I’ve been on naproxen for about 15 years and get that together with a long list of other meds every 3 months, however my clinic has advised I can only have a 2 month supply of naproxen at a time which is completely messing up my meds ordering routine especially as they keep getting script wrong. Anyone know why this has been restricted to 2 months per time or if it is a suggestion not a new rule?
GP now limiting my naproxen: I’ve been on naproxen for... - NRAS
GP now limiting my naproxen

Paiger you’ve posted the same question twice. You can delete one by going to ‘more’ at the bottom of your post where you can edit or delete it 😊
Around here we can only order one month of anything at a time. Its a blanket rule by the area health authority because of its said shortages and to save waste. I don't believe that but its the same for all medications and everyone.
Same here where we live - I have only ever been a one month supply of anything I take - I have been taking the same blood pressure tablet for 20 years and the same amount of hydroxychloroquine for nearly ten years - one month at a time. I find it really annoying because few years ago while on holiday in Scotland I had to visit my brothers GP to get more and I was amazed that he gave me enough to last for three months.
Before I changed surgeries I was getting a pack of 28 pills plus a pack of 30 pills and a pack that contained 90 pills - should have been three tablets a day for a 30 day month - I only took two a day so every month I had left overs. I found that a real pain to juggle when reordering - I didn’t want to order everything every month and have lots of extras. When we moved some sensible person looked at what I was actually taking and organised that I got the correct amount of each one - well almost ideally they should have had multiples of 28 but what I’ve got now is certainly better than what I was gett8ng and having to do the brainwork myself every month.
Perhaps it’s a result of all those calls you get from pharmacists wondering what medicines you are still taking - however it happened it’s working better for me than my previous arrangement. I would still prefer to get enough to last for three months at a time.
I've been with the same surgery since birth and on one medication since I was 25 so over 45 years but even though the GP said 'we know its a waste of time for most people and that includes us " we can't do anything about it. So every month I put in a repeat and once again the doctor, his prescibing staff, the pharmacy and dispensers take the same meds off the shelf and bag up and once aagin I drive 2 miles to pick up each way. Its madness ! Mine all line up as my GP did do that by saying I was on holiday so was allowed 2 months but I've no idea what happens if someone is away for an extended break.
15 years! After a few years I was taken off it due to higher risk of a stroke or heart attack. Tbh I didn't miss it
It’s really bad for you… can cause kidney and heart issues. I used to get toxicity all the time (and with diclofenac) and felt tons better when I stopped both of them… I think that was for about 7 years, which seems far too long..
long term use is discouraged; it’s about weighing up the risks v the benefits I suppose.
I think GPs are rightly concerned about frequent use of Naproxen. They are a wonder drug for me but I only take when absolutely necessary. There is always a danger of a serious bleed in the bowel with them and they need to be treated with caution. My GP reduced mine to 250 mg from 500 mg because of this danger My practice gives prescriptions for 2 months at a time. Others give only one month.

I was taken off it years ago by my rhuematogist due to the higher risks of heart attack and stroke. Considering RA you're at a higher risk anyway. I never missed it and just take max paracetamol when necessary
Hi. I was taken off naproxen after having a heart attack, and left with the option of no replacement anti inflammatory. Eventually I pestered the RA specialist and my GP to put me on Zapain ( codeine phosphate / paracetamol) which works ok to relieve pain. I don’t take it regularly but on a as and when basis.
Our GP will only supply 1 month of anything at a time. Then they do regular reviews every 6-12 months. All my medication except my inhalers are prescribed by the consultant anyway so it is a bit crazy.
All mine are monthly & have to reorder when I've got 2 weeks left, I feel I'm constantly reordering them as none run out the same time, sometimes I'm at the chemist 3 times a week 🙄
I can only order 1 month of naproxen at a time.
I had been on Naproxen for many years and last year my Doctor said I must stop taking them they were interfering with my kidneys. The only replacement I am allowed to take is paracetamol