not have enough for the rest of the month, so am trying to last on 1 and if desperate will taken another tablet as well as paracentamal. I use to be on 30mg of codeine but the doctor thought I should go down to 15, but that was when I was on a higher dose of steroids, so do I ring my rummey nurse or the doctor? and explain about the headaches and running out of tablets? am finding my hands and fingers are getting very stiff and sore and my legs feel like they are burning with pain. so maybe my mtx and sulfaszine and hydroc are not working as well as I thought since coming off the steroids! I also am finding it hard to sleep too, so am getting up for work shattered. And now when its my days off can not sleep to catch up, so once again will be tired for when I go back to work and in pain. I also am finding myself getting down and getting quite anxious about things and work, I feel like I want everyone to take a running leap of a cliff and to not bother me. just needed to get this off my chest and thought you all on here could help me.
Thanks for listening and am hoping you all take care.
Carol xx