I have been waiting for 2 months for my new tablet for arthritis they have taken me off my injections and Iv had a flare up ever since over 2 months living with just a painkillers haven’t sleept in pain 24 7 and every joint is swollen feel depressed with no help
Beth72: I have been waiting for 2 months for my new... - NRAS

What tablet are you waiting for Beth72? Have you chased them about it and what did they say the delay was for?

Some new tablet? Had my X-ray 2weeks ago phoned my doctor for some steroids to bring down the flare up he called to the house looked at me and said a&e now you have a blood clot so I went to set my mind at rest and she said no clot a really bad flare up of arthritis and gave me a 5 day treatment of steroids and that was over Easter and still waiting for the hospital to deliver my new tablet??
I’d ring the clinic Beth and chase it up. Let them know how you are feeling. Sometimes sadly you do need to pester them. Let us know how it goes.
Who is responsible for giving you the prescription for the new drugs ? Hospital or Gp ?
I would contact them tomorrow first thing and ask what the delay is ?
Explain your situation and how unwell you are. Be firm and very specific, but calm and reasonable.
Don't give up until you get satisfaction.
Are you perhaps waiting for funding for something like Baracitinib? I think you had Mtx inj before which don't have the funding problem Hope you get your meds soon and they work well.
Awww bless!! I feel for you! My rhumatology doctor took me off all my meds last June said pain coming from joint damage not inflammatory! How wrong was he!!! Crashed and burned within a week, called my GP out and he was shocked at the pain I was in and immediately e-mailed my RA doc, result! appointment following day. Get on to your RA nurse or the secretary and tell them your situation you should not be suffering like this!!!! You need help ASAP! Keep us informed, we all know where your coming from. 🤗 🌻 x
I am in the same boat as you. No biologics living with pain that's unbearable at times. My hand has been inlammed coming up to 3 weeks. Living off paracetamol and ibuprofen to get through my work days. I too feel sad and praying there’s some hope. Wishing you well we shall get there.
Hi everyone phoned and phoned my RA nurse all week and she said the consultant has gone on holiday that is why it’s been delayed and I’m waiting now for a phone call for delivery and still haven’t had them it’s been that long I forgot the name of the tablets I’m going on all I know its one tablet a day xx
Well that’s nice of them to have a holiday whilst leaving you to wait in pain. I hope it’s not much longer before you have them delivered.