Hello, I was just wondering if anyone has experienced RA in their ears? I suffered a bad throat infection in February then a painful ear infection and have had 2 lots of antibiotics and 2 lots of antibiotic ear drops but my left ear is still very painful. I am not allowed to take my Methotrexate because of the infections I have had and was due to start Benepali in March which has been postponed due to my infections. My joints are all swelling up and painful due to no rheumatoid medication - has anyone got any advice? Thank you x
RA in ears?: Hello, I was just wondering if anyone has... - NRAS
RA in ears?

You already know that infections are more common when you are on methotrexate (and benepali which you haven't started yet). Apart from that, there isn't likely to be any connection.
It's a pain (literally) when you can't take medication for your Rheumatoid Disease because of unresolved infection. They won't want to give you a steroid injection/course either with any risk of an active infection still present. I haven't any advice apart from - keep telling your medical team how bad you feel.
Hello LargetvHave you had a swab taken from your ear to identify an infection. The reason I am asking is that I have had an ongoing problem with my right ear and eventually saw an ENT specialist who explained that I did not have an infection but that my immune system was attacking normal debris, like dry skin or wax, and my ear is no longer able to deal with this debris. I have a ear suction (painless) every month to remove anything that my body is no longer able to deal with! I have RA and other inflammatory diseases. Hopefully you will get to the root of your ear pain, and soon. Best wishes to you.
Thank you for getting back to me. Yes, I had a swab taken last week and will hopefully get results tomorrow. GP said my eat canal was inflamed, just not convinced it is an ear infection! I appreciate everything you have told me and will ask if this is a possibility. Ps…I cannot change the LargeTV name! 😂
It is possible for the small bone joints in your ear to be affected by RA. Also rheumatoid nodules can form in the inner ear. Hearing loss is also more common in people with RA, but the link is not clear.These effects have been known for a long time, but largely ignored by the medical profession. Recent years have seen a resurgence in interest of the hearing loss effects of RA. Treatment of RA often leads in an improvement in hearing.
So well worth speaking to your Dr about.
In 2010 and quite suddenly I completely lost hearing in my right ear. Investigations showed that the hearing nerve had been attacked & destroyed & I would never get my hearing back. Things have never been the same since then, I can’t tell from which direction a sound is coming & I have lost my stereo effects. It was very distressing but I have somehow learned to live with it. I would say that you should see your doctor to get it all checked out quickly.

Thank you for getting back to me, that sounds awful. I will be calling my GP this morning.
I'm not sure if mine is due to RA. I have problems with my left ear. It distorts the sound depending on tones. Came on suddenly last May and I've now finally got an appointment for an MRI scan next month. Good luck with yours.
Yes my right ear has been a bit of a problem for the last 5ys. Have to attend hospital clinic every six months depending how my ear behave. I had a day surgery op about 4yrs ago i can’t remember the name of the operation never had a problem with my ear before but age i suspect may now come in to it. I also have PN.Hope you find a solution to your problem.
I agree with the comments all ready given. I too have RA and regular visits to ENT for many many years. Unfortunately the inner ear can be affected the RA and swelling I was told to take Naproxen by ENT But always got it checked out first. I am deaf in one ear and when RA affects my other ear l become completely deaf. It’s scary. But am lucky to have a great ENT nurse who helps. Get ENT to check it out they have the equipment to check the inner ear for more accurate results.
Hi Largetv. I’ve been having Infliximab infusions for over 15 yrs. I’ve had this awful disease since i was 21. I’m 50 now. For the last 3 yrs i’ve been getting the most awful ear infections. I’ve been on about 5/6 lots of antibiotics. Loads of trips to a&e. Sitting & waiting in tears. I had to go during one of the lockdowns. I was really dreading going. Thought there’d be hardly any staff. It was the opposite. The staff looked bored. There was 1 other patient infront of me. I was so bloody relieved. A load of ‘gunk’ was sucked out of my ears. I know it’s so frustrating when you can’t have your usual treatment. So you have pain in your joints & your ears. Literally from ‘ear to toe!’ All i can suggest, is get a heatpad. Get into bed & put it against one of your ears & alternate. Heat can help dull pain. My usual ‘advice’ too, is a lovely bowl of soup. (Not in the ears!!!) Spoil yourself. Eat something that gives you comfort & i find comedy helps. Put a funny dvd on. Try & take your mind off the pain. Good luck x
Oh my, that’s such a shame. I have tried everything and nothing is helping, I’ll buy a heat pad as you suggested! I made lovely soup at the weekend! Like you, I am only 49 and feel about 90! Going to call my GP now as had a swab taken last week and hopefully find out the results. Thanks so much for your advice x
Hey Largetv. Everyone on this site knows what you’re going through. Pain is so frustrating & exhausting!! I often feel about 90. I’m going through the menopause aswell. I’m wondering if hormonal changes can bring these bloody ear problems on. But a heatpad can help. My heatpad’s about 30yrs old!!! You can wrap it round any joint. Plus it could help with your ears. Try to keep your ears dry whenever you wash. (As the experts would have told you!) Good luck with the results x
Thank you, yes I am going through it too! Hope you feel okay today, yes I know everyone on here has their own struggles, I keep telling my husband to be so thankful for being healthy!
I also have glaucoma & another eye condition, Iritis. Plus since the bloody menop. I have the most awful dry eyes & dry mouth. I wake up feeling crap. So i’m not a ‘morning person’. I went for a walk the other day (Sunday). I’m still recovering. I feel like i’ve been run over. So i’m going to spoil myself. I’ve got some nice choc orange buttons, cup of tea & i’m going to watch that series about the greedy canoe guy. Aren’t ‘box sets’ great? They’re made for ‘easing pain’. Your husband’s lucky he’s pain free. It means so much if you have a healthy, sympathetic person with you.
PS Largetv.
I was told, the reason i keep getting the infections. Is because of the infusions. You’re prone to infections if you’re on immuno drugs. Maybe once you’ve sorted this out. You can get some olive oil eardrops. Just use them once/twice a week, to keep the ears lubricated. That’s what one of the drs told me to do. I was getting the most awful itchiness deep in the ears, a disgusting smelling fluid, severe pain, dizzy spells. Plus memory loss too. Scary. They were nervous the infection was spreading to my brain!! So that’s why it’s so important all of us get things checked out. Good luck AGAIN! X
Hey again. Yes my eye conditions come with the RA. A package deal. Have a nice day too. X