I know when you have rehmotoid arthurites you shouldn't smoke cigarettes dies the same apply to smoking an ecig vape ?
Smoking vape ? : I know when you have rehmotoid... - NRAS
Smoking vape ?
Hi, can't find anything about it on NRAS so maybe something to ask the rheumy's about? My brother has stents for heart problems and the hospital gave him a vaping device to encourage him to stop smoking!
I vape, my doctors don’t seem fussed about it, I guess anything is better than smoking, cheers
There is quite a bit of research that shows a very strong link between smoking and getting RA, ie that it triggers RA if you have the genetic make-up to get it. So if you’ve already been diagnosed then changing to vaping won’t put it back in its box sadly...
I don't think its been around long enough for enough studies to have been done yet. However it does seem as if there’s agreement that it’s better than real smoking. But that doesn’t mean it’s not harmful. You are still breathing in pollutants, and if you have nicotine in your vape then that’s no different.
And if smoking is particularly bad for people with RA, then vaping will still be worse for us than for people without RA. People who continue to smoke have more problems with drugs, are less likely to achieve remission and are more prone to heart and lung complications. So logically vaping will have a similar effect, but just a bit smaller.
I agree with Yani-Baci that anything’s better than smoking - but if you want to do the best for your self then use vaping as route to stopping completely!
I've been vaping for 7 years and GP is fine with it, I stopped smoking when told I had COPD , since then my breathing has been great and I can now walk for miles withought getting breathless.
Most of my problems are in my hands, shoulders and arms, so walking is fine for me, good luck.
Anything other than air in your lungs causes irritation.
The immune system reacts and increases the production.
RA, as you've probably been told, is your own immune system attacking your joints.
Maybe time to look at other NRT.
I have been vaping since I quit smoking in 2002!
Best thing I ever did!
Actual Cigarettes have 7,000 toxic chemicals!
I vape with only 3% nicotine & by my vape products made in America not China!
Has vaping been about that long?
Yes - Public Health UK have data that goes back that far
I smoked and my CRP levels were always high. I’ve been vaping since January and my last test CRP down to 7...a miracle. It’s no where near as toxic as smoking so quit and vape instead...you’ll save a heap of dollars as well.
As an ex-smoker I’m a bit “born again” I admit. But to all of you vaping I really, really urge you to stop. It is still bad for people with RA and you are kidding yourself if you think it isn’t. Sorry, but drawing anything apart from fresh air into your lungs is not good.
Yes GP’s may not comment negatively - they know how emotive smoking is especially for people in pain. However ask them straight out whether it would be better to stop and I doubt a single one would say no.
Stopping smoking was also a big turning point in me feeling better.
Fair enough, but for some long term smokers (like me), nicotine is important for maintaining mental health. NRT products either give me indigestion or make me itch. However, as I like to define my risks on a scientific basis, if you Google Dr. Konstantinos Farsalinos, you’ll discover that he is a Cardiologist who researches and publishes papers on vaping. His website is ecigarette-research.org/ - I’m pretty sure he’s also a vaper, cheers
I too thought nicotine was important for my mental health, especially after 40 odd years of smoking. When I stopped I realised that it totally wasn’t, and was in fact the complete opposite.
It’s a choice, and if you don’t want to give up then that’s your decision. And there are plenty of other risks in life. But it is a risk, and particularly for people with RA.
I’m all for people making their own decisions. I get cranky when people (not you) start telling porky pies about things
I’m also an ex smoker and I stopped because it was affecting my breathing I stopped using the patches. When you paid for them now nhs have free clinics But you gotta want to stop. To quit. I saw on news other day that government trying to ban all smoking by 2030.
Vaping might be easier on your body than smoking cigarettes, but that doesn't mean it's ok.
Vaping toxins, particularly into an already damaged immune system is detrimental to the best health you can have.
It's been a week since I've been on sulfasalazine but today I have started with tonsillitis is there a link between this ?
Have just given up smoking? If yes then you will be getting sore throats and mouth ulcers etc until the nicotine is out of your system may take awhile 🥺 I did so did my husband took about 3 months
Well it's been 5 days and I have not touched nicotine so proud 😊