I have been in hospital on antibiotics as have developed an infection in my artificial knee. Now have to be on high doses of 2 antibiotics for 6 months and they are already having me gastric issues and the usual upsets. Wondered if anyone has had to have antibiotics for a similar time and if they found a way of controlling the constant heartburn and gastritis.
Antibiotics: I have been in hospital on antibiotics as... - NRAS

I would ask a medic for some advice. Bad luck and hope you feel better soon:
My first THR was infected and I was on IV antibiotics in hospital for about 4 months. The prosthetic hip had to be removed and I was without a hip for another 3 months on oral antibiotics at home before a second THR was put in. Unfortunately vomiting, diarrhoea, rashes and thrush are common. I got 3 out of the 4! I can only suggest speaking to your doctors about it. Good luck with your knee.
So glad to see your reply. I'm dealing with this at the moment. Spacer was put in, failed etc so Tues all taken out xx
Sorry to hear that. I seem to remember they put antibiotic blocks in my hip (without normal bone or prosthetic) to pack it out plus IV antibiotics and eventually oral until clear of infection. Hope you get yours sorted out and back on your feet again soon.
That's exactly what I had on Tues. I had spacer put in in March with 5 days iv and 6 weeks oral ones but when stopped all back. June 15 days iv and 12 weeks oral but 12 days later all back. So Tues took everything out. Had 5 days iv so far but canulars have failed so thankfully bloods going right way so allowed oral again. I am back shuffling on crutches, and able to get in and out of bed etc independently now as well. Waiting for Microbiology results to come back from theatre samples. Glad to hear you are doing OK as well. Each day is a bonus xx
Hi, just came to mind I had my spacer in four 4 years before I had the courage to go back for a revision,its the fatigue that could do with a revamp now.
You are doing well shuffling on crutches. With one leg shorter with no hip I had a shoe made by the hospital to even up leg length but even then mobilising on a frame was difficult and tiring. Have they put you on Oxycodone? My infection was from THR December 2008, discovered infection March 2009, prosthetic removed (Girdlestone's procedure May 2009), IV antibiotics March-June 2009 in hospital then home on orals until September 2009 new prosthetic put in. They cut a tendon so I have no external rotation but at least I can walk.
Had I been having blood tests for MTX they might have spotted the infection sooner, but Rheumatology suggested I try without it after coming off for the surgery. Big mistake!
I can't use a frame so working with physio we found I use frame to stand from bed then crutches. I put leg on my toe to move. I was complicated as symptoms weren't consistent. Had pelvic leg pain 3 weeks after work, assumed muscle from op and returning to work. Turns out when bloods went loopy Rheumy xrayed me I had a double pelvic fracture and osteoporosis diagnosed. Pain didn't go, he did loads of investigations and a CT in Nov hip was loose and held in place by bone spur. All this time still working. Infection was found after surgeon did aspiration in Feb, taken out and spacer in, in March this year. 6 antibiotics, came back, 15 days iv and 12 weeks oral, and back again 2 weeks ago so all out last Tues. No I only take low dose cocodamol 3x a day but not really in any pain, more achy muscle. Never had any anything stronger, not needed it. Since yesterday, with a dog lead(leg lifter) can now get in and out of before etc and being fully independent. Been very shocked how I'm managing. Back on doxycycline now instead of IV as well, as couldn't get another canular in. I'm black and blue now. Thank you for replying xx
ZOE research recommends regular kefir a fermented yoghurt. The one from The Collective tastes good and I think it helped settle me. ZOE has blogs for more info.
youtu.be/o6_6I5f_OEs?si=Agm... Here is one of ZOE'S podcasts
Hi, I had an infection in the wound after knee replacement and the surgeon suggested I take a good probiotic alongside the antibiotics. I took them and had no gastric problems and I’ve continued to take them as they have really helped my gut to tolerate the iron tablets.
Thank you. Do you mind me asking which one please? I don't like kefir so thought I would have yoghurt and probiotics as well.
Another vote for probiotics - I suggested them to my husband several years ago and the GP agreed and said that he always recommended that his patients take them.
I'm actually dealing with this at the moment and in hospital but it's hip replacement. I had hip done 2 years ago, all sorts of problems, dislocation (osteoporosis) I had severe infection and they tried putting a spacer in and iv antibiotics plus 6 weeks oral. That came back. 15 days iv in June and 12 weeks oral but its back. On Tues I've had my hip taken out, nothing there and back on iv antibiotics. Just waiting for microbiology results that were taken in theatre. If you want to message me you are very welcome. Taking each day as it comes, cant plan yet but I'm shuffling on crutches now. That was after 48 hours x
I haven’t tried these yet but they are for people on antibiotics. I brought them for after my tkr in October. Maybe worth a go. Optibac probiotic for those in antibiotics
Thank you everyone. Sounds like I have got away with it quite lightly so far! Fingers crossed! 6 months of antibiotics after just 2 weeks in hospital seems quite easy compared with what you have been through. I have been better since I have been having probiotic drink daily and moving my lansoprazole around but am ordering the capsules as well. Good look to those still undergoing their treatment. I hope you have good results soon. Just 2 bouts of 3 and 2 weeks in hospital were enough for me!