Hi guy now bit of a long post but I need a rant sorry well a two year ago we thought we would put a drive in it was dug out already we just laid stone down we applied to council for licence so we could put in a drop kerb then we got the licence number back saying we had three years to do it that was in June 18 well as my partner is chronic I'll and I have RA we put car on drive and brought ramped to get up down the kerb while we saved up for drop kerb in the mean time our neighbours across from us decided it was great to block us in and out so we missed appointments and couldn't use the car after having the car on drive for 18 months with the hassle of the neighbours we were told we had a complaint about the non drop kerb and to get it done on making sure we did it legally we got InTouch with a contractor who was registered with the council who needed to apply for a permit to dig of which cost us £230 then charged us £1200 pound for the job the drop is in now bug with a hd hassle we have been having from the neighbours across from us I enquired about Thrd drive as to weather theres were legal well I got a email today telling me that here from kerb wasn't registered with The council and they had no permit so all the complaints and blocking us in was done while there kerb was illegal and they complained about ours and blocked us in I'm angry but do believe in karma now here is a picture of there drive and them parking over it to make it hard for us get in and out of ours
Hi guy what a few weeks : Hi guy now bit of a long post... - NRAS
Hi guy what a few weeks

Some people thrive on being difficult
Find a traffic warden to ticket them darling.xx
There are some really ignorant human beings in this world
Karma indeed! I do hope they have been fined for installing their dropped kerb without a licence!
Are they still parking in front of your drive/dropped kerb or is this an old pic? As it is they shouldn't have been parking there whether you had a dropped kerb or not. I realise you know this part but were you aware that the law states if there's a car parked on your drive (or in your garage if you have one) & they block access by parking in front of it they can be issued a Penalty Charge Notice (ie block you in). However, they can park there if there's no car on the drive (or in your garage if you have one). So effectively they can't block you in but they can block you out! Crazy mad.
Hopefully what comes around goes around I’m a firm believer in KARMA too. I would make a complaint to the council about their kerb being unlicensed too and see if they like it. Unfortunately it seems that they’re just assholes who are going to give you grief whatever you do. It’s a shame that people can just be so mean and have such a terrible effect on those who are suffering through ill health which they can’t help. Take plenty of photos if you can to support your complaint you never know you might be lucky enough to get them fined or clamped, although that wouldn’t help you being blocked in.
if thats their drive shown not yours what is the problem as its a public road and your not blocked in if its opposite you. There are not across your drive so its hard to see what the problem is irrespective of who had permission or not, it seems a wide road so turning in or reversing in should not be too difficult. I do sypathise but if they are parking on a public road then they have every right to do so regardless of your drpped kerb on the other side or theirs with or without permission and surely their off road parking helped you as I can see another car on there drive so they don't take up 2 road spaces, if they had put the second car on the drive then your problem was solved anyway. This seems to me to be a sad situation and how its Karma is a puzzle.
just phone the police they will get the neighbours car moved and stop them from doing it again pick up the phone now and do it x
Lorna the police won’t move a car parked legally. The car in the picture is parked in front of it’s owners drive. That isn’t Sunflowers drive 😊
If the issue is that it’s difficulty getting out of your drive with the car parked opposite, perhaps the post could be removed on your path? That would make it much easier for you. Doing anything about their unlicensed kerb would only inflame issues further. Personally, I’d ignore it and move on.
Sunflower says at the end of the post the “picture is of their drive and them parking over it” it’s not Sunflowers drive in the photo or she would have said my or our drive 😊

Gosh it looks as though its blocking their drive in the photo !!!
The silver car is there's and the car is over there drive making it hard get out
I really think if a car can't be reversed off this drive then make it wider by removing the post how this is an issue is beyond me. Its legally parked across its own drive I park across my drive and I expect many do. Its a normal size car not a huge van or lorry so I think hard to see how their is an issue. I sympathise but reality of life today too many cars and not enough parking spaces. Can you not apply for a disabled bay if things are really difficult..