I have been prescribed Minocycline for three months to see if it will be helpful in reducing the swelling in my joints. If it does not help I may start anti tnf therapy. I would be interested to hear from anyone who has had experience of this treatment. Fingers crossed for success I have tried many of the other arthritis drugs.
Antibiotics in RA: I have been prescribed Minocycline... - NRAS
Antibiotics in RA

Some rheumatologists do use Minocycline as a first line treatment to see if it does have an anti inflammatory effect in mild RA..
Are you in the UK? It was quite popular in The US a while ago...I have never seen anybody here mention having been prescribed it.
Let's hope it works for you.
Yes I’m in the UK, just had a second opinion on my RA my consultant said my RA was not bad enough to warrant anti-tnf. Having failed three other drugs and having swollen hand joints and knees. I waited 8months for a review and the second opinion was its bad enough and try the antibiotic to, I’m going to transfer my care now, having met a consultant who listens and examines. I could have cried with relief !!
Hi Pastels. I have been on doxycycline every day for 1 year (a similar tetracycline antibiotic to minocycline). I had allergic reactions to methotrexate and sulphasalazine before. My RA is in both ankles and one knee and, to be fair, it was never horribly aggressive but I was limping and couldn't climb up stairs.
With the doxy, my swelling lessened a little but hasn't actually disappeared. I can feel the "swishing" of the synovial fluid in my ankles when I swim. BUT the pain is much much less, and I have virtually no flares. Initially my rheumatologist wasn't happy to go the antibiotic route, but she has admitted that my RA is more or less "under control" now. I think I will have to have an MRI/x-ray sometime this year though, because we don't know if there is unseen erosion going on.
Virtually no side-effects. Bit of nausea, but nothing like mtx.
Good luck with the minocycline. I'm optimistic that it may help you. P.S. I found doxy worked very quickly, in a couple of weeks.
There are some old posts from people who have used it if you use the search box top right of your screen
I will have a look thank you.
There are a lot of possitive results on antibiotic treatment. Minocycline has been used for a long time. Doxymycine is the other antibiotic used that has shown to have effect on RA. Latest research has shown that relatively low doses of doxy help in RA. I have now been experimenting with a daily dose ot 50mg doxy for 1,5m and I am seeing a real difference in joint inflammation. I hope it will work for you. Do keep us posted, would be interesting to hear how it goes.Good luck. Simba
If you want to learn more about Minocycline treatment google Roadback foundations website.
I thought I would let you know after three days I started to feel so sick and nauseous I had to give up taking minocycline! It was worth a try though......I’m now waiting for an appointment with my new consultant to try anti tnf therapy......
Although I don’t post often myself I do read posts and find this forum so helpful, thanks to everyone for sharing their knowledge and kindness, it’s makes such a difference just knowing there are others out there that understand!!
Sorry you had a bad reaction! I was thinking at one point of trying Mino but taken a bit back of the side effects, that actually usually are less toxic than usual RA meds. After having done my research I have now tried Doxycycline 50mg daily dose for two months, just stopped a week ago and must say quite amazed by the result. Inflammation and pain significantly reduced and what was surprising as well it had a very positive effect on my digestive issues. Hope the effect will last, since don't want to take it when starting sunbathing ( makes you photosensitive). For me sunbathing without sunscreen is very therapeutic. Good luck with finding relief, it's often a complicated journey. Simba
I haven’t heard off this drug but if it’s working well for you then that’s all that matters, hope it keeps working for you x
I hope you get the anti tnf if the minocycline doesn’t work. Be cautious of gut issues with long term even low dose antibiotics I had to take doxycycline to enable me to start a biologic I only managed 10 days on biologic because antibiotics had messed me up something terrible. I would ensure you take a probiotic or live yogurt whilst on them. I’m now waiting for funding for IVIG immunoglobulin therapy as the other alternative antibiotics I’m SEVERELY allergic to. My immune system is in my boots so round two has begun to get funding as there is a major national shortage sorry I’ve rambled a bit. I hope the minocycline works for you but if not I will keep my fingers crossed you get the anti tnf.
Thank you for that, I have live yoghurt every morning and perhaps I’ll add the probiotic!
Fingers crossed for your immunoglobulin too.